A Look a like Mr. Market model

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  • viktoriya_a

    A Look a like Mr. Market model

    It's worth taking a look at www.jbmaudio.com/stockmodel.html

    Its a stock picking model remarkably similar to Ernie's, 8 screens, R*2 filter, do due diligence on the top three, hold for 4-6 weeks to make a 15% profit.

    Worth a look.
  • viktoriya_a

    Looks like you need to capitalize the S and M in StockModel to get it


    • mrmarket
      • Sep 2003
      • 5971

      It looks familiar...too bad Jason wasn't nicer to me as I would have given him the shortcut.

      I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

      - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


      • viktoriya_a

        I'm always nice to you. What's the shortcut?


        • Karel
          • Sep 2003
          • 2199

          It looks very familiar indeed! I especially like the MoneyCentral screens!
          My Investopedia portfolio
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          • IIC
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2003
            • 14938

            Ernie...Isn't imitation the sincerest form of flattery?...IIC
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            • mimo_100
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2003
              • 1784

              Screen Criteria for Screens 1 ---> 8

              I needed to study these, so I put them all in one spot that
              was easy for me to read. Here they are:

              Screen 1

              New 52-Week High Since <In The Last Quarter>
              Rating >= 8
              Fundamental Grade >= A
              EPS Growth Qtr vs Qtr >= EPS Growth Year vs Year
              EPS Growth Year vs Year >= 30
              Annual EPS Growth Rate >= 20
              % Price Change Last Year >= -99
              P/E Ratio: Current >= -99
              Forward Year P/E >= -99
              5-Year Revenue Growth >= -99

              Screen 2

              Last Price >= 0.98*52-Week High
              Last Price <= 52-Week High
              % Price Change Last Year >= 300
              P/E Ratio: Current >= -99
              Forward Year P/E >= -99
              5-Year Revenue Growth >= -99

              Screen 3

              Last Price >= 0.95*52-Week High
              Last Price <= 52-Week High
              Annual EPS Growth Rate >= 25
              % Price Change Last Year >= 150
              P/E Ratio: Current >= -99
              Forward Year P/E >= -99
              5-Year Revenue Growth >= -99

              Screen 4

              Last Price >= 0.95*52-Week High
              Last Price <= 52-Week High
              % Price Change Last Year >= 125
              P/E Ratio: Current <= 50
              Forward Year P/E >= -99
              5-Year Revenue Growth >= -99

              Screen 5

              Last Price >= 0.95*52-Week High
              Last Price <= 52-Week High
              % Price Change Last Year >= 50
              P/E Ratio: Current <= 15
              Forward Year P/E >= -99
              5-Year Revenue Growth >= -99

              Screen 6

              Last Price >= 0.9*52-Week High
              Last Price <= 52-Week High
              Annual EPS Growth Rate >= 50
              EPS Growth Qtr vs Qtr >= EPS Growth Year vs Year
              % Price Change Last Year >= 100
              P/E Ratio: Current <= 100
              Forward Year P/E >= -99
              5-Year Revenue Growth >= 25

              Screen 7

              Rating >= 8
              Fundamental Grade >= A
              Technical Grade >= A
              Return Expectation >= Very High
              3-Month Relative Strength >= 6-Month Relative Strength
              6-Month Relative Strength >= 12-Month Relative Strength
              12-Month Relative Strength >= 80
              % Price Change Last Year >= -99
              P/E Ratio: Current >= -99
              Forward Year P/E >= -99
              5-Year Revenue Growth >= -99

              Screen 8

              Rating >= 8
              Fundamental Grade >= A
              Technical Grade >= A
              Return Expectation >= Very High
              12-Month Relative Strength >= 90
              % Price Change Last Year >= -99
              P/E Ratio: Current <= 20
              Forward Year P/E >= -99
              5-Year Revenue Growth >= -99
              Tim - Retired Problem Solver


              • Jason Monette

                It is similiar to Ernies, I never denied that. It is different from Ernies, it is more similar to Karel's that was posted on here than Ernies, but it isn't the same as either. And it is posted on the web for all to use. Feel free to use it and change as you see fit.


                I was nice to you. I asked very legit questions after you contacted and told me to check out your site. When I questioned some of your methods you got very defensive and insulting. It was not called for, granted, I probably could have handled it differently and posted here before the IBD forums, but I didn't. We both pissed each other off, it is in the past, can't we let it go.

                If you are willing to let it go, so am I.

                I have put a link to your site from mine and added this line It is based on a Model developed by Mr. Market, so we can end this.



                • viktoriya_a

                  Its true Ernie is defensive. But I have never seen him be insulting. In fact insulting HIM on the IBD forums seems to be a national passtime.

                  He could stand to lose a little weight, tho.


                  • mrmarket
                    • Sep 2003
                    • 5971

                    Originally posted by Jason Monette
                    It is similiar to Ernies, I never denied that. It is different from Ernies, it is more similar to Karel's that was posted on here than Ernies, but it isn't the same as either. And it is posted on the web for all to use. Feel free to use it and change as you see fit.


                    I was nice to you. I asked very legit questions after you contacted and told me to check out your site. When I questioned some of your methods you got very defensive and insulting. It was not called for, granted, I probably could have handled it differently and posted here before the IBD forums, but I didn't. We both pissed each other off, it is in the past, can't we let it go.

                    If you are willing to let it go, so am I.

                    I have put a link to your site from mine and added this line It is based on a Model developed by Mr. Market, so we can end this.

                    For those of you who were wondering what this was all about.

                    Jason thought it would be appropriate to copy and paste, on the IBD forum, a transcript of a text message conversation we had using Yahoo messenger without asking my permission first.

                    I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

                    - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


                    • mrmarket
                      • Sep 2003
                      • 5971

                      Originally posted by viktoriya_a
                      Its true Ernie is defensive. But I have never seen him be insulting. In fact insulting HIM on the IBD forums seems to be a national passtime.

                      He could stand to lose a little weight, tho.
                      Thanks...I'll consider losing weight next time I look at my 19" biceps in the mirror. For those who have not experienced it....watching men get out of your way, without you having to say "Excuse me", when you walk through a crowded bar is quite a pleasurable experience.

                      I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

                      - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


                      • viktoriya_a

                        When I'm in a crowded bar men come over and offer to buy me drinks without my needing to say "Excuse me". I must admit, however, that this is not a uniformly pleasurable experience. But its better than having them get out of my way.


                        • mrmarket
                          • Sep 2003
                          • 5971

                          Originally posted by viktoriya_a
                          When I'm in a crowded bar men come over and offer to buy me drinks without my needing to say "Excuse me". I must admit, however, that this is not a uniformly pleasurable experience. But its better than having them get out of my way.


                          I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

                          - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


                          • Karel
                            • Sep 2003
                            • 2199

                            Originally posted by Jason Monette
                            I have put a link to your site from mine and added this line It is based on a Model developed by Mr. Market, ...
                            Yes, that seemed to be missing... Thank you!


                            My Investopedia portfolio
                            (You need to have a (free) Investopedia or Facebook login, sorry!)

