If you like hunting for treasures in the stock market or the flea market you've probably got at least one story about a great find, a multibagger, something that eventually led to at least a doubling of your investment. Or maybe a tale of the one that got away. Here's one of mine. I was at an auction a year ago where many items were getting very small or no bids at all. An envelope containing what appeared to be samples of blank stock certificates was auctioned but no one would bid. I bid .50 and got the envelope. Inside were 2 certificates with fancy artwork without any printing as to amount or name of company. However the 3rd certificate was for shares in a wine business from my home town. They had been out of business for 100 years. I'd had a ceramic jug embossed with their name on it years before. Nobody ever recalled seeing a stock certificate from them. I contacted a local Scripophilogist (one who collects stock and bond certificates). He gave me $40 for it, an 80 bagger! Please share your multibagger story.