Originally posted by jiesen
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HRTG ==> The Rowdy Roddy Winner
HRTG never hit my stretch goal of 30 for those extra shares, but has since dropped way down to about $4, which is REALLY cheap for this company, imo. So rather than bail on it like most do with underwater positions, I'm doubling down right here at $4, since according to the analyst projections this still profitable company will make over $0.60 this year, and $0.90 next, which is >100% growth for 2023 and about 50% growth for next year's EPS. For $4.1, I consider it a bargain (even though Florida insurance can be quite volatile). I don't think it'll drop much below $4, unless we see some HUGE hurricanes again this year. I'll sell it all when it gets back to $25 or $30. (and maybe a few shares along the way at $12 or so, just to cover my butt.)