From Zack's

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  • mimo_100
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2003
    • 1784

    From Zack's

    from Zacks

    Nintendo Shares Boom on Pokeman GO Craze – global hysteria reigns among gamers over Nintendo’s Pokemon GO game – just about everyone, it seems, has caught the bug. We will not attempt to explain the game, but we are interested in recent Pokemon GO economics…and those economics are big. Nintendo’s shares have essentially doubled since the game rolled out, and the company is worth at least $10 billion more as a result. McDonald’s is in the game (figuratively and literally), as McDonald’s Holdings Japan will announce an initiative to make its more than 3,000 restaurants “gyms,” or places where gamers can train and strengthen their Pokemon abilities. Expect the phenomenon to grow as glitches are fixed and roll-outs in other major markets occur.

    Bottom Line for Investors

    Zacks continues to expect that an acceleration of corporate earnings in the back half of 2016, and a stable jobs market, should support two rate hikes this year. The 10-year note yield is also expected to gradually trend higher, as ‘Brexit’ hype recedes and demand pressures ease. Much will be made of the Fed raising rates the next time they decide to do so, but just remember that it’s really nothing more than the fed funds rate going from “extremely low” to “very low” (not much economic difference there). What investors will need to watch closely in the next 12 months is the yield curve, and whether it flattens more than expected due to continued pressure on the long end of the curve. This could mean bad news for the economy and it would probably go unnoticed by most—so keep your eye on it.
    Tim - Retired Problem Solver
  • jiesen
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2003
    • 5319

    ... and here I was all ready to be the first to post a mention of NTDOY


    • billyjoe
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2003
      • 9014

      One of the Pokeman virtual characters appears at a site that touches my property. My house shows up in the background when a cellphone is held in front of the object. I won't tell you where it is. People have been wandering around here for over 2 weeks and they aren't tourists.



      • antioch6
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2013
        • 411

        I'm level 6 in Pokemon: GO. It's an okay game with tons of people playing. I'm not sure who is using the paid features though. You can do fine without buying any pokecoins. Side note - I'm also playing League of Legends and Starcraft. I see almost everyone spending money on League. Its developer Riot was bought by the chinese internet gaming company Tencent. As a gamer I love Nvidia graphics cards so I also like the company. I think asia is going to be huge for gaming hardware. I buy a new gaming laptop about every 3-5 years so it's not a yearly purchase but the price tag is around $1,300-$1,700 now for what is good.


        • Louetta
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2003
          • 2331

          Originally posted by antioch6 View Post
          I'm level 6 in Pokemon: GO. It's an okay game with tons of people playing. I'm not sure who is using the paid features though. You can do fine without buying any pokecoins. Side note - I'm also playing League of Legends and Starcraft. I see almost everyone spending money on League. Its developer Riot was bought by the chinese internet gaming company Tencent. As a gamer I love Nvidia graphics cards so I also like the company. I think asia is going to be huge for gaming hardware. I buy a new gaming laptop about every 3-5 years so it's not a yearly purchase but the price tag is around $1,300-$1,700 now for what is good.
          Antioch, can you give me some particulars on what you would buy, e.g. is there a machine on the Dell site that might qualify. Thank you.


          • mimo_100
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2003
            • 1784

            From Forbes

            Nintendo Does Not Deserve Most Of The Credit For 'Pokémon GO's Success

            Paul Tassi , CONTRIBUTOR
            News and opinion about video games, technology and the internet

            Today, Nintendo stock is plummeting (down 17.7% at the time of this writing) due to the fact that investors have finally realized what should have been obvious from the start. The massive success of Pokémon GO does not necessarily mean an enormous windfall for Nintendo, given how much of a stake they actually have in the game.

            Nintendo is no stranger to seemingly out of nowhere smash hits, most notably the Wii, where a hundred million console sales set them up for years to come. Now, with Pokémon GO becoming the biggest mobile game of all time in a matter of weeks, many thought lightning was striking twice for Nintendo.

            But it isn’t for Nintendo, not really, and I would make the argument that Nintendo has been getting entirely too much credit for Pokémon GO from the start. It’s been their “big comeback story,” but now investors are starting to realize that isn’t necessarily the case.

            So what exactly is going on here?

            Nintendo does not own Pokémon outright, as many believe. In fact, they own one third of “The Pokémon Company,” along with Game Freak and Creatures, who have all banded together to make nearly every Pokémon game since launch.

            Nintendo did not develop Pokémon GO, as many believe. That would be Niantic, the creator of AR game Ingress, and a company that was spun out of Google GOOGL -0.33% years ago. Google, The Pokémon Company, Nintendo, a few VC firms and angel investors have all invested in Niantic.

            Nintendo is not raking in all the profit from Pokémon GO, as many believe That money is split between The Pokémon Company (which they own a third of), Niantic and Apple AAPL -0.67%/Android’s massive 30% cut.

            So while Pokémon GO is certainly not doing Nintendo any harm, and they’re reaping at least something from it, you can see how we’re pretty far away from Wii-level success, which was a console that Nintendo developed and sold themselves.

            It is true that Satoru Iwata of Nintendo and Tsunekazu Ishihara of The Pokémon Company were instrumental in coming up with the Google April Fool’s Joke that eventually became Pokémon GO back in 2014. But in terms of developing the actual game, almost all credit goes to Niantic, the company that spun out of Google/Google Maps.

            Niantic’s founder, John Hanke, spoke to Game Informer about how GO actually came to exist as more than a joke, and how it was them who approached Nintendo and The Pokémon Company about it, not the other way around.

            “Google and The Pokémon Company did an April Fool’s joke around Google Maps, where Pokémon spontaneously appeared in Google Maps, which ended up being tremendously successful; it went viral. There’s a video about it that got umpteen million views. And so, within the Niantic team, we were thinking about, we built the game, it’s our intent to build a platform, what would be the next step towards growing the platform? And Pokémon was the idea that seemed incredibly obvious to us, given just the structure of the game, given the fact that it’s about chasing Pokémon and capturing Pokémon out in the real world seemed to be super natural to just substitute a mobile phone for the Pokémon and Pokédex. So we actually surfaced the idea with The Pokémon Company, there was interest, they were actually playing Ingress, and Mr. Ishihara, the CEO of the Pokémon company – I met him maybe a month later, and he was like a level 11 Ingress player, so he compulsively played. And his wife was a – and I guess they are still playing – his wife was a high-level Ingress agent as well. So, they’ve been playing together, then a lot of people in The Pokémon Company were Ingress players, so when we pitched this idea of a Pokémon-like game built on the concept that we’d built with Ingress it was very well-received.”

            Hanke goes on to say that while they worked directly with The Pokémon Company for different aspects of the game, Nintendo itself, nor the iconic Shigeru Miyamoto, weren’t quite as involved.

            “Well, I haven’t talked to Miyamoto-san post-launch, but certainly we’ve been in touch with Nintendo and Miyamoto. He was on-stage with us when we announced the project, it had been under development for some time, but he was onstage when we publicly announced it in Japan back in September of last year. So, it’s definitely something that he’s been aware of and has provided his perspective on….He is aware of it and we have gotten feedback from him. At the same time, he’s not been involved as a producer or game designer, he’s not been hands-on in that way.”

            This is the reason why I have not been able to buy all these stories about how Pokémon GO is some brilliant turning point for Nintendo, how they’re finally learning to embrace mobile, and now that Nintendo has stormed the mobile scene, everybody else better watch out.

            But this isn’t Nintendo storming the mobile scene. This is Niantic storming the mobile scene through The Pokémon Company, at best. We have seen Nintendo’s direct attempt at mobile, Miitomo, which has not exactly set the world in fire. Larger tests for Nintendo will be other games they release down the road, Fire Emblem/Animal Crossing, working with DeNA, not Niantic.

            If Nintendo learns the lesson that its properties are valuable on hardware other than their own, that could indeed be gamechanging for the company. If the rumors are true and the NX has some sort of smartphone integration, Nintendo could be blasting open an entirely new marketplace.
            Tim - Retired Problem Solver


            • blindsquirrel
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2014
              • 286

              I tried the Pokemon Go game just to see what the big fuss was about. I have to admit it was pretty cute moving my phone around and seeing all the pokemons that were there the whole time and I never knew! I really do enjoy seeing the success. I love seeing someone conjure a fortune out of thin air with not much more than a brilliant idea and a computer. The most entertaining part of this fad is seeing all the recluses out of their basements and lurking the streets!
              Math doesn't lie, but people do.


              • antioch6
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2013
                • 411

                Originally posted by Louetta View Post
                Antioch, can you give me some particulars on what you would buy, e.g. is there a machine on the Dell site that might qualify. Thank you.
                I've had a good experience from XoticPc. The Sager brand laptops are powerful as a desktop replacement though they run hot. This one looks good to me if I was buying one today The only upgrade I would choose is the "1TB 5400RPM (w/ 8GB SSD Memory) Seagate Hybrid 64MB Cache - Bay 1" in the 2.5'' Storage Options (for a quicker startup) and would add Windows 7 Pro.


                • mimo_100
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2003
                  • 1784

                  Zack's Stock Market Outlook July/August 2016

                  Tim - Retired Problem Solver


                  • jiesen
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2003
                    • 5319

                    Originally posted by jiesen View Post
                    ... and here I was all ready to be the first to post a mention of NTDOY
                    really glad I picked some NTDOY up at 26 now... thinking about selling it all tomorrow at 36.


                    • jiesen
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2003
                      • 5319

                      Originally posted by jiesen View Post
                      really glad I picked some NTDOY up at 26 now... thinking about selling it all tomorrow at 36.
                      Well, I guess I missed out on that opportunity yesterday... but I can wait around for it to hit 36 again in another month or two, no biggie.


                      • jiesen
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2003
                        • 5319

                        Originally posted by jiesen View Post
                        Well, I guess I missed out on that opportunity yesterday... but I can wait around for it to hit 36 again in another month or two, no biggie.
                        Took my NTDOY profits and ran this week at 34. A 30% gain in 2 months ain't too shabby, imo.


                        • billyjoe
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2003
                          • 9014

                          Jiesen, Buy, gain 30%, sell, repeat.........



                          • billyjoe
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2003
                            • 9014

                            Bought some MOD today partially based on Zack's analysis , its being heavily oversold , and because of personal knowledge of their products. Looking for a short term gain.



                            • jiesen
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2003
                              • 5319

                              I bought some more CERS today at 4.3. This is one I plan to take a 30% gain, rinse, and repeat a couple times... at least until it gets bought out at $6 or $12 in a few years.

