We know there's money to be made in marijuana stocks, but how much and for how long? The federal govt. could put a stop to legalized weed at any time. I figure the states will fall like dominoes in allowing medical herb. The lid won't be able to be put back on the pot ! Eventually 40-45 states will allow it with a few of the southern states refusing for religious reasons. Imagine what shape Mississippi would be in if they scorned the good book. There is tax money to be made, boys !
IIC's Ganja Index contains 44 stocks. I lowered that number to The High 9, those that actually had sales and market caps over 100 million. Here they are with current price and market caps.
1. GWPH 74.70---1.12 bil
2. GWPRF 6.23---1.1 bil
3. CANV 73.00---857.31 mil
4. PHOT .62-----440.14 mil
5. FITX .09------328 mil
6. MJNA .33-----308 mil
7. HERB 1.43---256 mil
8. PLPL 1.22----149.55 mil
9. TRTC 1.09---111.28 mil
IIC's Ganja Index contains 44 stocks. I lowered that number to The High 9, those that actually had sales and market caps over 100 million. Here they are with current price and market caps.
1. GWPH 74.70---1.12 bil
2. GWPRF 6.23---1.1 bil
3. CANV 73.00---857.31 mil
4. PHOT .62-----440.14 mil
5. FITX .09------328 mil
6. MJNA .33-----308 mil
7. HERB 1.43---256 mil
8. PLPL 1.22----149.55 mil
9. TRTC 1.09---111.28 mil