GM Short Please
Pick of the Month (2014)
I know what you mean. I sold yesterday at the end of the day thinking people would sell on the news. I'm sick. Now how do I get back in because I just know that sucker is going to be huge eventually."Whatever you can do or dream you can , begin it. Boldness has genius,power and magic in it." Goethe
Jiesen and noshady, I feel your pain. Mrs.billy, myself, and one son got in early and all sold for losses. Don't want to remember but sold somewhere in the 20's. Daughter held and has an 86% gain last time I checked.
I am going to go with RIGP which starts trading July 31.
Transocean Partners LLC is a spin-off from Switzerland-based Transocean Ltd. (NYSE: RIG). The company plans to sell 17.5 million common units in a price range of $19 to $21, raising $350 million. Shares are expected to price on Wednesday and begin trading Thursday on the NYSE under the ticker symbol RIGP. The company will be domiciled in Scotland.Tim - Retired Problem Solver