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Spike's Scientific Stock Analysis
Originally posted by spikefaderNo, I'm still pretty youngBeen trading for only 5 years and still learning
Edit: P.S...I'm still pretty young too"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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This weekend's eduction action: Time for some more charting review.
I chose to continue with the AUO review I did, and pick up where I left off. Why? To show that if you follow the same stock and want to trade it technically using channels and stops in a disciplined fashion, it can be a rewarding exercise.
From where AUO last left us, it was a long from 12.55 after that blue channel long day here and now we see that it got as high as 14.19 or +13% profit before turning down. A wise man would have placed stop to break even after seeing it produce 13%, which would have been stopped out even.
Next, the green channel short day fails. Assuming a smart entry and a disciplined stop out let's assume a 3% loss for the sake of realistic benchmarking of channel/stop theory.
Next channel signal is blue long around 12.70. Without seeing an intraday chart, let's say over the next few days retracement a smart 'support' or pattern entry presents itself at say 13.00 (another apparently realistic price looking at the chart). The channel long day is tested whereupon the stock responds nicely and carries the trade to current 26.5% profit to date and the trade remains open. For how long? Well, target upper channel at 17.30 and rising each day or until channel short day occurs. That target price is 33% and rising each day the channel is allowed to grow. As for protecting profits, why not a flat 15% profit zone. If it falls and takes you out, you're smiling anyway. If it continues to be bullish for the next 6 months without hitting an upper channel or giving a channel short day, then wonderful. All one can do now with this trade is smile all the way to the bank.
I hope this is useful to someone out there.
Spike, this work on AUO is awesome. I really enjoy your charting abilities and only wish that one day I can be as good as you!!!! One thing I’ve been working on is Patience, this is something I’ve lacked in the past. I truly enjoy all your posts and I’m grateful of your willingness to share your skills!!!
Originally posted by New-born babySpike,
Your thread features an ad from .net charting. Do you have any knowledge/experience with this tool? I would just like to know your opinion. Is your charting service ""
For my daily charting I use stockcharts for all these posted daily charts. It's got great interactive charting - eg. the regression channels I like. I use Quotetracker charting for intraday charting, which works very well with direct IB data feed or other data feeds. IB feed works well for me, but it's good to have backfill with either MyTrack or whatever broker you use. Most are supported by QT.
Originally posted by RunnerSpike, this work on AUO is awesome. I really enjoy your charting abilities and only wish that one day I can be as good as you!!!! One thing I’ve been working on is Patience, this is something I’ve lacked in the past. I truly enjoy all your posts and I’m grateful of your willingness to share your skills!!!
You are wise to highlight patience as a trait to grab hold of. That's very important in my book. It's so easy to want to rush after a trade you think you've missed....action based more on emotion or fear of missing something good than disciplined patience. Great trades are ones where you're waiting patiently in ambush and you catch a perfect entry completely unawares.
Does Quotetracker have the regression channels, and all the tools you use for your charts here? I know you post here via But when you are connected to IB, I want to know do you have the tools that Stockcharts provides you? I am asking because I want to get the same tools you have, and sharpen skills like you have, to time my entries like you do.
Originally posted by New-born babySpike,
Does Quotetracker have the regression channels, and all the tools you use for your charts here? I know you post here via But when you are connected to IB, I want to know do you have the tools that Stockcharts provides you? I am asking because I want to get the same tools you have, and sharpen skills like you have, to time my entries like you do.