Go ahead and Google this: Who is the greatest stock picker on the planet? Well never mind what Google says, because there can be no debate at all. In fact, I am the greatest stock picker in the universe. That’s right, today I sold GOOG at 1012.39. Yes, I said GOOG would hit 1000 and it did. That’s a 15.7% gain over my purchase price of 875 on May 10, 2013. Over the same period, the S&P 500 only went up 6.7%. So that’s 15.7 vs. 6.7. Not only did I beat the market, I beat the spread by more than a touchdown. I am great, the market is meh.
That’s an annualized gain of 36%. Who else makes 36% in a year besides $$$MR. MARKET$$$???? You? YOU??? YOU???
That makes 23 consecutive profitable trades of 15% or better? How does he do it? How does he do it? Are you amazed? Are you stunned? Do you disbelieve???? Why? Every time you get an email from me, it’s about me smashing the market. Haven’t you learned yet??
I am HUGE!! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses. I am the ultimate stock picker in the universe. I don’t keep money under my mattress, my mattress is stuffed with money. It’s nice and cushy from all of the stock picks that print me money.
Spilled milk cries over $$$MR. MARKET$$$. He shot the sheriff AND the deputy. He can kill two stones with one bird. He’s a lover, not a fighter…but he’s also a fighter, so don’t get any ideas. He has never waited 15 minutes after eating a meal before going swimming. When the owls ask Who? The answer is always $$$MR. MARKET$$$
You don’t have to be as good as $$$MR. MARKET$$$ to pick stocks like he does. Just read his website. Tell a friend about his website and tell ME how much you like reading about these stock picks. If you do, I’ll send you another one. If you don’t, I might not ever send you one again.
So what’s it gonna be boy? Yes…or…no???
I am HUGE!!!
$$$MR. MARKET$$$
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05-12-2013, 01:48 PM #1 mrmarket
Join Date
Sep 2003
Default GOOG ==> The Mother's Day Winner
Want to know how far Pluto is from the sun? You Google it. You want to know how much money Warren Buffet has? You Google it. Want to know why you your ankle hurts? You Google it? Want to know which stock to buy next? You go to www.mrmarketishuge.com
Ironically, $$$MR. MARKET$$$ will tell you that he just bought stock in Google. Yep, on Friday I bought shares in GOOG at 875. I will sell it in 4 – 6 weeks at 1012.39. I know, I know..who has money to buy a thousand dollar stock? I got a better one for you, how can you afford NOT to own Google??
Start with the chart….Wall Street loves this stock:
Why is it priced so high? Because it’s shares keep going up, that’s why. Why do the shares keep going up? Because the company makes a ton of money…it literally prints money.
Google is one of the five most popular websites in the world. Google is a web search engine that lets you find other sites on the web based on keyword searches. Google also provides specialized searches through blogs, catalogs, videos, news items and more.
Google provides Internet services that let you create blogs, send email, and publish web pages. Google has social networking tools, organization tools, and chat tools, services for mobile devices, and even Google branded merchandise.
How Google Began:
Larry Page and Sergey Brin collaborated at Stanford University (aaaaaah Tree) on a search engine called "Backrub." The name came from the search engine's use of back-links to determine page relevance. This is a patented algorithm known as PageRank. Brin and Page left Stanford and founded Google, Inc in September of 1998. Google was an instant hit, and by the year 2000, Google was the world's largest search engine. By 2001 it did something that eluded most of the dot.com business startups of the time:
Google became profitable.
How Google Makes Money:
Most services Google provides are free, meaning that the user does not have to pay money to use them. The way they achieve this while still making money is through unobtrusive, targeted text advertisement links.
Although most of Google's profit comes from Internet advertising revenue, the company also sells some subscription services, such as Google Earth Plus and Google Earth Pro. Google also sells enterprise searching tools, servers, and search technologies for corporations.
Most people don’t realize how wide reaching Google’s offerings are. Did you know it owns the two most popular search engines on the planet? Google.com is obviously No. 1. But YouTube is No. 2 – ahead of Bing and Yahoo. Yes…Youtube. In not that many years in the future, TV and Cable TV will be toast, and we’ll be watching everything on Youtube.
Under Chief Executive Officer Larry Page, Google has impressed investors with its strides in mobile advertising. Google will command 55 percent of the U.S. market for mobile-ad revenue this year and 57 percent in 2014. In the display-based advertising market, which includes banner ads, Google took the top spot from Facebook (FB) in 2012, while Yahoo! (YHOO) was No. 3.
Google is well positioned for the continuing shift of ad dollars to digital. Web-based advertising is the fastest-growing medium globally and should become the No. 2 category this year, with 20 percent of the market, surpassing newspapers. Television still dominates, with 40 percent—though Google is poised to make inroads in that market through YouTube.
With free internet, more people will be online than ever before and that means more people will be using the gateway to the internet - Google's search engine. This translates directly into ad revenue. That's not all, though. Users who were hesitant to go mobile because they didn't want to pay for data plans will now be able to hop on to Google's free WiFi network anywhere in their hometown. This translates into more tablet and smartphone sales, boosting Android and iOS usage. Again, Google wins with more ad revenue. That's just ONE of Google's developing projects. They're even working on clean energy.
The vast majority of Google’s revenue comes from advertising, and Google keeps people viewing its ads by dominating the market in all of the ways people use their computing devices. It dominates in search. It dominates in video (YouTube). It dominates in mobile (Android), and in Web e-mail (Gmail). Android is a perfect example: By making it free to hardware vendors, Google has built market share for its mobile operating system and made it difficult for others to do the same. That puts Android on a majority of the smartphones sold, particularly in future growth areas such as India and China, and gives Google another ad outlet.
Google has a highly profitable business model and earnings are expected to grow. ANAL-ysts expect Google to earn over $46 in EPS this year, growing to over $62 in 2015. Whether or not their numbers are accurate really doesn’t matter. What they get is that there is going to be enormous growth, and there is little questioning of that.
In terms of revenues, Google's growth has been phenomenal, rising from $6.1 billion in 2005 to $50.2 billion in 2012. Earnings have also been robust, leaping from $5.20 a share in 2005 to $28.72 in 2012.
With a trailing PE of 26 and a forward PE of 16, this stock just isn’t that expensive, considering its ridiculous growth potential. The internet has traversed from being a nice novelty, to a convenience to now a necessity and Google is leading the way. Google is sitting on $50 billion in cash! It’s a monster with a profit margin of 21% and a ROE of 16%.
On April 18, 2013 GOOG announced financial results for the quarter ended March 31, 2013. Google Inc. reported consolidated revenues of $13.97 billion for the quarter ended March 31, 2013, an increase of 31% compared to the first quarter of 2012. GAAP operating income in the first quarter of 2013 was $3.48 billion, or 25% of revenues.
“We had a very strong start to 2013, with $14.0 billion in revenue, up 31% year-on-year,†said Larry Page, CEO of Google. “We are working hard and investing in our products that aim to improve billions of people's lives all around the world.†Instead of dwelling on his company’s gigantic advertising business, the CEO would rather talk about the products and services that will feed growth to Google’s bottom line for years to come – Android, for instance, or Google Chromebook computers, or Google Glass, a wearable computing device the company is developing.
Why own Google? Better question is, why not own Google? If you use Bing or Yahoo to get your search results, then be a renegade. I want to be the guy who owns GOOG when it hits 1000, and I am pretty sure it will get there.
I am HUGE!
$$$MR. MARKET$$$
Last edited by mrmarket; 05-17-2013 at 04:48 PM.
That’s an annualized gain of 36%. Who else makes 36% in a year besides $$$MR. MARKET$$$???? You? YOU??? YOU???
That makes 23 consecutive profitable trades of 15% or better? How does he do it? How does he do it? Are you amazed? Are you stunned? Do you disbelieve???? Why? Every time you get an email from me, it’s about me smashing the market. Haven’t you learned yet??
I am HUGE!! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses. I am the ultimate stock picker in the universe. I don’t keep money under my mattress, my mattress is stuffed with money. It’s nice and cushy from all of the stock picks that print me money.
Spilled milk cries over $$$MR. MARKET$$$. He shot the sheriff AND the deputy. He can kill two stones with one bird. He’s a lover, not a fighter…but he’s also a fighter, so don’t get any ideas. He has never waited 15 minutes after eating a meal before going swimming. When the owls ask Who? The answer is always $$$MR. MARKET$$$
You don’t have to be as good as $$$MR. MARKET$$$ to pick stocks like he does. Just read his website. Tell a friend about his website and tell ME how much you like reading about these stock picks. If you do, I’ll send you another one. If you don’t, I might not ever send you one again.
So what’s it gonna be boy? Yes…or…no???
I am HUGE!!!
$$$MR. MARKET$$$
================================================== ========================
05-12-2013, 01:48 PM #1 mrmarket
Join Date
Sep 2003
Default GOOG ==> The Mother's Day Winner
Want to know how far Pluto is from the sun? You Google it. You want to know how much money Warren Buffet has? You Google it. Want to know why you your ankle hurts? You Google it? Want to know which stock to buy next? You go to www.mrmarketishuge.com
Ironically, $$$MR. MARKET$$$ will tell you that he just bought stock in Google. Yep, on Friday I bought shares in GOOG at 875. I will sell it in 4 – 6 weeks at 1012.39. I know, I know..who has money to buy a thousand dollar stock? I got a better one for you, how can you afford NOT to own Google??
Start with the chart….Wall Street loves this stock:
Why is it priced so high? Because it’s shares keep going up, that’s why. Why do the shares keep going up? Because the company makes a ton of money…it literally prints money.
Google is one of the five most popular websites in the world. Google is a web search engine that lets you find other sites on the web based on keyword searches. Google also provides specialized searches through blogs, catalogs, videos, news items and more.
Google provides Internet services that let you create blogs, send email, and publish web pages. Google has social networking tools, organization tools, and chat tools, services for mobile devices, and even Google branded merchandise.
How Google Began:
Larry Page and Sergey Brin collaborated at Stanford University (aaaaaah Tree) on a search engine called "Backrub." The name came from the search engine's use of back-links to determine page relevance. This is a patented algorithm known as PageRank. Brin and Page left Stanford and founded Google, Inc in September of 1998. Google was an instant hit, and by the year 2000, Google was the world's largest search engine. By 2001 it did something that eluded most of the dot.com business startups of the time:
Google became profitable.
How Google Makes Money:
Most services Google provides are free, meaning that the user does not have to pay money to use them. The way they achieve this while still making money is through unobtrusive, targeted text advertisement links.
Although most of Google's profit comes from Internet advertising revenue, the company also sells some subscription services, such as Google Earth Plus and Google Earth Pro. Google also sells enterprise searching tools, servers, and search technologies for corporations.
Most people don’t realize how wide reaching Google’s offerings are. Did you know it owns the two most popular search engines on the planet? Google.com is obviously No. 1. But YouTube is No. 2 – ahead of Bing and Yahoo. Yes…Youtube. In not that many years in the future, TV and Cable TV will be toast, and we’ll be watching everything on Youtube.
Under Chief Executive Officer Larry Page, Google has impressed investors with its strides in mobile advertising. Google will command 55 percent of the U.S. market for mobile-ad revenue this year and 57 percent in 2014. In the display-based advertising market, which includes banner ads, Google took the top spot from Facebook (FB) in 2012, while Yahoo! (YHOO) was No. 3.
Google is well positioned for the continuing shift of ad dollars to digital. Web-based advertising is the fastest-growing medium globally and should become the No. 2 category this year, with 20 percent of the market, surpassing newspapers. Television still dominates, with 40 percent—though Google is poised to make inroads in that market through YouTube.
With free internet, more people will be online than ever before and that means more people will be using the gateway to the internet - Google's search engine. This translates directly into ad revenue. That's not all, though. Users who were hesitant to go mobile because they didn't want to pay for data plans will now be able to hop on to Google's free WiFi network anywhere in their hometown. This translates into more tablet and smartphone sales, boosting Android and iOS usage. Again, Google wins with more ad revenue. That's just ONE of Google's developing projects. They're even working on clean energy.
The vast majority of Google’s revenue comes from advertising, and Google keeps people viewing its ads by dominating the market in all of the ways people use their computing devices. It dominates in search. It dominates in video (YouTube). It dominates in mobile (Android), and in Web e-mail (Gmail). Android is a perfect example: By making it free to hardware vendors, Google has built market share for its mobile operating system and made it difficult for others to do the same. That puts Android on a majority of the smartphones sold, particularly in future growth areas such as India and China, and gives Google another ad outlet.
Google has a highly profitable business model and earnings are expected to grow. ANAL-ysts expect Google to earn over $46 in EPS this year, growing to over $62 in 2015. Whether or not their numbers are accurate really doesn’t matter. What they get is that there is going to be enormous growth, and there is little questioning of that.
In terms of revenues, Google's growth has been phenomenal, rising from $6.1 billion in 2005 to $50.2 billion in 2012. Earnings have also been robust, leaping from $5.20 a share in 2005 to $28.72 in 2012.
With a trailing PE of 26 and a forward PE of 16, this stock just isn’t that expensive, considering its ridiculous growth potential. The internet has traversed from being a nice novelty, to a convenience to now a necessity and Google is leading the way. Google is sitting on $50 billion in cash! It’s a monster with a profit margin of 21% and a ROE of 16%.
On April 18, 2013 GOOG announced financial results for the quarter ended March 31, 2013. Google Inc. reported consolidated revenues of $13.97 billion for the quarter ended March 31, 2013, an increase of 31% compared to the first quarter of 2012. GAAP operating income in the first quarter of 2013 was $3.48 billion, or 25% of revenues.
“We had a very strong start to 2013, with $14.0 billion in revenue, up 31% year-on-year,†said Larry Page, CEO of Google. “We are working hard and investing in our products that aim to improve billions of people's lives all around the world.†Instead of dwelling on his company’s gigantic advertising business, the CEO would rather talk about the products and services that will feed growth to Google’s bottom line for years to come – Android, for instance, or Google Chromebook computers, or Google Glass, a wearable computing device the company is developing.
Why own Google? Better question is, why not own Google? If you use Bing or Yahoo to get your search results, then be a renegade. I want to be the guy who owns GOOG when it hits 1000, and I am pretty sure it will get there.
I am HUGE!
$$$MR. MARKET$$$
Last edited by mrmarket; 05-17-2013 at 04:48 PM.