Changed their portfolio page...what an unmitigated disaster. It really sucks. It does nothing for me. Now I can't see my total holdings or the charts of all of the stocks I am analyzing on one page. Who the hell is running Yahoo??
Singaporean Yahoo Finance software
Originally posted by mrmarket View PostChanged their portfolio page...what an unmitigated disaster. It really sucks. It does nothing for me. Now I can't see my total holdings or the charts of all of the stocks I am analyzing on one page. Who the hell is running Yahoo??
This is the first page of a Yahoo Help Community forum named "Reverting to the old Yahoo Finance Page." If you scroll down to user "dianecty" here is what he/she posted:
dianecty NEW 'HOO 07-23-2016 09:02 AM
Re: Reverting to the old Yahoo Finance Page = SOLUTION
I have great news! I just discovered that using the Singaporean Yahoo FInance still is the old version that we all love.
It has all US stocks. I have not tried it for mutual funds, etc...
The link below has historical data for VLO, just change it the symbol when you get there.
I cut and pasted this link, and it definitely "is the old version that we all love."
notice the URL is "". This is the Singaporean Yahoo Finance software. Also notice the RECOMMENDATIONS discussion list down along the right side. There are quite a few threads on "Yahoo Finance ... my portfolio" Interesting reading.
Here is when it gets interesting. Notice way up at the top right is a link to "My Yahoo" If you click on it, you can sign in and view your "". However, if you go to the "MY PORTFOLIOS" tab just below the top advertising banner, mouse over it, and then select one of your portfolios, you will be transported to a "" URL. If you type "sg." before "finance" in the address bar, move your cursor to the end, and then press enter, you will be put back into the Singaporean Yahoo Finance software and the url will read ""
I have bookmarked the link
changing the "s=VLO" to "S=AMD" so I can view AMD stock historical prices and information, key statistics, and interactive charts.
MrMarket, I hope this helps. I have not had the time to investigate further. If you make sure you have "" at the beginnning of the URL, you will be using the "old" software.Tim - Retired Problem Solver
I went through several months of getting the crappy new Yahoo, when suddenly a week or three ago it reverted back to old Yahoo, which makes me very happy... I'm still worried that this is just temporary, and the new crappy version will take over in due time. If the "sg." version will still give me my old portfolio info, I'll use it, but I'm not holding my breath that it'll last very long.
I think we all had best start looking for a comparable replacement, where we can safely port all our stuffs over before Yahoo finally flushes it all down the drain. If ya'll have any good ideas, please post 'em over here!
I watched a webinar the other day by one of the Zack's advisors where he showed his complete current and past portfolios and the current real time trends (red and green) of those stocks grouped by industry. And there are other tech possibilities as well. It was really impressive and I intend to try it out!!! It's
(I HATE the new Yahoo!)