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  • Louetta
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2003
    • 2331


    Wondered if anyone saw an opportunity for an investment in YHOO. I have read that rather than spin off the BABA stake they might spin off everything else. I have also heard that this might not avoid taxes. The idea is that what one spins off must be an operating company else it is a taxable event. Thus they cannot just spin-off BABA tax free. Spinning off everything else leaves BABA by itself and since this is not an operating company that strategy will be seen by the feds as a tax dodge. Sounds like a full employment opportunity for lawyers. What I wonder is if a third party buys the non-BABA pieces leaving BABA would these third party deals be seen as tax dodges.

    All this notwithstanding would be interested on whether people see YHOO as a buy or sell at some point.
  • jiesen
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2003
    • 5320

    If I were to buy some YHOO, I'd do it after the spinoff. Otherwise, just buy BABA, because that's all you're really buying in YHOO now anyway (with the added bonus of getting to gamble on tax uncertainties).

    But, YHOO is really just internets 1.0. Might as well buy CRAY or an up and coming buggy whip outfit while you're at it. As an additional warning to FB/TWTR enthusiasts, FB/TWTR is just internets 3.0, and once the Next Big Thing comes, and we're on v3.1, you can expect to see all the "FANG" stocks right there with YHOO trading for about 1/20 the value they used to command. (well, with the possible exception of GOOG, which was 1.0-3.0, and may still be relevant on v.6)


    • jiesen
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2003
      • 5320

      ..and I found a good one:

      not too hard when you use Google
      maybe I'll buy a few and use 'em as stocking stuffers this year! Then I'll buy some YHOO stock, and request the certs so I'll have them for next year's.


      • mrmarket
        • Sep 2003
        • 5971

        I can't say that their CEO hire was the best thing they've ever done. I used to like their sports page to get scores, now all I see is videos, colors and other crap...everything but the box score I was looking for....so now I go to ESPN.com for my box scores.

        I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

        - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


        • Louetta
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2003
          • 2331

          Originally posted by mrmarket View Post
          I can't say that their CEO hire was the best thing they've ever done. I used to like their sports page to get scores, now all I see is videos, colors and other crap...everything but the box score I was looking for....so now I go to ESPN.com for my box scores.
          The CEO thing troubles me. On CNBC it's always Marissa this, Marissa that. It just seems a cult of personality, like some movie about some semi-beautiful business person. Can she do anything? I don't know.

          Your comments about ESPN are very relevant, it seems. If you left Yahoo won't others soon follow?


          • jiesen
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2003
            • 5320

            Originally posted by Louetta View Post
            The CEO thing troubles me. On CNBC it's always Marissa this, Marissa that. It just seems a cult of personality, like some movie about some semi-beautiful business person. Can she do anything? I don't know.

            Your comments about ESPN are very relevant, it seems. If you left Yahoo won't others soon follow?
            For me, YHOO is useful because it's consistent. As long as they don't mess with it, I'll keep using the Yahoo! finance page, because all my stocks are tracked on it, and it'd be a pain for me to switch it over to something else. That said, I know that at some point they will mess with it and fill it up with colors and videos, etc. Then I'll switch to a Scotttrade tracker, or Google's, or whatever else is better/convenient by that time. Even though I know it's inevitable that it'll happen, I know I'll still be pissed off when it does, and I'm forced to change.


            • mrmarket
              • Sep 2003
              • 5971

              Originally posted by jiesen View Post
              For me, YHOO is useful because it's consistent. As long as they don't mess with it, I'll keep using the Yahoo! finance page, because all my stocks are tracked on it, and it'd be a pain for me to switch it over to something else. That said, I know that at some point they will mess with it and fill it up with colors and videos, etc. Then I'll switch to a Scotttrade tracker, or Google's, or whatever else is better/convenient by that time. Even though I know it's inevitable that it'll happen, I know I'll still be pissed off when it does, and I'm forced to change.
              I still use YHOO finance also. I was all mad when the message boards changed...they used to be hilarious.

              I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

              - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


              • jiesen
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2003
                • 5320

                funny that. I just tried to post again on Yahoo! They immediately deleted my post because (I assume) I referenced this site. Guess you gotta post stuff like 'FB to da moooooooooon' or some such in order to get the messages to stay around.

