Bargain on UTSI

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  • Bargain on UTSI

    UTSI, a former $$$MR. MARKET$$ pick, is really a bargain right now. I continue to follow a few of the stocks I have sold that I feel are very, very strong companies. UTSI is one of them. I am not going to bother listing all the positives for this company. I will just say that at its current price of ~$33.30 it is an insane bargain. These guys beat numbers every quarter and are sitting on close to a billion in cash as they look for aquisition/expansion prospects.

    Just a heads up for anyone interested. FYI I bought some UTSI about an hour ago, what a bargain for me!

  • mrmarket
    • Sep 2003
    • 5971


    I's a great value. FYI...I do not own UTSI but there are a lot of great companies that I don't own.

    I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

    - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


    • tokyojoeskid
      No Posting allowed; invalid email
      • Oct 2003
      • 222


      UTSI is my "non favorite" company. I say this becuz your not supposed to have favorites. This company has an unbelievable story and everything is there except momentum. I just dont know who what why or how this stock is being held down so much. It is my heaviest investment at the time. I am about breakeven on it right now and I am up about 15% on my leaps. I just hope we can all look back in a year and ask ourselves the question "why didn't we buy more????" but then again thats a perfect world.

      Analysts say they are too much overweighted in China, which is very odd becuase that has been the story of the last year with growth companies . . . so what does UTSI do they start announcing their other deals in other countries.

      Anywhere in the world where there is a NON US monopolized telecom industry, UTSI is and will be there. Eventually they will break into the US but that will take much time.

      UTSI for the long haul


      • #4

        There are currently only 2 things holding ths pps down:

        1: international diversification (lack of). As soon as they begin announcing contracts in South America and India, the stockk will shoot.

        2: the ton of cash they have, part of which was raised by the recent dilution deal. People want to know where this cash is headed before they jump in. If I had to bet I would say they are already working a deal like the Commworks deal, and I am sure it will work out just as favorably.

        Some info in either of these areas will make this stock shoot back to the mid-40s in a matter of days. Not only that, but when people see that PAS growth in China is not going to stagnate, but actually increase, and that UTSI is going to be a major player in the 3G area there, then we should see huge movent as well. The bottom line is this company knows what they are doing, has excellent growth in revenues and earnings, and has tons and tons of cash on hand right now. I can't wait to see how well they do this quarter, and the rest of this year, for that matter. If I was considering holding a company for the very long term (year/s) this would be it. Or perhaps NCEN...


