Question for Karel

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  • mimo_100
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2003
    • 1784

    Question for Karel


    What is the best way to post a spreadsheet on this website so that everything is aligned properly?

    I have seen many use an image. Also I have used the [code] BB code.

    Here is what the Fool says:

    How do I include a table/spreadsheet in a post and line up the columns properly?

    Copy the information (from a spreadsheet, word processor, or an SEC filing) and paste it into a text editor (such as Notepad in Windows; you can reach Notepad by clicking on the Start button on the lower left of your screen, then go to Programs, then Accessories, and then Notepad).

    In the text editor, line up the columns (using either tabs or spacebar). Using a monospace font such as Courier can make working with a table easier.

    Copy the information and paste it into an open message box on your discussion board. At the beginning of the information to be included in the table (headings count!), type <pre> and after the table type </pre>.

    Always check your work using "Preview Message" before posting. Make changes using the "Edit Message" feature. Note: There is some trial and error to posting tables, so you may need to give this several attempts before getting it done. Stick with it!

    Also, what is the best way to post a list of items from MS Word on this website so that everything is aligned properly?

    Thank you.

    Last edited by mimo_100; 08-01-2014, 07:40 AM.
    Tim - Retired Problem Solver
  • mimo_100
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2003
    • 1784


    I found out that you can create an image directly out of Excel.
    Tim - Retired Problem Solver


    • mimo_100
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2003
      • 1784


      I attempted to use "Manage Attachments" to upload an image from my computer.
      Everything worked fine until I clicked on "Upload" - the Manage Attachments screen returned but nothing happened.

      Is this function disabled? Thank you.
      Tim - Retired Problem Solver


      • mimo_100
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2003
        • 1784

        Karel, where is the 'Photos &amp; Albums' link???

        Karel, where is the 'Photos & Albums' link???

        In the FAQ it says,

        How do I use albums?
        As a member, you can create Albums of images that are linked to your public profile. Albums can be created by visiting the User Control Panel, and clicking on the 'Photos & Albums' link, and then clicking on 'Add Album'.
        Each album can have a title ('Joe's Holiday to Nepal'), a description ('A bunch of photos from my recent adventure') and can be of three different types: Public, Private or Profile.
        · Public albums can be viewed by anyone
        · Private albums can only be viewed by site staff (moderators, administrators) and your Friends and Contacts (info)
        · Profile albums are viewable only by you. However, you can use the images to customize your public profile (info)
        How do I upload photos?
        Once you've created an album you can upload images to it. Simply view the album and click on 'Upload Photos'.

        Karel, where is the 'Photos & Albums' link???
        Tim - Retired Problem Solver


        • mimo_100
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2003
          • 1784

          Does anyone know how to get Karel's attention - I have questions that need answering
          Tim - Retired Problem Solver

