I ran a rough simulation of a Mr.Market like portfolio with a few tweaks. Over the years Mr.Market has consistently maintained a winning percentage of over 90%. I tried to err on the conservative side.
1. Maintain positions in 12 stocks at all times.
2. Assume a success rate of 83% (10 of 12 stocks gain 15% before being sold, loss of 20% also triggers sale)
3. Start with equal $$ amounts in each position. In this case, $5000 per stock.
4. Try to keep equal dollar amounts in each position
5. Work with a simple turnover rate of once per year
End of first year, 10 positions $5750 each, 2 positions $4000 each Total $65500
End year 6, 12 positions roughly $8044 each. Total $96532
End year 10, roughly 8 positions $9788, 4 positions $14072 Total $134588
End year 15, 6 positions $13694, 6 positions $19687 Total $200294, a gain of 334%
I think this is a reasonable possibility. What do you think?
1. Maintain positions in 12 stocks at all times.
2. Assume a success rate of 83% (10 of 12 stocks gain 15% before being sold, loss of 20% also triggers sale)
3. Start with equal $$ amounts in each position. In this case, $5000 per stock.
4. Try to keep equal dollar amounts in each position
5. Work with a simple turnover rate of once per year
End of first year, 10 positions $5750 each, 2 positions $4000 each Total $65500
End year 6, 12 positions roughly $8044 each. Total $96532
End year 10, roughly 8 positions $9788, 4 positions $14072 Total $134588
End year 15, 6 positions $13694, 6 positions $19687 Total $200294, a gain of 334%
I think this is a reasonable possibility. What do you think?