State Of The Country

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  • Lucavia123
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2011
    • 534

    State Of The Country

    Considering the state of the US today (crushing debt, lack of true leadership, failed energy policy, failed foreign policy, occupy wall street running wild, radical Islam, massive growth of the federal government, complete lack of even trying to pass a federal budget let alone a balanced one) is anyone else worried about the future of this country and the stock market we are investing in. Why is the market up so much when the economy is so poor? What is propping up this market? Is it the government? Does this feel like a house of card ready to crash at anytime?

    The US is our country. It is our home. I am hoping I can give it to my children but I am so afraid of what it is becoming.

    I know this is off topic but our future is important. Any comments or ideas?
  • peanuts
    Senior Member
    • Feb 2006
    • 3365

    The current environment is downtrodden and there is seemingly little hope for a recovery around the bend... There has been a recent upswing in some equities like AAPL, PCLN, GOOG, and some cloud stocks, but true gritty industries that produce more than the latest and greatest, I'm talking about the building blocks of America, like structural steel, cars, etc., are dying and some are on life support... And that's what is propping things up... monetary life support in the form of stimulus packages, QE's, bailouts, blah blah blah... It's not true demand that we are seeing that is driving the economy. Is is an illusionary force called money printing that gives many people the impression that the stock market is up, that their retirement is secure, that the US is going to always be the dominant economic force.

    It's all smoke and mirrors. It's all a facade. The truth is that the economy as we knew it is coming apart at the seams, and the seamstress is overworked and only knows one solution to all problems... print more money... extend the illusion... keep the dream alive. I'm afraid that when we begin to wake up, it will be too late to call in a tailor to fix things the right way.

    We currently give power to about 550 individuals to make up the rules and to protect our long term interests. I think it is time to vote them all out. One by one, vote them all out. If he/she is an incumbent, then they don't get your vote. Most of the problems we have today are due to them, not me and you. It's time that me and you get our turn to make the rules and look out for our own future.
    Hide not your talents.
    They for use were made.
    What's a sundial in the shade?

    - Benjamin Franklin


    • mrmarket
      • Sep 2003
      • 5971

      Originally posted by Lucavia123 View Post
      Considering the state of the US today (crushing debt, lack of true leadership, failed energy policy, failed foreign policy, occupy wall street running wild, radical Islam, massive growth of the federal government, complete lack of even trying to pass a federal budget let alone a balanced one) is anyone else worried about the future of this country and the stock market we are investing in. Why is the market up so much when the economy is so poor? What is propping up this market? Is it the government? Does this feel like a house of card ready to crash at anytime?

      The US is our country. It is our home. I am hoping I can give it to my children but I am so afraid of what it is becoming.

      I know this is off topic but our future is important. Any comments or ideas?
      Government is too big. It's easy to make it smaller...stop funding it.

      The market goes up because of earnings earnings earnings.

      I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

      - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


      • ronbo64
        Junior Member
        • Apr 2012
        • 5

        Originally posted by mrmarket View Post
        Government is too big. It's easy to make it smaller...stop funding it.

        The market goes up because of earnings earnings earnings.
        Hahahaha I Love that statement Mr. Huge. So Please Sir. Tell me how I can stop funding it. I am so tired of listening how rich these damn people are and yet they want more and more. It seems like Mr. Romney just keeps on making it and storing it in safe havens so he doesn't have to pay tax and we can pay his fair share. Obumma is in the same boat as all of the cronies in Washington. Steal from the little people and give to the Brothers.


        • skiracer
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2004
          • 6314

          we are all going to live to see the violence that is coming once the dollar fails, no one will write or buy our debt, and the entitlement checks stop going out because the well has gone dry. The entitlement mentality is one that only sees as far as their next check. Stop their money and they will be rioting in the streets and in our homes like a bunch of jackals gone on a rampage. You can bet the bank that this is coming. my only advice is to ammo up to protect yourselves and what is yours.


          • mimo_100
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2003
            • 1784

            As long as people are driven by greed, there will be problems.

            If we could somehow create a generation of people who respected their neighbors, then many problems would go away. Unfortunately, today the young see nothing wrong with stealing, cheating, and doing anything they can to "get ahead of the other guy." There are those who refuse to work, put their hand out, and receive free cell phones, food, clothing, housing, etc., etc.

            I was brought up to respect the person next to me, and to follow the 10 commandments. All of that went out the door starting in the early 70's. We are reaping the effects of this, in my opinion.
            Tim - Retired Problem Solver


            • mrmarket
              • Sep 2003
              • 5971

              Originally posted by mimo_100 View Post
              As long as people are driven by greed, there will be problems.

              If we could somehow create a generation of people who respected their neighbors, then many problems would go away. Unfortunately, today the young see nothing wrong with stealing, cheating, and doing anything they can to "get ahead of the other guy." There are those who refuse to work, put their hand out, and receive free cell phones, food, clothing, housing, etc., etc.

              I was brought up to respect the person next to me, and to follow the 10 commandments. All of that went out the door starting in the early 70's. We are reaping the effects of this, in my opinion.
              Interesting how the Native Americans and Pilgrims figured it out 400 years ago..there wasnt any taxes and medicare then.

              I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

              - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


              • ronbo64
                Junior Member
                • Apr 2012
                • 5

                Originally posted by mimo_100 View Post
                As long as people are driven by greed, there will be problems.

                If we could somehow create a generation of people who respected their neighbors, then many problems would go away. Unfortunately, today the young see nothing wrong with stealing, cheating, and doing anything they can to "get ahead of the other guy." There are those who refuse to work, put their hand out, and receive free cell phones, food, clothing, housing, etc., etc.

                I was brought up to respect the person next to me, and to follow the 10 commandments. All of that went out the door starting in the early 70's. We are reaping the effects of this, in my opinion.
                You said the magic words when you said Government is too big. But how are we going to reduce Government? They won't quit and the people now-a-days are too stupid or too lazy to see what is happening to our Country. The Government lets these illegals stay here and give them free handouts. The illegals say their here to do the jobs we don't and won't do
                I say give the welfare recipients a choice to go pick crops and earn your free money or go without.

                it isn't safe to go outside anymore unless your packing. Big Phama is sucking the Gov. dry and it looks like everything is going to hell in a hand basket. Just pray that everything works out ok.


                • mrmarket
                  • Sep 2003
                  • 5971

                  I agree with most everything you say. I disagree with the gun comments. I don't own a gun. I have never felt that I needed a gun. I have never felt unsafe ever..anywhere.

                  I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

                  - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


                  • Phoenix7
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2011
                    • 3663

                    State Of The Nation

                    Governor Cuomo of NY , a Democrat, was recently seen in the paper congratulating Obama for his job creation thus far........Does he actually believe that BS? , or worse yet are the people stupid enough to buy that ?
                    Tell that to the millions graduating college soon .......where are the jobs for those folks?
                    Yes there are jobs friend's son just graduated with a degree in Pharmacy and was just hired by CVS at 120K to start.
                    The rest majoring in English, basket weaving , sociology may as well wipe your as* with those degrees.


                    • riverbabe
                      Senior Member
                      • May 2005
                      • 3373

                      Originally posted by Phoenix7 View Post
                      Governor Cuomo of NY , a Democrat, was recently seen in the paper congratulating Obama for his job creation thus far........Does he actually believe that BS? , or worse yet are the people stupid enough to buy that ?
                      Tell that to the millions graduating college soon .......where are the jobs for those folks?
                      Yes there are jobs friend's son just graduated with a degree in Pharmacy and was just hired by CVS at 120K to start.
                      The rest majoring in English, basket weaving , sociology may as well wipe your as* with those degrees.
                      My grandson graduated with degree in PolySci in Dec. Had a job within one month. They liked him so much they created the job for him to train him in managing franchisees. Job to be upgraded within four months (end of May) if he does good. Already scoring box seats at sporting events. Surprised the heck out of me. Has his own apt. and paying his own car insurance!


                      • Phoenix7
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2011
                        • 3663


                        Originally posted by riverbabe View Post
                        My grandson graduated with degree in PolySci in Dec. Had a job within one month. They liked him so much they created the job for him to train him in managing franchisees. Job to be upgraded within four months (end of May) if he does good. Already scoring box seats at sporting events. Surprised the heck out of me. Has his own apt. and paying his own car insurance!
                        Obviously your grandson ......has no time for the Occupy Wall Street Movement......he appears to be too busy making money the old fashioned way ....BY EARNING IT! LOL

