i listened
i think your advice was right...just not that day...mpp plummeted today from a intraday high of like 1480 to 11.70. I gotted stopped out at 13.40 (actually i had 1000 shares so it took a while for it to sell off) 13.40, 13.20, 1300 etc.. But i still got out. Made about 41% in 2weeks. Beat that mr market !!! lol I am only talking smack cause i got lucky. if i can reproduce this several more times a year then i will have th rights to talk smack. Till then mr market has about 55 more winning trades in a row than me. lol.
i think your advice was right...just not that day...mpp plummeted today from a intraday high of like 1480 to 11.70. I gotted stopped out at 13.40 (actually i had 1000 shares so it took a while for it to sell off) 13.40, 13.20, 1300 etc.. But i still got out. Made about 41% in 2weeks. Beat that mr market !!! lol I am only talking smack cause i got lucky. if i can reproduce this several more times a year then i will have th rights to talk smack. Till then mr market has about 55 more winning trades in a row than me. lol.