The Protein Shake Top 5

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  • mrmarket
    • Sep 2003
    • 5971

    The Protein Shake Top 5

    Which one of these will be the next $$$MR. MARKET$$$ winner? You'll find out the meantime, here they are:


    Which one do you like? and why??
    Last edited by mrmarket; 08-20-2014, 09:01 PM.

    I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

    - $$$MR. MARKET$$$
  • sixfeetfour
    • Nov 2013
    • 89

    MMP is my preferred pick of the 5.
    HCLP seems interesting but more risky based on the signed contracts and associated amendments to the contract.

    Keep being HUGE!


    • billyjoe
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2003
      • 9014

      These are really closely matched . I'll take HCLP with a slight edge over MMP. Both have similar earnings growth and nice dividends. Very impressive charts also.



      • mimo_100
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2003
        • 1784

        No matter how you analyze the Top 5, it comes down to HCLP and MMP.

        Interesting that both of these are limited partnerships. MrMarket has lots of experience in the oil and gas business so I think he will choose one of these.

        MMP is more richly valued. I like the HCLP chart better for a 4-6 week timeframe. Also, HCLP has less than 40 million shares outstanding, so it could move either direction in a hurry. I am more familiar with the Marcellus and Utica shale since I live on top of it. HCLP has terminals in central and western PA and Eastern OH servicing the fracking in this area. I like HCLP.
        Last edited by mimo_100; 07-25-2014, 09:29 PM. Reason: bad symbol
        Tim - Retired Problem Solver


        • investorone

          One thing that maybe someone with a tax accounting background can help out on. I've been reading about the LPs and MLPs, and in seeking alpha type threads comments have been made that even in IRA accounts you are liable for tax consequences in the year that you are invested in them. As I too see it as a HCLP vs. MMP "showdown" it would be great to have someone explain the situation before one invests in either. Thanks.


          • mimo_100
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2003
            • 1784


            I always get tangled up in the legalese. It can be confusing. I think you have to focus on the definitions of business organizations and tax-qualified plans. Here is a good article on business organizations:

            Understanding the relative benefits and limitations of an LLC and an LP is important when determining which type of entity would be best suited for your company.

            I am more familiar with using a LP for "pass-through" tax benefits, typically in the oil and gas business. Persons in high tax brackets use them for the tax deductions they can get for accelerated depreciation and depletion to name a few.

            As a stockholder in a corporation, you have limited liability just like in a LP. But you do not have the "pass-thru" benefits. Note that most groups of attorneys use LLC's today - they have moved away from incorporating.

            Tax Qualified Plans

            IRA's are a type of IRS qualified plan. This simply means that you contribute to the plan with pre-tax dollars. You do not pay any taxes until you move $$$ out of the IRA. This is how individuals get tax benefits.

            You wrote: " seeking alpha type threads, comments have been made that even in IRA accounts you are liable for tax consequences in the year that you are invested in them." Whoever said this did not understand IRA's. You never pay taxes on an IRA until you take a distribution.

            Seeking Alpha encourages individuals to contribute articles on financial topics. I always take this into consideration when reading anything from their website.
            Last edited by mimo_100; 07-25-2014, 11:02 PM.
            Tim - Retired Problem Solver


            • rickflyboy
              • Apr 2004
              • 98

              MMP has the best chart


              • noshadyldy
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2003
                • 539

                Based only on a quick look at the charts and figures provided on the FINZ site, I like HCLP for a quick in and out. I mean, barring anything really lousy happening in the market/world, get in fast Monday morning and out as soon as it recovers it's latest dip, maybe a dollar or so additional. I like MMP for the longer hold. It's the market highs that scare me though.
                "Whatever you can do or dream you can , begin it. Boldness has genius,power and magic in it." Goethe

