We cannot allow government to interfere with our investment decisions-Please respond

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  • mrmarket
    • Sep 2003
    • 5971

    We cannot allow government to interfere with our investment decisions-Please respond

    Securities offered through Newbridge Securities Corp. , Member FINRA, SIPC
    Please disregard the previous e-mail sent to you and refer to the link below.
    Please see message below from ADISA, an organization with whom I am an active Board Member. We are asking you to please read through their message and take a minute to create a letter so that we as a group can possibly help to stop the implementation of the upcoming DOL Fiduciary Rule. Once you open the link below "ADISA's Call to Action," you will see a link at the bottom left-hand corner to forward onto a friend. Please pass this along to all of your contacts so that together we can possibly have an impact on the ultimate decision of Congress passing or vetoing this rule.

    Please take a moment to tailor a message to Congress on the upcoming DOL Fiduciary Rule issue. The likely consequence of the Fiduciary Rule for retirement accounts will be to limit investment advice to a fee-only basis. This will be detrimental to the distribution of alternative investment product, especially to the middle class since many cannot afford fee-only financial advisors. Our contact Congress sample text is from the alternative investment point of view; there is also a contact Congress effort by SIFMA at another site, which is from a generic investment stance, www.Keepretirementopen.org. ADISA is a proud co-sponsor of that site as well; please visit it in addition to expressing your views here.

    We have created this easily customizable letter about the DOL Rule. Please put it on your calendar to submit this as soon as you can; the publication of the Rule will likely be at the end of 2015 or very early in 2016. Now is the best time to take action!


    As always, please do not hesitate to call our office with any questions or if you would like to discuss this update further.
    Semper fi,

    3503 YORK RD STE 1
    FURLONG, PA. 18925
    215-794-1400 (OFFICE)
    215-794-1499 (FAX)
    [email protected]

    Disclaimer: As voted by the readers of the Philadelphia Magazine, The Intelligencer, and Bucks Happening Magazine.

    Bridge Valley Financial Services, LLC
    Austin Dutton
    3503 York Road, Suite 1
    Furlong, Pennsylvania 18925
    [email protected]
    "Your Bridge to Financial Freedom"
    Securities offered through Newbridge Securities Corp., Member FINRA and SIPC.
    Investment Advisory Services offered through Newbridge Financial Services Group, Inc.,
    an SEC Registered Investment Adviser.
    Office of Supervisory Jurisdiction: 5200 Town Center Circle, Tower One, Suite 306, Boca Raton, FL 33486
    Toll-Free #: 877-447-9625 * Phone: 954-334-3450 * Fax: 954-489-2390
    Last edited by mrmarket; 11-28-2015, 10:47 AM.

    I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

    - $$$MR. MARKET$$$
  • Karel
    • Sep 2003
    • 2199

    The old rule intended that fiduciary advisers act solely in the best interests of their clients. The new rule just locks that down. That might seem superfluous in the cases where a potential conflict of interest is just that, potential, and those advisers might consider themselves unfairly treated, but according to the DOL there are real and substantial problems, which would make a stricter regulation a valid option.


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    • jiesen
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2003
      • 5319

      I am in favor of less government regulation in finance, and I don't think it helps anybody to force FA's to work on a fee-only basis. I most definitely oppose this bill and will spread the word so that as many as possible are aware of the issue.


      • billyjoe
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2003
        • 9014

        This will not effect Mr.Market's site since he offers no financial advice, only a diary of his picks and their performance.



        • Karel
          • Sep 2003
          • 2199

          Originally posted by jiesen View Post
          ... I don't think it helps anybody to force FA's to work on a fee-only basis ...
          Well, why would it not help those dependent on a FA for their investment decisions?
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          • jiesen
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2003
            • 5319

            Because FA's would be motivated to give better advice if they were paid based on how the investments turn out, rather than flat fees. If they're only allowed to charge a fee per job worked, then likely the effort put in would be less than it would for a returns-based job.


            • Karel
              • Sep 2003
              • 2199

              That is not what I understand the main thrust of the new regulation to be, which is to avoid a conflict of interest bij demanding that FAs do not, in relation to their advice, receive income from other parties, like a part of commissions or other compensations.
              My Investopedia portfolio
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              • jiesen
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2003
                • 5319

                hm, well I guess I didn't understand it quite the way you did. Maybe it will help me if I actually read the legislation first, before making too many assumptions about it...

