Your Multibagger Story

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  • billyjoe
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 9014

    Your Multibagger Story

    If you like hunting for treasures in the stock market or the flea market you've probably got at least one story about a great find, a multibagger, something that eventually led to at least a doubling of your investment. Or maybe a tale of the one that got away. Here's one of mine. I was at an auction a year ago where many items were getting very small or no bids at all. An envelope containing what appeared to be samples of blank stock certificates was auctioned but no one would bid. I bid .50 and got the envelope. Inside were 2 certificates with fancy artwork without any printing as to amount or name of company. However the 3rd certificate was for shares in a wine business from my home town. They had been out of business for 100 years. I'd had a ceramic jug embossed with their name on it years before. Nobody ever recalled seeing a stock certificate from them. I contacted a local Scripophilogist (one who collects stock and bond certificates). He gave me $40 for it, an 80 bagger! Please share your multibagger story.

  • tiedyed1
    Senior Member
    • Jun 2009
    • 599

    I was expecting a stock story and happy to see your example and share a fun one of my own.

    A hobby of mine is collecting original psychedelic concert posters from the 60's. Jimi Hendrix, Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, Janis Joplin, etc.
    About 7 years ago I was searching eBay where an antique shop owner had a stack of original Fillmore East programs. There were 7 of them for various shows, but one in particular stood out as a valuable collectible; Jimi Hendrix on 12/31/1969, and the same program listed an upcoming Grateful Dead show on 1/3/1970.

    It was one of those eBay listings where the listing key words were not getting any exposure so when I offered her $70 for all seven of them she said 'fine' and I grabbed them.

    Two months later (on 10/6/2006) I sold them for $1225 via Heritage Auctions

    That will always be a memorable multi-bagger score for me

    Old Hippy & Mortgage Pro


    • jiesen
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2003
      • 5320

      wow, both fantastic stories!
      I've owned my OFG shares from when they were under $2, and all the way up to nearly $20. Sort of a 10-bagger, but not if you consider I paid over $30 for the shares originally. Since they're now at $15, I'm still underwater on that one!


      • sixfeetfour
        • Nov 2013
        • 89

        I'm sure many of you have several multi-bagger stories!!!

        So my first and only multi-bagger story involves the recent marijuana stock rampage since Jan-1 2014. On 1/26/2014 I purchased $485.38 worth of HEMP stock at 0.07. On 2/6/2013 I sold the position at 0.23 for $1,601.88. A 2+ bagger.

        I am pretty happy to obtain my first multi-bagger story. Looking forward to acquiring more multi-bagger stories to share around the bonfire!


        • Massimo
          • Sep 2012
          • 49

 of my first forays into bio-pharma stocks was DCTH.
          I purchased it in 2009 for around 2.50 ish and then sold a year later around 14-15 dollars.

          Being so happy I thought it was too easy making money in the pharma stocks, subsequently with that mindset, I lost quite a bit in others that weren't so lucrative.......

          Lesson learned to be extra careful with these stocks....high risk,high reward



          • Karel
            • Sep 2003
            • 2199

            Ìn april 2009 I bought VRX for just under $11, because it appeared on a screen I experimented with. I then forgot about the screen and the stock. In September 2009 it was over 14 and I sold some. I decided to keep the rest of it, for no other reason than that it had been good to me. Since then I have been slowly selling parts of my holding on the way up. I now hold about 1/8th of the original position in shares for just under double the initial dollar value of the position. It still seems to be going up. It is now 140ish.

            Feeling dumb but happy,

            Last edited by Karel; 02-18-2014, 12:14 PM. Reason: typos, and can't leave well enough alone
            My Investopedia portfolio
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            • mjrichmo
              • Dec 2007
              • 87

              So, I'm a Scripophilogist for a small town in Ohio. One day this guy comes in with a stock certificate for a small winery. The certificate was over 100 years old! I haggled the guy to $40 and said it would just be a conversation piece, it was worth nothing.

              This particular winery was bought by the famous Vanderbilt's! The stock conversion to cash was valued at over $20,000! Today, that's over $45k!!!!



              • jiesen
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2003
                • 5320

                wow, niiiice score, mr rich! first 1000-bagger we've heard about.

                can anyone top that?

