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  • #16
    Originally posted by jhiggins24
    How does everyone on this board feel about ABAX?
    Again, ABAX looks fairly speculative. I see their P/E at a bit over 100 and their FP/E at closer to 150? Future earnings estimates do not look good to me, although I have no knowledge of why. Personally I would not touch this one. It still seems you may be looking at overvalued stocks that have had excessive runups. What method did you use to pick ABAX? Maybe we can look at your methodology and learn omre from that...



    • jhiggins24
      No Posting allowed; invalid email
      • Mar 2004
      • 16

      I am not necessarily worried about my methodology for picking stocks. The only loser that I have bought was NT, and the accountants really F*&^CKED me with that one. I think when I started this thread, I was really hurting from my loss on NT. when I step back and look at the big picture, I have picked winning stocks, I have just executed poorly on my buys and sells. That part is what I will work on.

      I am happy now that I have made 25% on SWIR. As far as P/E ratios... they just flat out don't matter with some companies. RIMM and SWIR are great examples. I feel that I have righted my portfolio, and I am pretty comfortable where I stand now.

      Here is what I now own, and what I bought it for.
      SWIR 31.47
      VTIV 13.58
      SIRI 2.99
      SHFL 47.20
      SGMS 18.88
      PDX 60.28 --- great call MM
      HZO 26.08 --- ditto
      DRAX 5.23
      AMD 16.14

      Made $525 in Vegas this weekend playing Hold 'em poker at the Bellaggio, Orleans, and Luxor casinos. Was up $950 until I sat down with the big boys at the No Limit table. The education was worth while though, I can't wait to push people around at my 4-8 limit game now.

      Oh, and my team won the hockey tourney we played out there. I love beating Canadian teams!!!


