My new company

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  • mrmarket
    • Sep 2003
    • 5971

    My new company

    Thought you guys might be interested in taking a look at my new startup:

    Would love to hear your thoughts!

    I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

    - $$$MR. MARKET$$$
  • Louetta
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2003
    • 2331

    Originally posted by mrmarket View Post
    Thought you guys might be interested in taking a look at my new startup:

    Would love to hear your thoughts!
    Excellent. Excellent! In your biography you might refer to yourself as Mr. Barsamian rather than by just your first or last name.


    • mrmarket
      • Sep 2003
      • 5971

      Originally posted by Louetta View Post
      Excellent. Excellent! In your biography you might refer to yourself as Mr. Barsamian rather than by just your first or last name.
      Thanks's a good suggestion, but we're just not that formal in the oil biz. I will take it under advisement, however. Glad you like the business model. I'll let you guys in on the IPO. How's that?

      I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

      - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


      • billyjoe
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2003
        • 9014

        Mr.Market, I don't understand the business but am behind you 100%. You've never let us down.



        • mimo_100
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2003
          • 1784

          Hi Ernie,

          You have a long and successful history in the terminaling business so you know the details well. I found this article entitled
          Is the U.S. Running Out of Crude Oil Storage? I believe that this may help you in your excess capacity business. Best wishes.

          Tim - Retired Problem Solver


          • tiedyed1
            Senior Member
            • Jun 2009
            • 599

            I really like the name (Tank Tiger).

            I have no idea what I am talking about with this, but all I hear lately is about the overabundance of oil and how there is an oversupply and that continues to drop the prices.
            If that is accurate are there really a significant number of facilities with open/available capacity for others to contract with?
            It all makes a lot of sense as I imagine the costs to hold oil on the ships or elsewhere would be immense.
            I guess that is where your expertise dispels what the pedestrian hears on the street and with your connections can locate these available storage facilities.
            Is there a need for more storage terminals? Maybe that would be a sound investment too? Or is it primarily shorter term contracts where most terminals can take on others to fill their open capacity?

            Neat stuff that again I know squat about, but like the concept!


            • Phoenix7
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2011
              • 3663

              Exon had a promotion years ago which stated , Put A Tiger In Your Tank , and they actually had small tiger tails you could attach to your car ........Check for copyright infringement!


              • riverbabe
                Senior Member
                • May 2005
                • 3373

                Ernie, now I sees. Best of luck! Sounds like you have no competition and a HUGE rolodex. What a way to start-up!


                • mrmarket
                  • Sep 2003
                  • 5971

                  I have no competition at $$$MR. MARKET$$$ is HUGE

                  I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

                  - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


                  • jiesen
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2003
                    • 5320

                    Originally posted by Phoenix7 View Post
                    Exon had a promotion years ago which stated , Put A Tiger In Your Tank , and they actually had small tiger tails you could attach to your car ........Check for copyright infringement!
                    It may sound similar, but I don't think copyright law works that way (of course I'm no lawyer, either). Unless Ernie is competing with Exxon in the storage tank business, or he decides to start selling retail gasoline instead of what he's doing now, they could care less what slogan he uses, even if he did copy it verbatim. It'd be like Midas using a "You deserve new brakes today" jingle. McD's will just not care about it, because they don't have a brake business to protect from copycats. Now if Burger King did a copy of the McD jingle, or even a close soundalike, that would be a different story.


                    • jiesen
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2003
                      • 5320

                      Originally posted by mrmarket View Post
                      I have no competition at $$$MR. MARKET$$$ is HUGE
                      and I'm sure you and Steven will be dominating in the terminal tanking business in no time! One suggestion for your website, whenever you get around to it (or maybe have the spare $$ to use for it) is to buy up the domain (in addition to your domain) so those typing that in will still get your page, rather than misdirected to the copycats (lol) squatting at (although doing so in effect validates the aforementioned affront). so in other words, nevermind me, but carry on being HUGE!!!


                      • Websman
                        Senior Member
                        • Apr 2004
                        • 5545

                        Bring on the IPO. I'll buy shares and pump the hell out of it.


                        • billyjoe
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2003
                          • 9014

                          Mr.Market, If you were a betting man would the odds they'll be a Tank Tiger IPO within the next 5 years be as good as a random Mr.Market pick gaining 15%?



                          • mrmarket
                            • Sep 2003
                            • 5971

                            Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
                            Mr.Market, If you were a betting man would the odds they'll be a Tank Tiger IPO within the next 5 years be as good as a random Mr.Market pick gaining 15%?


                            It would be glorious

                            I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

                            - $$$MR. MARKET$$$

