Buying Growth Stocks for Growing Baby

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  • billyjoe
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 9014

    Buying Growth Stocks for Growing Baby

    Baby grand daughter finally has her online trading account established with $1000. Am looking for a stock or 2 with great growth potential yet not too risky. My top candidates are BWLD, AAPL, UA, DIS, and SBUX. Probably would be holding at least 6 months and maybe years if I hit a hot one. Any suggestions? Baby brother gets his account at age 2. Maybe 1/2 in a high div. stock.

  • Louetta
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2003
    • 2331

    AAPL. How about half there and half in GOOGL.


    • billyjoe
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2003
      • 9014

      Originally posted by Louetta View Post
      AAPL. How about half there and half in GOOGL.
      Good idea, Louetta. That would be 1 share GOOGL and 5 shares AAPL. Or do I want AMZN since they will control the world in another 10 years, maybe fewer.



      • mimo_100
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2003
        • 1784


        I would try to identify new technology and then invest in it. There is a definite trend toward wireless technology. The ability to have wireless cameras mounted around your property - so you can see your home from miles away. OnStar is an interesting technology. New cars are full of new tchnology. The way we watch TV is changing. 3D printing is a good choice for a profitable future. Energy from wind and water. Natural gas cars are a good bet. Robotics have taken over a lot of mundane tasks in manufacturing. Optical and fingerprint indentification systems that allow or deny access to secure areas.

        I agree that Amazon and Google will be around for a while. Remember that the younger you invest the more risk you can take - I would consider taking more risk for very young children. The future lies in technology, in my opinion.

        You can Google "best technology trends" to save yourself a lot of work

        I would love to see a "Star Trek Transporter" invented.

        A transporter is a fictional teleportation machine used in the Star Trek universe. Transporters convert a person or object into an energy pattern (a process called dematerialization), then "beam" it to a target, where it is reconverted into matter (rematerialization). The term transporter accident is a catch-all term for when a person or object does not rematerialize correctly.

        Dick Tracy two-way wrist radio 1946 - and wrist TV 1964

        On January 13, 1946,[3] The 2-Way Wrist Radio, worn as a wristwatch by Tracy and members of the police force, became one of the strip's most immediately recognizable icons, and may have informed later smartwatches. The 2-Way Wrist Radio was upgraded to a 2-Way Wrist TV in 1964. This development also led to the introduction of an important supporting character, Diet Smith, an eccentric industrialist who financed the development of this equipment. In a conspicuous coincidence, the idea of a radio built into a wrist watch played an important role in the story line of "Superman – The Talking Cat" broadcast on the Mutual Broadcasting System on January 9 through 28, 1946 (episodes 878 through 891).

        In late 1948, a botched security detail led to the death of the semi-regular character Brilliant, the blind inventor of the 2-Way Wrist Radio (among other devices); whereupon Chief Brandon, Dick Tracy's superior on the police force and a presence in the strip since 1931, resigned in shame, and Pat Patton, heretofore Tracy's buffoonish partner, was promoted to police chief in Brandon's place. To take Patton's place as Tracy's sidekick, a new character, Sam Catchem, was introduced.

        AAPL is rumoured to announce one of these soon.

        Wind energy

        Timken Technology and Test Center Construction

        The project is a joint venture between Stark State College and the Timken Company. It is a 15,991 square foot building that will cost approximately $6.2 Million. The building will be located on the NE corner of the Frank and Shuffel intersection with its main entrance off of Frank Ave. The building will contain a high bay area with a special test machine that will be used to measure the durability of bearings up to 12 feet in diameter. These bearings will be used on wind turbines. There will also be some office space for the Timken Company on the first floor and a classroom, conference room, and restrooms on the second floor for Stark State College.

        Tim - Retired Problem Solver


        • riverbabe
          Senior Member
          • May 2005
          • 3373

          Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
          Good idea, Louetta. That would be 1 share GOOGL and 5 shares AAPL. Or do I want AMZN since they will control the world in another 10 years, maybe fewer.

          For Christmas in 2011 (or '10?) I gave each of my children and oldest grandson 1 share of AMZN and 1 share of AAPL for about $500 each person. They are doing well. (I call it "the gift that keeps on giving").


          • mrmarket
            • Sep 2003
            • 5971

            I would go with GOOG hands down.

            I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

            - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


            • billyjoe
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2003
              • 9014

              Ten shares of AAPL for the babe, not River, the other good looking blond. GOOG may be next.
              Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know.



              • billyjoe
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2003
                • 9014

                I've finally done it. After all these years I now believe AMZN is not a flash in the pan and will take over retail. Look at this chart. They reported sales up 30% Y/Y as of noon Thanksgiving day. Here's some of the competition, same time period.






                See the trend away from brick and mortar stores. HD being the Exception. These were taken directly from a list of the top US retailers.

                I bought AMZN yesterday. Just a few years late since I'm not too swift with internet buying. Should have listened to 27 year old daughter.............again re: goog, ebay and so on.



                • Louetta
                  Senior Member
                  • Oct 2003
                  • 2331

                  Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
                  I've finally done it. After all these years I now believe AMZN is not a flash in the pan and will take over retail. Look at this chart. They reported sales up 30% Y/Y as of noon Thanksgiving day. Here's some of the competition, same time period.






                  See the trend away from brick and mortar stores. HD being the Exception. These were taken directly from a list of the top US retailers.

                  I bought AMZN yesterday. Just a few years late since I'm not too swift with internet buying. Should have listened to 27 year old daughter.............again re: goog, ebay and so on.

                  I bought a little NFLX because Mark Cuban recommended it. He can be obnoxious but I think he's smart. It's done very well in just 14 days which of course is just blind luck. Plus a girl runner whose tweets I read said she went out for her run and then got back into bed and spent the morning watching Netflix. A lifestyle change for the young, methinks.


                  • riverbabe
                    Senior Member
                    • May 2005
                    • 3373

                    Originally posted by Louetta View Post
                    I bought a little NFLX because Mark Cuban recommended it. He can be obnoxious but I think he's smart. It's done very well in just 14 days which of course is just blind luck. Plus a girl runner whose tweets I read said she went out for her run and then got back into bed and spent the morning watching Netflix. A lifestyle change for the young, methinks.
                    Ah! Another cord cutter! Have owned NFLX for quite a while now and done well! Cut the cord and bought a ROKU stick. Feeling very liberated.


                    • billyjoe
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2003
                      • 9014

                      Originally posted by riverbabe View Post
                      Ah! Another cord cutter! Have owned NFLX for quite a while now and done well! Cut the cord and bought a ROKU stick. Feeling very liberated.

                      River, What is a "roku stick" ?



                      • riverbabe
                        Senior Member
                        • May 2005
                        • 3373

                        Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
                        River, What is a "roku stick" ?

                        Streams movies, all PBS channels, Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc. etc. etc. Plugs into HDMI port on TV. One time cost $49 or less. PBS is free. Others cost very little. Billy, forgot to mention it uses your Wi-Fi. No more $10/month for extra cable or satellite boxes for additional TV sets. No "smart" TV needed. Only thing is, can't get CNBC. They require a "service provider".
                        Last edited by riverbabe; 11-29-2015, 10:00 AM.


                        • Louetta
                          Senior Member
                          • Oct 2003
                          • 2331

                          Originally posted by riverbabe View Post
                          Streams movies, all PBS channels, Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc. etc. etc. Plugs into HDMI port on TV. One time cost $49 or less. PBS is free. Others cost very little. Billy, forgot to mention it uses your Wi-Fi. No more $10/month for extra cable or satellite boxes for additional TV sets. No "smart" TV needed. Only thing is, can't get CNBC. They require a "service provider".
                          This is interesting stuff. I'm getting an Apple TV for Christmas (which is not really a TV but a set-top box). Just Tuesday I UPSed back to Verizon one of those extra TV cable boxes. A month or so ago they raised the monthly rental on that extra box $2 to $7.99. Talk about a profit center. Going to use the TV I freed up to dedicate to the Apple. By the by if you do not return that box within 30 days Verizon charges you a $175 unreturned equipment fee.

                          Verizon now has an option called custom TV, not sure how long they have had it. One gets basic TV (the local stations, CNN, FOX, PBS, AMC and the like) and can choose two of seven special interest packages, news, kids, two sports, lifestyle, culture and entertainment. I'd do it but I've been watching Bloomberg and they don't have it in the news package tho they do have CNBC. From what I remember from talking to the cable lady the savings is only on the order of $10 a month from one of their more basic multi channel offerings but it's a step in the right direction.


                          • billyjoe
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2003
                            • 9014

                            River, If I cancel cable do I need an external antenna of some sort to use Roku? Two of my kids use Netflix, one has dish. Would you still consider Netflix as a major core stock for one that hasn't bought it yet?



                            • riverbabe
                              Senior Member
                              • May 2005
                              • 3373

                              Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
                              River, If I cancel cable do I need an external antenna of some sort to use Roku? Two of my kids use Netflix, one has dish. Would you still consider Netflix as a major core stock for one that hasn't bought it yet?

                              No and Yes.
                              No antenna. You set it up with your Wi-Fi name and password. Check out all the streaming Channels on the link I sent you. I see the stick is for sale, at least today. Remember, these are "on demand" programs (anytime) that are "currently streaming" but there is tremendous variety of your favorites and they do change and update frequently. I am sharing my daughter's NFLX (her gift to me). I bought Amazon Prime for $99 last year and happy I did. And ALL those PBS channels! Looking to try several other possibilities soon. Currently watching "The Man in the High Castle" on Amazon. I think the next season of Transparent is also on. Finally finished my binge watching of every season of Frazier.

                              Nice thing about Roku. You can set it up on each of your TVs and simply move the stick between them. I haven't tried this yet but it should work. I have DirecTV only on one TV. It's the cheapest package I could get with CNBC (like $34/month incl. tax).

                              Absolutely buy NFLX. It's going to keep going up. And AMZN too.
                              Last edited by riverbabe; 11-29-2015, 01:31 PM.

