ASCA Sold ==> 54 winners in a row!

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  • mrmarket
    • Sep 2003
    • 5971

    ASCA Sold ==> 54 winners in a row!

    Stop the presses! Stop the presses!! $$$MR. MARKET$$$ now has 54 consecutive profitable trades of 15% or better. The man is unbelievable. I am ripping through the stock market like a gorilla through marshmallows. Today I sold ASCA at 31.99. That is an 18% gain over my purchase price of 27 on February 10, 2004. Over the same period, the S&P 500 was down 4.7%. While $$$MR. MARKET$$$ is making money, the market is losing money. I am HUGE!!! I hit my target in only 44 days. That’s an annualized return of 149%. Can you do that? You? YOU?? YOU???!!!!

    I am the Greatest of all time, (crowd sing along) I am the Man, the Myth, the Legend. The only person that comes close is Troy Letters of Lehigh, who won the NCAA wrestling championship last weekend. I would have won the NCAA championship but Gilligan’s Island was on at the same time as wrestling practice. I am Montego Bay in Belmar, the rest of you are Key Largo. I am McDonald’s, you are Burger King. I am Hertz, you are Avis. I am Rickey Henderson, you are Lou Brock. I am Barry Bonds, you are Sammy Sosa. I am the New England Patriots, you are the Carolina Panthers. I am the Red Sox, you are the Yankees! Wait a minute, never mind about that one.

    The best news is that another $$$MR. MARKET$$$ pick is coming soon. Who can hardly wait? You? You?? YOU??!! I am HUGE!!

    Now give me my props. You must tell me what you think of me or else I will not make anymore stock picks.

    ================================================== ==
    Posted: 10 Feb 2004 02:54 pm Post subject: ASCA ==> the Valentine's Day Winner

    The bells are ringing. The sirens are blaring. The smoke is rising. In the middle of a 5 alarm fire? Nope..guess again. The cocktail waitresses are spilling out of their uniforms as they hand $$$MR. MARKET$$$ a freezing cold martini filled to the brim with Thor’s hammer vodka. The casino thinks that if they ply $$$MR. MARKET$$$ and fellow Titan Omega with alcohol, they will get them to make wagers so that they fall victim to the house chicanery. Little do they know that the Titans eat casinos for breakfast. Even a run of bad luck can be fixed on Tennessee ave with a little hot water to stop the oil.

    Bet Bet Ba Ba Ba Ba BET! Every one loves to win! Remember you must bet big to win big! The casinos give away money if you have the skill to take it. That is how they build suck large edifices, gaming has returned to the adult play ground themes and the profits are returning as well. Wanna Bet?

    Today I bought ASCA (Ameristar Casino) at 27. I will sell it in 4 to 6 weeks at 31.28. Here’s why I like ASCA:

    ASCA’s stock is up about 240% in the last 12 months yet it sports a paltry PE of only 14.70.

    The economy is coming back and people have more disposable income. What better way to use your “disposable” income than to dispose it at a casino. That’s right, throw those Jacksons away. You didn’t need them anyway.

    Ameristar Casinos, Inc. is an innovative, Las Vegas-based gaming and
    entertainment company known for its distinctive, quality-conscious hotel-casinos and value orientation. Led by President and Chief Executive Officer Craig H. Neilsen, the organization's roots go back nearly five decades to a tiny roadside casino in the high plateau country that borders Idaho and Nevada.

    Look…there’s nothing special about Vegas or Atlantic City, other than the fact that people will go there to piss away their money. Buy building new casinos in places closer to healthy Midwest population centers, Ameristar is siphoning off existing gamblers and and creating new gamblers. Today, the Midwest's riverboat gaming market is growing at a faster clip, in double digits, than its land-based counterparts in Las Vegas and Atlantic City, N.J. More folks opt to drive a couple of hours to spend their leisure money than hop a plane and travel to some distant locale.

    In December 2000, Ameristar spent $475 million to buy two Missouri facilities from Station Casinos Inc and they haven’t looked back. That more than doubled Ameristar's size and sent revenue soaring. It changed the entire company. It gave the company very high quality assets at a low price. And it also improved prospects for earnings and cash-flow growth. Station needed to fold and leave town in the wake of an ethics probe by the Missouri Gaming Commission and Ameristar is the benefactor of all of this. It was a kind of distress sale situation where Station really had to get out of the state.

    Goodbye Station..hello Ameristar! Now they are growing and growing. Once those suckers, I mean people, arrive, the key is to keep them around longer so they'll spend more cash at the slot machines or crap tables. Casinos offer plenty of amenities: entertainment, fine dining, hotels. ASCA believes they have the highest-quality facility with very attractive nongaming amenities.

    Another bonus for Ameristar: Though demand for gaming continues to grow, supply is fixed. Unlike Nevada, where it's an unlimited license jurisdiction, many of these riverboat markets have already given out the number of legislatively mandated licenses, Jordan said. There are no new properties coming in.

    Look at the revenue growth!! In 2001, they did 627 million. In 2002, they did 698 million and last year they did 782 million! That 13% growth over the last couple of years is kicking the crap out of the palaces in Vegas. Income is surging with it as they done about 20% growth in net EPS over the last couple of years. With the growing economy continuing unabated, $$MR. MARKET$$$ sees this growth continuing. My prediction is $881 million in revenues for 2004 which would get them profits of $2.07/share. Try applying the industry average PE of 33 to these earnings. You get a stock price of $68.31. Now we’re talking!! The 11 analysts covering ASCA think it will earn $1.97/share. These nerds just don’t understand the inescapable grip of gambling. Just ask Fred Flinstone and Arnold the Paperboy. Bet bet bet ba ba bet bet BET!!!

    Why do I think this growth will continue? What about competition?

    At the end of last year, Ameristar KC smoted competition they now have 37.28% share in a four boat market. The current numbers are record highs. Ameristar St. Charles/St. Louis "led all state casinos with 12.8% month-over-month growth and $22.6 million in gross revenues." Ameristar KC finished the month "with $18.76 million in revenue, its third best month ever. Sources say the places are packed with gamblers with people waiting on table games.

    Other reasons why I think ASCA is undervalued:

    Price to cash flow stands at 6.4 vs. industry average of 8.5. Based on this metric alone, ASCA’s share price should be around 35.

    Return on Equity is a scorching 19.5% vs. the industry average of 8%. With cash flow at around 100 million, they can whack down their debt pretty quickly if they had to. With gross margins in the area of 47%, their growing revenues will move quickly to the bottom line.

    Last week ASCA announced fourth quarter 2003 results that exceeded
    management's previously issued guidance. (Do you detect a pattern here?? Yes??? Good.) Ameristar also announced record results for the year ended December 31, 2003.

    Here were some operational Highlights

    * Number one in gaming market share in all of our markets for
    both the fourth quarter of 2003 and the full year 2003, and at the
    same time improved our operating income and EBITDA margins year- over-year for both periods.

    * ASCA led markets in the introduction of coinless slot technology at our Ameristar branded properties with approximately 75% of the slot
    machines coinless at the end of 2003. They expect to have approximately
    100% of the slot machines at these properties coinless by the end
    of 2004. Who wants to handle those coins anyway?? Blecchhh….do you know where people might be putting those things?? Bogus!!

    And this is what the boss said:

    "During 2003, we continued to successfully execute our key operating
    strategies designed to enhance the overall excitement of our facilities and improve our profitability," said Craig H. Neilsen, Chairman and CEO. " We believe our record financial results for 2003 validate the effectiveness of our business strategies and strength of the Ameristar brand. We believe we are well positioned for continued financial success and future expansion."

    This is not some high tech stock or biotech research company that may hype on its future blockbuster potentials. One can actually see their business by visiting its casinos. These places are crowded on weeknights. Compare this to a Tuesday night in Atlantic City!

    For the year ending December 31, 2004, we currently estimate operating
    income of $144.0 million to $154.0 million, EBITDA of $215.0 million to
    $225.0 million (given anticipated depreciation expense of $71.0 million),
    interest expense of $57.1 million and diluted earnings per share of $1.94 to $2.16. where is it going to be? Closer to what the ANALysts say or will they smash these sandbagged numbers in a growing economy?

    Want to see some distressing news?

    St. Charles, Mo., July 29, 2002–A slot player at Ameristar Casino St. Charles hit the jackpot Monday, July 22, 2002, with a whopping $679,353 prize.

    The winner, who elected to remain anonymous, was playing a 25-cent, three-coin Triple Diamond Wheel of Gold machine at 3:15 p.m. on the first level of the casino when all the right symbols lined up perfectly.

    I’m not worried….he’ll be back.

    Anyway..happy VD to all you lovers out there. I hope you get to spread as much VD love as is possible this year.

    I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

    - $$$MR. MARKET$$$

    I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

    - $$$MR. MARKET$$$
  • jiesen
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2003
    • 5320

    You are HUGE!

    This is an amazing stock, I'm glad you found it for us! I almost regret that I sold it, now that it's hitting $33 already. But I know your next pick will be even better, so I'm keeping the cash ready...

    Way to go, $$MM, many meats and cheeses to you!


    • df21084
      Senior Member
      • Mar 2004
      • 258


      Awesome pick $$$MM$$$. ASCA still looks incredibly strong, so what do you think this stock will do going forward?

      Happy investing,

      My opinion is worth no more than the price you paid for me to give it.


      • ViaAurelia

        I took 20% on this one. Great pick. Technicals looked good for that last kick. I was so tempted to dump it yesterday but felt it had some more legs under it.

        As for future price, Ernie is following a disciplined system and regardless of where the stock goes from here, he as least logged his 15%+. No looking back. I'm out as well.

        Bravo, Ernie, keep 'em coming. Dude, you are a machine.


        • scifos
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2004
          • 790

          I made out at 17% Great pick. What a system!
          Buy Low
          Sell High
          STAY FROSTY!


          • #6
            Los Angeles Loves Mr. Market!

            Thanks Mr. Market. I love reading your posts which are a nice mix of gut instinct, technical analysis, and chutzpah!


            • stocks54
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2003
              • 178

              You are great

              Mr. Market,

              You are great!!! Made 23% on this one. I was getting little gready....


              • #8
                ASCA Sold

                I took 22% on this one, but would gladly have settled for less. So far, I have profited from ASCA, CFC, HELE and WSBK. What a ride!

                I (foolishly) tried for more with K-Swiss, and guess what, I still own it! Anyone think that it will come back -- ever?

                On a happier front, I'm in with BEL, GGI, HAR, SAFM, AACE and HZO.

                Once again, thanks Ernie! And remember -- when you've got it, flaunt it!


                • Scout101
                  No Posting allowed; invalid email
                  • Nov 2003
                  • 5

                  $$$Mr. Market$$$
                  You are indeed HUUUUUGE! With the streak now at 54, you are rapidly closing in on Joe DiMaggio's all-time record of 56. OK, OK, I know I'm mixing my metaphors, just wanted to put you in world-class company.


                  • #10
                    Amazing, I wish I would have known about you 53 picks ago.

                    Thanks for all your hard work and sharing your information.


                    • mxa
                      • Oct 2003
                      • 39


                      You are da man!
                      I only wish I had half your girth and worth!
                      None meatier!
                      None cheesier!
                      Please keep your briliant humor and picks coming!



                      • mxa
                        • Oct 2003
                        • 39

                        Ugly Typo

                        Not that I can’t spell brilliant, just that my typing sucks.


                        • Jaws57
                          Senior Member
                          • Dec 2003
                          • 100


                          Out at 18.5% gain!!!!!

                          Thanks MrMarket!!!!!!!!

                          I think like others on this board that ASCA is going lots higher but I am going with the MM flow.

                          I eagerly wait for the next offering of wisdom!!!


                          • jhiggins24
                            No Posting allowed; invalid email
                            • Mar 2004
                            • 16

                            I am amazed. and pissed that I did not get in on this. Great pick MM. Truly amazing the run you are on. Keep it going Huge one.



                            • casinoboy3

                              Thanks for the HUGE pick, I will be re-investing the proceeds from ASCA into your next "Spring is Here" winner. Keep 'em coming!!!!

