Spike's Scientific Stock Analysis

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  • billyjoe
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 9014

    What does it mean when the red line on the chart going down passes the red line of volume beneath it rising as in the case of SFCC and LSCP today ? Could it be the SOL conundrum ? Would you believe I shorted both of them yesterday ? NOT !



    • spikefader
      Senior Member
      • Apr 2004
      • 7175

      Originally posted by tokyojoeskid

      While I am happy with my profit in my pocket, it kinda makes me sick to see this thing keep climbing. Spike you said yesterday you thought it may stop around this level, what do you think it will fall back to? Channel bottom around 50 mid line is at around 57. This thing is on fire though.

      Appreciate all the help!

      Dude. I know what it's like, but don't allow yourself to write or even THINK words like 'makes me sick'. Do not look back with regret on the decision to close it out according to your plan. This is very important. Regret for missing out on this recent bullishness isn't going to help your trading psyche or your discipline.

      You did very very very well dude. Pat yourself on the back, reward yourself for good discipline, and don't get emotional on the direction now. Look, the bottom line is it is incredibly difficult and rare to catch the top. It's more luck than good management, and for that very reason don't feel like the dunce of the class when you can't do it. It means nothing. Up, down, sideways, overnight gap down on terrible news, overnight pop on great news, it's all irrelevant to your plan. You had a good plan. It worked. Your locked in your profit based on the plan, rather than recklessly and greedily holding it open just so you can suck more out of it. Doing so will only suck the life out of great play you made.

      Today may well be the reversal day. It may not, but the pattern is there to justify it. It will set up long again soon enough. Be a genius and stalk it. Wait for the weakness you want. Wait with patience like a small fish in deep dark dangerous waters; he hides in the shadows and the rocks until it is clear. Move too soon and you'll get gobbled up dude. Recklessly swim around in the water and you'll get gobbled up dude. Courageously pick at that big chunk of bait too long and you'll get gobbled up dude. Take your fill, and withdraw to plot the next fantastic play!! With zero regrets. And that fantastic play may be down at a channel long somewhere down near 50.00 and you won't know until it actually generates one, so get to stalkin dude and quit complainin'! haha


      • spikefader
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2004
        • 7175

        Originally posted by billyjoe
        What does it mean when the red line on the chart going down passes the red line of volume beneath it rising as in the case of SFCC and LSCP today ? Could it be the SOL conundrum ? Would you believe I shorted both of them yesterday ? NOT !
        haha. I think it means a bad thing! Yowza.


        • tokyojoeskid
          No Posting allowed; invalid email
          • Oct 2003
          • 222

          Thank you for the words of wisdom Spike!

          I have now turned into a Stalker! Today marks the first day that I will stalk and have ever stalked. The three that I stalk for entry are SNDK, AAPL and GOOG. The list will grow and so will my patience. Honestly I am not sick about my exit, I had great profits and I think I might go reward myself with a set of brand new Callaway X-18 irons.

          I am definately looking forward to finding the perfect entry back into SNDK, I have been in and out of this beast since around 1999 for some great gains. This company is well postioned for the future and the future is FLASH!


          • skiracer
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2004
            • 6314

            The fun in all of this is to pick winners consistently and to have gains. Whenever you beat the markets with a winner and a gain you should be happy and put the trade behind you. These stocks don't owe any of us anything an when we hit a winner and close it out that should be the end of it. That's one of the reasons why I have a TA approach to my trading discipline. Once out of a trade/position I forget about it and look for other setups that are ready to go off including the one that I may have just exited. The %'s are the same if you exit a stock and re-enter a few days or weeks later. 10% is the same regardless if it is from $20 to $22 or $35 to $38.50 as long as you're on the right side of the trade and make and protect the gain. Making and protecting the gain along with cutting losses short will insure a winning %. Wasting time thinking about what might have been if you held awhile longer is just what it is wasting time. It takes alot of will power to honor a strategy and plan through the up and down times but doing so will give you the edge in ending up on the winning side.


            • dmk112
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2004
              • 1759

              Originally posted by spikefader
              And a stoppin we will go. -11 on that one. Intraday signals now scalp bearish so we're in retrace mode. I'll stalk a long tomorrow.

              Spike, same here...been getting stopped out on my enteries all day. Should of stayed away today.


              • How long does it take to be able to trade like a corpse? Money flowing into ones account is very exciting. How do you turn off the greed and the fear, the supply and the demand? With every tick up the heart beats faster, every tick down and your palms began to sweet. Two minutes after you have exited your position the stock starts to move in the direction that you wanted it to go before you sold. You watch the screen and think, if only I had gotten up to go to the toilet. These are the emotions that make this the hardest game on earth.


                • Websman
                  Senior Member
                  • Apr 2004
                  • 5545

                  Originally posted by skeew
                  How long does it take to be able to trade like a corpse? Money flowing into ones account is very exciting. How do you turn off the greed and the fear, the supply and the demand? With every tick up the heart beats faster, every tick down and your palms began to sweet. Two minutes after you have exited your position the stock starts to move in the direction that you wanted it to go before you sold. You watch the screen and think, if only I had gotten up to go to the toilet. These are the emotions that make this the hardest game on earth.
                  Become a Vulcan...


                  • sign me up. Lord knows I am ready.


                    • spikefader
                      Senior Member
                      • Apr 2004
                      • 7175

                      tokyo's a stalker! haha and three good ones to stalk indeed. Yep, the future is flash.......and the future is discipline! hehe Good luck in your stalkin', and may you be handsomely rewarded for it.

                      ski, awesome way to say it dude. You are so right.

                      dmk, as long as they're little it don't matter. keep the course and keep huntin' those entries of perfection.


                      • spikefader
                        Senior Member
                        • Apr 2004
                        • 7175

                        OSIP short setup
                        stop over hod for best r/r


                        • spikefader
                          Senior Member
                          • Apr 2004
                          • 7175

                          Short YM 10500 dudes.


                          • Lyehopper
                            Senior Member
                            • Jan 2004
                            • 3678

                            Shorted ENER this morning

                            Originally posted by spikefader
                            Short YM 10500 dudes.
                            Posted a (Lyehopper special) chart on Doug's Thread this morning.... I'm gunnin for 28.5 or there abouts.
                            BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


                            • spikefader
                              Senior Member
                              • Apr 2004
                              • 7175

                              Out YM even. Then shorted again at 10506 off system short.


                              • spikefader
                                Senior Member
                                • Apr 2004
                                • 7175

                                OSIP double top now, that was the GOLD medal short entry.

