I've been loading up on a local bank stock for years. During that time the price has gone from 3 7/8 to over 14. It pays about 2% in dividends. The daily volume is usually less than 50,000 shares. The spread twixt bid and ask might be .15. Cheapskate that I am, I'll always put in a limit order near but a few cents under the ask. Probably less than half the time I'll get at least a partial fill. Today there were 100 shares offered at 14.34 and a bid for 100 at 14.26. I put in a limit order for 200 at 14.34 and got all 200 for that price. The bid/ ask numbers never changed. It always showed 100 bid and 100 asked. This has always been a problem. If you don't specify "all or none" you might get only 1 share. It's happened to me before. Then I put in a limit order for 300 at 14.34 and got it at 14.32. This number never showed on my quote screen. It remained 100 bid at 14.25 and 100 ask at 14.34. I made 2 more trades, always getting the shares at or below the bid price. 3 different sites 2 of then real time never showed the price dropping below 14.34. I got all the shares but made sure not to bid for more than 300 since it never showed more than 100 offered. Never bought these shares so quickly. Often I'd wait all day then order would cancel. Didn't want to specify "good till cancelled" since tomorrows bid/ask could be lower. Current volume for the day is 9339 shares.