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  • kingofthehill
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 487


    eln $6.60 to 8.44

    options 15 cents were worth 90 cents to 1.00

    great week ...and its not over yet for ELN

    presenting at JPmorgan WED. 15th
  • mrmarket
    • Sep 2003
    • 5971

    I do not own ELN

    I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

    - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


    • kingofthehill
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2003
      • 487




      • jiesen
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2003
        • 5319


        how about this: XING up from 8.8 to 12.8?

        I wish I still had my ELN shares, as I owned them from 50 down to 2.50, where my %@#@! American Express 401k custodians forced a sell on them due to a low account balance. (Elan laid me off after buying the company I worked for, so I had no desire to buy shares in ELN after that) But, anyway, I think I've done much better with XING and LJPC than I would have with ELN.


        • kingofthehill
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2003
          • 487

          nice run on the zing

          here is the ELN tech chart,v&c=

          any room left in xing ????


          • Michaelk005

            My week was similar. Why do you feel ELN is the next big thing. CHart wise i think it has already peaked.


            • jiesen
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2003
              • 5319

              XING's zing

              I think there's still plenty of zing left to XING, though I don't expect it right now, after big pops like this, it tends to drift back a bit. That's why I sold some at 11-12. But I intend to buy them back a few bucks cheaper, and ride it to 20 or 30 at least. I think XING will be HUGE when it overcomes some of the issues that it has- yearly reporting, young company, communist government (well, 2 of 3 anyway).


              • kingofthehill
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2003
                • 487

                why ELN has plenty of room to move up


                they own 50% of Antergen drug ..possible blockbuster for MS disease
                the other 50 is owned by Biogen (BIIB) now in phase 4 trials

                Prilat drug ---1,000 times more powerful than MORPHINE ..AND its non addictive

                they are a true nantech play that works NOW

                MOST U.S. brokerage houses have rules against putting a buy out on a SEC inquiry company

                the company is in the last months of a SEC 2 year investigation everyone believes they will get a fine and thats it

                so thats it they get a HALO effect from the good news and they have sold tons of assets too raise cash

                from the yahoo board
                Comments on your final point regarding the SEC.

                The investigation has gone on for nearly 23 months now, since February 12, 2002. It was initiated based on Jesse Eisinger’s January 30, 2002 article in the WSJ (I can email you a copy). Given the climate at the time, with Enron and WorldCom in the headlines, the SEC really had little choice but to follow up the article (which really just rehashed information that had been well known by many of us for years, after articles in Fortune and Just two and one-half years earlier, in August 1999, the SEC had concluded a six month investigation of Elan’s accounting for 1997 and 1998, and it was resolved with a two cent per share restatement for 1997.

                As the SEC investigation has dragged on, many of us have taken some comfort from the fact that Dick Thornburgh, former Attorney General and Governor of Pennsylvania, has served on the Elan board of directors since March 1996, and that he was appointed to the newly created positions of Lead Independent Director and Chair of the Corporate Governance Committee in June 2002. Subsequently, in August 2002, Mr. Thornburgh accepted the position of bankruptcy examiner by Judge Rakoff in the WorldCom bankruptcy case. One would expect that the Office of the United States Trustee, the court and the interested parties in the WorldCom case checked Mr. Thornburgh’s credentials before retaining him (and possibly made a call to the SEC, given that Mr. Thornburgh’s role at Elan, the pending SEC investigation of Elan, and the pending lawsuits were fully disclosed at the time. Certainly, Mr. Thornburgh could easily have resigned from the Elan board because of the “press of other commitments” or some similar excuse, but he has not. If you read Mr. Thornburgh’s two reports to the WorldCom bankruptcy court, you will see that he is highly critical of the role of the WorldCom board of directors. If the Elan board of directors was equally deficient in its oversight of Elan, Mr. Thornburgh would be guilty of the worst form of hypocrisy. Here are links to Mr. Thornburgh’s two reports (a third is expected shortly):



                • kingofthehill
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2003
                  • 487

                  the new CEO is G.KELLY MARTIN

                  Bull run to stall early in 2004, betting firms warn

                  04/01/04 00:00

                  By Eamon Quinn
                  The bull run in world stock markets will run out of steam and Irish property will be a better bet than equities this year, share betting firms have warned.

                  In new year predictions, financial bookies in Dublin and London said that the returns from world stock market indices this year will be modest following the surge in valuations experienced last year.

                  The US stock markets are overvalued and the best value will be found in some continental European markets.

                  Predictions from the share spread firms are generally a reliable guide because they reflect the weight of personal money wagered by usually clued-in professional punters.

                  "My personal opinion is that earning multiples are just too high," said Conor Foley, managing director of Sports Spread, whose financial betting offshoot, Share Spread, is downbeat on the prospect for stock indices in the coming year.

                  "I just would not be buying the indices at these levels. There may not even be a positive year."

                  The Iseq will end the year with gains of just 4 per cent, while the Dow, Nasdaq and Ftse will be lucky to notch any gains at all during this year, according to Share Spread.

                  IG Index in London predicts the Dow and Ftse will climb early in the year but will fall back to end the year little changed from current levels. The spread betting firm predicts there is a 22 per cent chance that the Dow will reach a closing high of 11520 during the year but warns that the index will still end the year below current levels.

                  Irish propertyis likelyto outperform stock prices this year. Share Spread, which sees the Irish house price index rising by 6.75 per cent this year, is offering a supremacy wager that predicts house prices will rise faster than the Iseq index.

                  On individual Irish shares, Share Spread forecasts Bank of Ireland and Elan will be the best performing stocks this year. Pharmaceutical stocks are attracting punter money and Bank of Ireland could be a potential takeover target, said Foley.

                  Share Spread predictions for the year:

                  * the Dow to end at 10750, 3 per cent above current levels

                  * Nasdaq to end at 2065,1.5 per cent above current levels

                  * Iseq to end at 5160, just over 4 per cent above current levels

                  * Ftse to end at 4600, a 2.3 per cent rise from current levels

                  * the euro to fall to $1.20 from $1.26

                  * the euro to fall back to stg»0.67

                  * the Irish house price index to rise 6.75 per cent

                  * gold to rise to $430 per ounce

                  * best Irish share - Bankof Ireland

                  * best sector - Elan and pharmaceuticals

                  * best novelty play - house price index/Iseq supremacy +2 per cent.


                  • kingofthehill
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2003
                    • 487

                    Business Editors

                    DUBLIN, Ireland--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 6, 2003

                    Elan Corporation, plc (NYSE:ELN) ("Elan") today announced that G. Kelly Martin, 43, has been named President and Chief Executive Officer of the company by unanimous vote of its Board of Directors. The appointment is effective February 3, 2003.

                    "I am particularly pleased that Kelly possesses all the requirements which we defined as critical for our CEO candidate. Although he does not have direct pharmaceutical industry experience, Kelly's exceptional management and business skills, along with his tremendous passion for what our company does, makes him an outstanding choice to lead Elan in its efforts to recover and reestablish itself as a leader in our industry, " said Dr. Garo Armen, who will remain Chairman of Elan.

                    Mr. Martin was a member of both the Executive Management and Operating Committee of Merrill Lynch & Co. and was formerly president of the International Private Client Group.

                    Mr. Martin's career at Merrill Lynch encompasses a broad array of operating and executive responsibilities on a global basis. In his most recent position, he was responsible for re-engineering the company's non-US private client business. A critical success of this assignment was achieving profitability for the first time in Japan.

                    Previously, Mr. Martin oversaw the overhaul of the Merrill's global debt markets business after significant market turmoil in 1998. From 1995-1998, he was responsible for systems and technology for Merrill Lynch. Earlier in his career with Merrill Lynch, Mr. Martin spent eight years in London, and over two years in Japan in a variety of roles. He received a B.A. degree in politics from Princeton University in 1981.

                    "After more than 20 years on Wall Street and in the world's capital markets, I am joining a company which has the opportunity to change the way diseases like Alzheimer's, Crohn's and multiple sclerosis are treated," said Martin. "My goal is to help bring these important compounds to market by ensuring a strong financial future and operating platform for Elan."

                    Mr. Martin will join Elan's Board of Directors. As part of its continued commitment to corporate governance, the company said the positions of Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board will be separate positions at Elan.

                    Elan is focused on the discovery, development, manufacturing, selling and marketing of novel therapeutic products in neurology, pain management and autoimmune diseases. Elan shares trade on the New York, London and Dublin Stock Exchanges.

                    This news release may contain certain forward-looking statements by Elan that involve risks and uncertainties and reflect the company's judgment as of the date of this release. Actual events or results may differ from the company's expectations. Further risks, uncertainties and other matters can be found in Elan's Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2001, and in its Reports of Foreign Issuer on Form 6-K. Elan assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

                    COPYRIGHT 2003 Business Wire
                    COPYRIGHT 2003 Gale Group


                    • Michaelk005

                      ooo ic, ill pick up a few hundred shares on mon and see how they do.


                      • kingofthehill
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2003
                        • 487

                        most of the ideas in this one year old sotry by forbes have been completed


                        • kingofthehill
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2003
                          • 487

                          Biogen , who owns 50% of the drug with ELan presented today at JPMORGAN

                          Notes from the Biogen presentation
                          by: doodah95 (35/M/San Francisco, CA)
                          Long-Term Sentiment: Buy 01/12/04 07:30 pm
                          Msg: 291523 of 291527

                          Just some quick notes:

                          1) Antegren was the first drug mentioned under the subgroup "Pipeline."

                          2) Stated that there has been more attention given to Biogen's late stage products, and this attention is "well-deserved."

                          3) Biogen, with partner Elan, will soon be pursuing the rheumatoid arthritis indication with Antegren.

                          4) Mentioned that there has been much speculation that Antegren for MS will be filed early. At this time, Biogen has no plans to discuss 1 year data at any conference, and will only issue a release if they in fact FILE after the 1 year data. States that the likelihood of an early filing (after 1 year data) is fairly low, since the agency (FDA) consistently requires 2 years of safety data.

                          5) Mentions that Antegren missed the primary endpoint in the Crohn's trial, but showed efficacy.

                          All in all, fairly short discussion on Antegren, and no "earthshaking" news was revealed/shared.

                          Looking forward to Elan's Thursday presentation, although there should be no new news regarding Antegren (maybe some good tidbits on Myobloc? Frova? etc).


                          • kingofthehill
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2003
                            • 487

                            Related Company News

                            Biogen Idec Says Antegren May Win Approval Next Year (Update2)
                            January 13, 2004 16:37 EST -- Biogen Idec Inc., the world's third- biggest biotechnology company, may introduce its experimental Antegren drug for multiple sclerosis as early as next year, Chief Executive Officer James Mullen said.

                            Biogen Idec Says Antegren May Win Approval Next Year (Update1)
                            January 13, 2004 15:30 EST -- Biogen Idec Inc., the world's third- biggest biotechnology company, may introduce its experimental Antegren drug for multiple sclerosis as early as next year, Chief Executive Officer James Mullen said.


                            • kingofthehill
                              Senior Member
                              • Nov 2003
                              • 487

                              guys its not to late read the article from this weeks WALL STREET JOURNAL

                              ..BY THE WAY IM ALL EARS .. is there a better stock than eln for the next 6 months lets me know here !!!

                              Biogen, Elan Move Up Schedule
                              For Jointly Developed MS Drug

                              By DAVID ARMSTRONG
                              Staff Reporter of THE WALL STREET JOURNAL

                              Biogen Idec Inc. and Elan Corp. said they will seek approval of their jointly developed multiple-sclerosis drug about a year earlier than expected.

                              The announcement, which sent their stocks soaring, came after both companies met with Federal Drug Administration officials Tuesday to discuss the first year of results from a two-year study that is the final clinical trial required for approval. In the past, the FDA has required completed two year results before considering approval of MS drugs. The companies said they would submit final, two-year data some time next year even if the FDA approves the drug, which is called Antegren, before then.

                              "If the regulatory timeline holds, we would expect to see this drug on market in 2005, which is a year to two ahead of schedule," said Kelly Martin, chief executive of Elan, which is based in Dublin, Ireland.

                              Biogen Idec and Elan said they will file for FDA approval of Antegren by the middle of this year. Previously, analysts expected the companies to seek approval in mid-2005.

                              Although the companies refused to discuss results from the first year of the clinical trial, their decision to file early with the FDA suggested the initial trial results were promising. In a previous clinical trial spanning six months, Antegren was significantly better at preventing relapses among MS patients than drugs already on the market. The drug is also being tested for Crohn's disease, an intestinal disorder, and for rheumatoid arthritis.

                              Shares of Biogen Idec rose $8.97, or 20%, to $53.23 in 4 p.m. Nasdaq Stock Market trading. Elan's American depositary shares jumped $3, or 34%, to $11.80 in 4 p.m. New York Stock Exchange composite trading.

                              Biogen Idec, of Cambridge, Mass., already sells Avonex, an MS drug that competes against Rebif from Serono SA; Schering AG's Betaferon and Teva Pharmaceutical Industries LTD Copaxone. Biogen estimates the world-wide market for MS drugs at $3 billion a year, and growing.

                              Antegren works differently than MS drugs on the market today. It prevents white-blood cells from making their way into inflamed brain tissue where they secrete molecules that can destroy nerve fibers or the insulation around them.

                              All but one of the other MS drugs are known as beta interferons, which work to confuse the immune system and block the inflammation process. Antegren is administered intravenously, once a month. The other drugs are given by injection, from once a week to several times a week, depending on the drug.

                              Separately, Elan reported a substantially narrower net loss for the fourth-quarter. The company had a loss of $328.2 million, or 88 cents a share, compared with a loss of $688.5 million, or $1.97 a share, a year earlier. Revenue rose to $157.5 million from $113.7 million

                              The Antegren news "effectively transforms" Elan's prospects, said Peter Jackson, an analyst at Bloxham Stockbrokers. He said Antegren could become the lead drug in the multiple-sclerosis marketplace.

                              Mr. Martin, Elan's CEO, said that assuming Antegren and pain drug Prialt come to market, he expects the company to return to profitability on an operating level in the second half of 2005.

                              Mr. Martin said he expects a resolution by the end of the first quarter of 2004 of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's investigation into Elan's accounting practices. "Everyone at Elan would all like to have this topic behind us," he said. "We're literally waiting for [the SEC's] call."

                              --Quentin Fottrell contributed to this article

                              Write to David Armstrong at [email protected]

