Welcome to the new $$$MR. MARKET$$$ forum. We hope to be able to continue the spirit of all of the old message boards I've run over the years (Prodigy, AOL, email newsletters, Yahoo Groups, The Motley Fool (cough, cough)...
The threaded forum is kind of new to some of you who have posted before. The thing to remember is to see if your subject already exists as a topic rather then creating a new topic..this keeps dialogue going and helps others focus on stocks they are following.
The only thing we ask you to bring is an open mind and willingness to share ideas. The site will develop as we are able to put more time into it. I think it will be a really fun place to hang out, drink beer, make new friends and make money!
Please start us off on this thread with your own welcome message as you join the group.
$$$MR. MARKET$$$
The threaded forum is kind of new to some of you who have posted before. The thing to remember is to see if your subject already exists as a topic rather then creating a new topic..this keeps dialogue going and helps others focus on stocks they are following.
The only thing we ask you to bring is an open mind and willingness to share ideas. The site will develop as we are able to put more time into it. I think it will be a really fun place to hang out, drink beer, make new friends and make money!
Please start us off on this thread with your own welcome message as you join the group.
$$$MR. MARKET$$$