Virus Report

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  • Phoenix7
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2011
    • 3663

    Afraid To Leave Your House? Check this out!


    • BlueWolf
      Senior Member
      • Jun 2009
      • 1077

      Some good news: As of March 16, at least one COVID-19 vaccine has gone into clinical trials. In addition, I was able to find almost three dozen additional vaccines in development. Of course, their development is a race against the clock, but a lot of them are being fast-tracked in order to cut through some of the red tape.


      • billyjoe
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2003
        • 9014

        Due to Gov. DeWine's early shut down of Ohio, it appears hundreds or thousands of lives have been saved. According to the Ohio Dept. of Health as of April 10th the corona virus is in 84 of the 88 Ohio counties with the highest totals in the most populous counties. A total of 5512 cases breaks down this way: 1024 cases Cuyahoga County (Cleveland) 802 cases Franklin County (Columbus) 473 cases Hamilton County (Cincinnati) 403 cases Lucas County (Toledo) 334 cases Mahoning County (Youngstown).

        There have been 213 deaths with 364 new cases April 10th down from a peak of 427 new cases on April 4th. Original projection were for 1600+ deaths. New projections are for 500+. There are 10 cases in my county about half way between Toledo and Cleveland. DeWine said what convinced him to close down the state on March 22nd after the first 2 deaths in the state was the Arnold Classic (Schwartzenegger) that would have brought 60,000 people to Columbus from 80 countries.



        • mrmarket
          • Sep 2003
          • 5971

          On the market front, I would be very careful about the recent "good news" and recent market rallies. Think about it...when the market was at 29,000 in January....what will the world be like in November, will the economy be better than it was in January? It will be difficult to see an environment where most businesses have fully recovered.

          I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

          - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


          • jiesen
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2003
            • 5320

            I bought some GILD today at $82 on the news that remdesivir study data shows that it works to treat the Covid-19 infection.

            I'm sure that when more people hear about this data they will pile into the stock in the coming few days and weeks. Not sure this will actually make a dent in GILD's earnings or market value (currently over $100B) though. So, I'll probably sell it at $90 if I can, next week. (or at $80 if I turn out to be wrong)


            • Louetta
              Senior Member
              • Oct 2003
              • 2331

              Originally posted by mrmarket View Post
              On the market front, I would be very careful about the recent "good news" and recent market rallies. Think about it...when the market was at 29,000 in January....what will the world be like in November, will the economy be better than it was in January? It will be difficult to see an environment where most businesses have fully recovered.
              Lookin' for stuff to sell starting tomorrow. Always have some turkeys. Scary part is reports of large numbers of people who want to file for unemployment but have not been able to yet because of staffing issues, other snafus.


              • jiesen
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2003
                • 5320

                Originally posted by jiesen View Post
                I bought some GILD today at $82 on the news that remdesivir study data shows that it works to treat the Covid-19 infection.

                I'm sure that when more people hear about this data they will pile into the stock in the coming few days and weeks. Not sure this will actually make a dent in GILD's earnings or market value (currently over $100B) though. So, I'll probably sell it at $90 if I can, next week. (or at $80 if I turn out to be wrong)
                I'll probably kick myself for this, when it hits 90 next week, but I sold my GILD today at $80. $2/shr is all I'm willing to risk on this trade, though.


                • billyjoe
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2003
                  • 9014

                  My daughter's hospital in Toledo announced they are going to test employees every 2 weeks. Only problem is they don't have the personnel to administer the tests, they don't have the proper equipment, and they don't have the tests. Sound familiar? Will keep updating this process.



                  • blindsquirrel
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2014
                    • 286

                    My daughter is a nurse at a northwest arkansas hospital. She is doing some testing for C-19 etc. She told me about a patient they had on a ventelator who recovered when they used the new therapy involving plasma from donors who had recovered from C-19. She said the treatment was very difficult to do because the plasma is so rare, but she also said it was very effective (yay! encouraging news!). You simply didn't recover after being on a ventelator until this treatment. I'll link below to that story. I pray there will eventually be a vaccine, and I think things will open back up this Summer, but I also think positive news recently and the recovery in the market will not last this year. I think we will see another correction, and possibly a big one. However, I think it will provide great opportunity for the informed, so fear not! I have a watchlist of stocks that I'd love to see take a drop so I could buy at a discount.

                    Another thing my daughter told me... from her perspective inside the healthcare system, the biggest struggle is not the virus, its how it affects everything else - they have trouble getting supplies, they can't do procedures that typically pay the hospitals well and finance all the other non-profitable hospital activities, her coworkers don't have childcare, on and on. I know opening up is risky, but I think the risk of not opening up the economy needs to be acknowledged. Crazy times for sure.

                    Stay safe folks!

                    Northwest Medical Center – Springdale staff lined the hallway today and cheered for Mirna Marquez, of Huntsville, as she was escorted to her family...
                    Math doesn't lie, but people do.


                    • billyjoe
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2003
                      • 9014

                      Vaccine finally has arrived at my daughter's Toledo hospital. 3 co-workers have the virus as well as my son in laws co-workers. Also a nephew and his wife and my wife's only remaining uncle have the virus. In my county 1 in 20 test positive. In my mother-in-laws county 50 miles from here, 1 in 19 test positive.



                      • billyjoe
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2003
                        • 9014

                        Praise the Lord! My daughter got the vaccine today with no bad effects. Also they are studying how long it takes for antibodies to appear in breast milk of participants. My son-in-law is a part time fireman. They informed him that they'll get the vaccine shortly.



                        • Louetta
                          Senior Member
                          • Oct 2003
                          • 2331

                          Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
                          Praise the Lord! My daughter got the vaccine today with no bad effects. Also they are studying how long it takes for antibodies to appear in breast milk of participants. My son-in-law is a part time fireman. They informed him that they'll get the vaccine shortly.


                          Fantasmal, Billy.


                          • enhancebeginner
                            • Nov 2017
                            • 43

                            Too bad that happened. I am sorry but I dont get it.

