Jesse led an exciting life as a stock trader. He passed away in 1940 but his legacy lingers on.
Here is one book you will want to read. The book is available on Amazon and one reviewer on the Amazon site sums it all up.
" Literary critics are often asked, "If you were stranded on a tropical island and you only had one book to read for the rest of your life which book would you choose?" Well, if you posed that same question to the world's professional traders the response "Reminiscences of a Stock Operator by Edwin LeFevre" would be the most frequent response, and by a large margin."
Here is one book you will want to read. The book is available on Amazon and one reviewer on the Amazon site sums it all up.
" Literary critics are often asked, "If you were stranded on a tropical island and you only had one book to read for the rest of your life which book would you choose?" Well, if you posed that same question to the world's professional traders the response "Reminiscences of a Stock Operator by Edwin LeFevre" would be the most frequent response, and by a large margin."