North Korea/ Stock Market

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  • billyjoe
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 9014

    North Korea/ Stock Market

    Any plans for when the sh*! hits the fan? It will likely happen within the next 180 days, probably sooner as N.Korea refines their targeting capabilities. Do you go to cash now? Buy more on big panic pullback? I give it at least an 80% chance of happening. Look at the 2 leaders involved. Neither will show weakness by backing down. Agree or disagree!

  • blindsquirrel
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2014
    • 286

    Totally unknown. Wildcards are China and Russia. Will they put an end to this charade now that its gotten real? I think what is real and known is the sentiment that you voiced. Panic is very possible and the markets are ripe for a healthy pull-back. I'd buy the crap out of a good crash/correction. Buy ugly - sell purdy.
    Math doesn't lie, but people do.


    • Karel
      • Sep 2003
      • 2199

      Even the most crazy North Korean leader will realize that the price for scoring a hit against the US will be annihilation. The smart guess is that they like their own power too much to risk that. We might be a bit less optimistic about the ability of the US military to explain, in clear, simple words, that a preemptive strike at North Korea would also make South Korea a ready and difficult to miss target for their Northern neighbours. But we can hope.
      My Investopedia portfolio
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