The sky is falling!!

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  • riverbabe
    Senior Member
    • May 2005
    • 3373

    CHK! WOW!!! Chesapeake Energy Plagued by Plunging Shares. Talk about SCARY!!!


    • billyjoe
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2003
      • 9014

      River, Chesapeake was highly touted by some even last year. Luckily I bailed before it hit the fan.....with a modest loss.



      • riverbabe
        Senior Member
        • May 2005
        • 3373

        Good morning. Japan's Nikkei fell over 5% last night, and that's weighing on the market big time. European markets are also down. So the visual for you to have as you look at stocks is that you are standing in the rain. You are looking up at the sky and seeing the rain fall -- it is falling everywhere. To the left, all you can see is rain. To the right, all you can see is rain. Looking ahead and behind, all you can see is rain. You, however, are standing in a bus stop. So you aren't actually getting hit by the rain. You're comfortable. You see various people running across the street with newspapers over their heads, or umbrellas blowing and breaking in the strong wind.

        You want to leave the bus shelter and get to work, but the bus is obviously running late -- it's nowhere to be found.

        So you decide to brave the rain and walk to work. As you step out from beneath the bus stop, holding your hat on your head to keep it from getting blown off by the wind, you are startled! Something hit your hat! You step back into the bus shelter and take off your hat. It's got a rip in it. Almost as if someone sliced it with...a knife! You look at where you were standing and you see a sharp knife sticking in the ground, its handle still vibrating.

        You then look closely at the rain, squinting your eyes (you don't see so well in your old age), and looking across the street and in the park behind the bus stop. You are shocked to discover that there are knives everywhere -- sticking in the ground with handles still vibrating from the impact on the ground. OMG, it is raining falling knives! Falling knives???! "I must be dreaming...and I have no idea how to interpret this dream!" This is a nightmare! I'll never get to work...and besides that, it is really dangerous! All these people who are running around trying to get somewhere are getting hit with knives, and it's starting to look like a Stephen King novel.

        I feel bad for these hapless victims, but there is no way I'm going to leave this bus stop. Work can wait. I'm just going to sit in this shelter until it stops raining falling knives.

        And once it stops raining, then I'll probably walk around looking for the best knives and take them home. We could use a new knife set at home. My wife will be so happy.

        This storm of falling knives isn't as bad as I thought it was. So glad my iPhone is charged up. I think I'll tweet about it, and then read my iPad.

        Stay in the bus stop.

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