The bear is dead!!

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  • Phoenix7
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2011
    • 3663

    The bear is dead!!

    According to one stock market pundit , the Bear Market Is Dead, and a new Bull is coming to life . Read this , but more importantly , What are your thoughts?

    " Urgent Stock Market Update:

    The market just did something extremely rare. In fact, it’s happened only a handful of times in the last 28 years.

    And each time it happened, the “obvious” trade was the wrong trade…

    Horribly wrong…

    The right trade, though, made literally billions of dollars for a few smart traders…

    1987: Even though the stock market was soaring, Paul Tudor Jones saw something ominous. His hedge fun bet against the soaring market that year. His perfectly timed trade earned him $100 million when the market crashed in October.

    2006: When John Paulson watched the subprime housing boom, he saw a collapse coming. So – at the very height of the housing boom - he made a huge bet against housing. His perfectly timed trade netted him $4 billion.

    2009: It was the very bottom of the Great Recession, and the entire market was consumed with fear. Yet David Tepper saw something very different. He bought enormous quantities of severely depressed big bank stocks. And by the end of the year, his perfectly timed trade netted him $4 billion.

    Right now, nearly every market “guru” chatters about “the new Bear market.” It seems the whole world is trembling with fear...

    However, right now is the perfect time to make the trade of a lifetime...

    How do I know?

    Because my Smart Money Indicator hit a Z-Point trigger this past Friday at 12:30pm.

    And what does that mean?

    This Bear is dead. A new Bull is ready to run."

    Of course this pundit is trying to sell an expensive service which would advise you on what stocks to buy.
  • Phoenix7
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2011
    • 3663

    Latest E Mail from the pundit , i.e. Michael Murphy. "The Bull is Back.

    I know for sure, because my Smart Money Indicator hit a Z-Point reversal trigger last Friday at 12:30pm.

    That signal has accurately predicted every major market reversal in the last 20 years.

    And this signal is a doozy. There is no doubt about it - The Bull is Back."

    Folks he also claims he will be buying stocks on 10/8/15 , obviously all positions will be LONG , because he does predict a powerful BULL Market coming!

    Of course to find out exactly which stocks he will be buying , you will have to subscribe to a $1,000 service .....folks I will NOT do that .......check out my own Magic Box LONG picks, which should do well if Murphy's prediction holds true!

    As of Oct 1 2015 he lists 10 stocks which are "GOOD" possibilities for his purchase on 10/8/15 ......of course these stocks are subject to change before his purchase date 10/8/15!

    1. IMPV

    2. TSLA

    3. FTNT

    4. HIMX

    5. IMMR

    6. PANW

    7. NUAN

    8. CTXS

    9. AMZN

    10. FB
    Last edited by Phoenix7; 10-04-2015, 02:55 PM.


    • billyjoe
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2003
      • 9014

      Phoenix, We reached a new closing low on Sept. 29th , but since seem to be in recovery with higher lows. Checked my portfolio which is down 7% since highs around June 1st. This includes stocks and cash. A big recovery soon might put us in a better than ever position. Time for bargain hunting and bottom fishing could be just around the corner.



      • Phoenix7
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2011
        • 3663

        Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
        Phoenix, We reached a new closing low on Sept. 29th , but since seem to be in recovery with higher lows. Checked my portfolio which is down 7% since highs around June 1st. This includes stocks and cash. A big recovery soon might put us in a better than ever position. Time for bargain hunting and bottom fishing could be just around the corner.

        True , true no can predict with absolute certainty that the stock market has bottomed , but Michael Murphy says that his Z-point reversal system has a 95% accuracy rate when predicting NEW Bull Market beginnings. We shall see what happens. I listened on and off to his presentation , and supposedly he developed his program and paid a world class programmer over 6 figures to set up the program known as "Portfolio Boss", which spits out stocks to be bought and sold each month, but I still refuse to pay over 1,000 bucks to access the program!
        I must admit his 10 picks listed above are pretty good with IMHO PANW being the best!

