I purchased BEL on Jan. 2nd. @ 21.35 since that day It has been on a steady decline. Apparently because of a secondy offering they made right after It was purchased. Im sure that this stock will make It's 15% but will take some time to get there.
WHC was purchased on Jan. 9th. @24.05 than It was either taken over or purchased or joined The GEO Group and has been on a steady decline ever since that time. IBD has 3 year earnings for GGI at 19% and sales at 4%.
My question to you Is Would you have chosen BEL If you knew of the secondary offering and would your models data dump gave you GGI? I want you to know that I am not questioning your choices. Just want to know how you feel about things If you had been privy to the Information?
WHC was purchased on Jan. 9th. @24.05 than It was either taken over or purchased or joined The GEO Group and has been on a steady decline ever since that time. IBD has 3 year earnings for GGI at 19% and sales at 4%.
My question to you Is Would you have chosen BEL If you knew of the secondary offering and would your models data dump gave you GGI? I want you to know that I am not questioning your choices. Just want to know how you feel about things If you had been privy to the Information?
