Required Reading

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  • riverbabe
    Senior Member
    • May 2005
    • 3373

    Required Reading

    The soap opera of Valeant and how a lot of companies today are really run. This was an eye-opener for me. There are many familiar names here - companies in which I have previously held stock or seriously considered buying at one time or another. Very very scary reading, although with rather humorous chapter headings.

    Breakingviews provides financial professionals with unique agenda-setting insight on the major financial news stories as they break globally every day.

    "The Rise and Fall of Valeant Pharmaceuticals In a new e-book, Breakingviews examines whether the embattled drug maker can clean itself up using the same sort of financial razzmatazz that got it into trouble in the first place.
    Hope you can download this PDF file. River
  • Louetta
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2003
    • 2331

    Originally posted by riverbabe View Post
    The soap opera of Valeant and how a lot of companies today are really run. This was an eye-opener for me. There are many familiar names here - companies in which I have previously held stock or seriously considered buying at one time or another. Very very scary reading, although with rather humorous chapter headings.

    Breakingviews provides financial professionals with unique agenda-setting insight on the major financial news stories as they break globally every day.

    "The Rise and Fall of Valeant Pharmaceuticals In a new e-book, Breakingviews examines whether the embattled drug maker can clean itself up using the same sort of financial razzmatazz that got it into trouble in the first place.
    Hope you can download this PDF file. River
    Fascinating read. Lot of effort went into that. I must confess this morning I bought some leaps of Jan. 2018, $10 strike for $16 something. A bit of a premium at $23.50 or so for the stock but I've got 17 months. Reason I bought is David Faber, a serious person I think, said on CNBC this morning that it looks like VRX will be "OK" handling the debt and I figure Joe Papa will fashion some sort of solution.


    • Karel
      • Sep 2003
      • 2199

      Got the PDF alright. VRX has been very good for me and then a shock. I bought in April 2009 at just under 11, saw it get to over 200, 250 actually, selling bits and pieces along the way, decided to investigate the sudden steep drop in the last quarter of 2015 and sold the remaining 10% of my initial position in disgust. At 110+...
      My Investopedia portfolio
      (You need to have a (free) Investopedia or Facebook login, sorry!)

