The soap opera of Valeant and how a lot of companies today are really run. This was an eye-opener for me. There are many familiar names here - companies in which I have previously held stock or seriously considered buying at one time or another. Very very scary reading, although with rather humorous chapter headings.
"The Rise and Fall of Valeant Pharmaceuticals In a new e-book, Breakingviews examines whether the embattled drug maker can clean itself up using the same sort of financial razzmatazz that got it into trouble in the first place.
Hope you can download this PDF file. River
"The Rise and Fall of Valeant Pharmaceuticals In a new e-book, Breakingviews examines whether the embattled drug maker can clean itself up using the same sort of financial razzmatazz that got it into trouble in the first place.
Hope you can download this PDF file. River