Bought another 5.2% of SDS at 38.694
Outsmarting the Market
Outsmarting the markets has proven very very tricky. Tomorrow I'm trying to sell my inverse ETFs on a 2-3% move lower in the S&P500/Dow30, and possibly reverse some long to play labor day weekend/end of month. I would also think the markets are a bit oversold at that point and will look to get back into my short inverse ETFs at a higher price.
Originally posted by antioch6 View PostOutsmarting the markets has proven very very tricky. Tomorrow I'm trying to sell my inverse ETFs on a 2-3% move lower in the S&P500/Dow30, and possibly reverse some long to play labor day weekend/end of month. I would also think the markets are a bit oversold at that point and will look to get back into my short inverse ETFs at a higher price.
Sold my inverse ETFs just now. This kind of trading isn't bringing in much money and I have to constantly be checking where the market is. You could say I'm closing my short term outsmarting the market fund!
SKF 22.87
DXD 35.40
SDS 39.04
TWM 16.37
Sold QID with a 3% loss in a few hours. The nasdaq is really strong. I'm thinking maybe I want to buy NVDA CMG GOOGL AAPL when this bear market is over.
Update. This post is taking me a few hours because I was thinking if I should sell my short on Financials. I did sell it for a 3% loss overall. After today I'm wondering if I should just buy stocks and not short ever again. But I've felt like this before when I was holding and the market was down. So it's just waiting that isn't fun. There are a lot of people with money that could buy stocks for any reason. I think all the good news is out. Gold stocks were down so I need to decide whether I'm going to short more gold stocks or buy my mechanical stocks. I don't know where prices are going to be. So it makes sense to short some and buy some.
Are we going to drop from here, or is this the middle of a new range? Can more people buy in at a higher price? It makes sense but I have a hard time believing people with alot of money or alot of education can buy with a p/e of 20 or 24. If a stock grows at 20% then next year the value will be 16, and if it grows again it'll be 12.8. That's still 12 years before you get your money back. So a third year and a pe of 9.6. I would say 4 and a half years should do it at 20% growth. It still comes out to about 6 years before you double your money.
Maybe the entire s&p isn't worth a 20 pe. Maybe just like Google and apple. So I'll keep buying in my mechanical thread even though the initial round of buying is over. What percentage of money should I short gold and what percentage should I buy? I have 2x margin so 75% buy 25% sell. No 80% buy 20% sell. I will have to switch and buy now because my screen is full of names.
So I feel like selling today. I'm hesitant because the last time I sold SD it went up 4.58% in a few hours. Also, the last time I tried shorting the market kept going higher. Just doesn't feel like there is anything left in the market. If people were gunna buy, what are they waiting for? Maybe it's just time to get off margin and short something.