The future of this market is definitely on the upswing and if/when more states allow recreational use this industry could be as big as tobacco or alcohol business. With that in mind it only makes sense we discuss this future industry and the stocks that reside within it. There is money to be made and with most of these stock in their infancy one could definitely be the next buy, hold, and get rich stock to own.
Some of my fav. stocks in this industy:
TRTC - simply read Phoenix's thread to learn alot about this company. It looks extremely promising and I own this baby.
Phot - a little confusing to understand its business model but still shows potential.
HEMP - Chart looks decent. I still need to do more research before understanding how it plays a role in the new industry.
Please post your own ideas and stocks so we can all understand and make money from this.
Some of my fav. stocks in this industy:
TRTC - simply read Phoenix's thread to learn alot about this company. It looks extremely promising and I own this baby.
Phot - a little confusing to understand its business model but still shows potential.
HEMP - Chart looks decent. I still need to do more research before understanding how it plays a role in the new industry.
Please post your own ideas and stocks so we can all understand and make money from this.