Mr. Market rocks the house!!

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  • Mr. Market rocks the house!!

    I mean like....there's the house....and you look a little closer and you see Mr. Market just plain rockin' it, ya know what I mean?

    Is there any website that has made you more money? You? YOU?

    I wish I could keep up with all the good picks. Even the ones I doubt, like his last sixteen percenter in two weeks, do well. Right now I am still on DHI (up over 30% ) and BEL. I want to buy more of the stocks in his portfolio but I don't want to sell DHI just yet and unfortunately BEL is down a little (though, since I bought it at a lower price, I'm not down as bad as some others.) The other stock I hold a decent amount of is Lucent and I'm just waiting for that to reach $4.50 level again before I sell. I've more than doubled on that baby.

    Anyway, just want to reiterate that Mr. Market does not sit around the house......he rocks it, baby!! He's a rim-rocker, a pick-shocker, and a stuffing-stocker all rolled into one.
  • mrmarket
    • Sep 2003
    • 5971

    yes I am.....

    I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

    - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


    • Lyehopper
      Senior Member
      • Jan 2004
      • 3678

      Originally posted by The Kid View Post
      I mean like....there's the house....and you look a little closer and you see Mr. Market just plain rockin' it, ya know what I mean?

      Is there any website that has made you more money? You? YOU?

      I wish I could keep up with all the good picks. Even the ones I doubt, like his last sixteen percenter in two weeks, do well. Right now I am still on DHI (up over 30% ) and BEL. I want to buy more of the stocks in his portfolio but I don't want to sell DHI just yet and unfortunately BEL is down a little (though, since I bought it at a lower price, I'm not down as bad as some others.) The other stock I hold a decent amount of is Lucent and I'm just waiting for that to reach $4.50 level again before I sell. I've more than doubled on that baby.

      Anyway, just want to reiterate that Mr. Market does not sit around the house......he rocks it, baby!! He's a rim-rocker, a pick-shocker, and a stuffing-stocker all rolled into one.
      You are an excellent stock trader Kid!.... It would be fun having you around here ......too bad your email's broken.....SsSsSssssssss!
      BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


      • Lyehopper
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2004
        • 3678

        Originally posted by Lyehopper View Post
        You are an excellent stock trader Kid!.... It would be fun having you around here ......too bad your email's broken.....SsSsSssssssss!
        Actually I did not notice the origional date of "The Kids" post.... LOL!!!!

        It was a very funny post, had it been posted today....
        BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!

