Originally posted by jiesen
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UIHC ==> The Margaritaville Winner
And me too: out at 20.52
$$$Mr. Market$$$ is HUGE ! ! !My Investopedia portfolio
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Yippee... let me join the meats and cheese party. I have my > or = to 15% card now too. Going to be a good day for his hugeness as he's already bought another winner... c'mon MM, I know you want to open the box before the bell... at least here for us clickers and clackers..."It's easy to make money in the stock market" "Just buy a stock that goes up, and then sell it" "If it doesn't go up, don't buy it!" - Mark Twain
Lucavia, Mr.Market made his money on it and moved on. UIHC may have problems after losses early this year http://finance.yahoo.com/news/united...211500603.html They now rank down quite low in the ranks of property insurers. You can do better.