Spike's Scientific Stock Analysis

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  • Originally posted by Peter Hansen
    Spike BRCD just came up on my radar screen .wow the volume is 37 Million Plus For a 6 dollar stock......Looks as if she is really moving . Has she ran out of gas or does the stock still have legs? Thanx Pete!
    DISCLOSURE: I am long in Brocade.

    I got in BRCD in mid Feb. under $5, and I have a sell target of $7.04 for them, which is roughly 15% above its current price. The scary side is that it has had a steady, but not meteoric, rise over the past 3 months or so, and pretty decent volume.
    With that said, there are an awful lot of people sitting in BRCD with some nice gains. If they start taking some profit off the table, it could stall out the stock or cause a pullback.
    A pullback would not necessarily be a bad thing; rather, I would see it as an opportunity.
    Keep that in mind if you decide to go in. Normally I would say that you were chasing gains that already occurred, but the fundamentals are still very strong here.


    • noshadyldy
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2003
      • 539


      Another "celler dweller" coming up! HUGE insider buying!!!! HUGE! Volume up by 50% at this time already. Not the best fundies. Big saucer (or messy cup and handle) coming out of 2 year formation.
      So what do you think, my furry friend?
      Last edited by noshadyldy; 03-20-2006, 02:31 PM.
      "Whatever you can do or dream you can , begin it. Boldness has genius,power and magic in it." Goethe


      • Originally posted by noshadyldy
        Another "celler dweller" coming up! HUGE insider buying!!!! HUGE! Volume up by 50% at this time already. Not the best fundies. Big saucer (or messy cup and handle) coming out of 2 year formation.
        So what do you think, my furry friend?
        Keep a close eye on it. If you have 10% or better in it (gain that is), I would consider rollong back a little or, at very least, get a stop limit in to protect your gains.
        It's on light volume, but could still get some profit taking from the folks that got in 2 weeks ago or the long term holders that have a chance to recoup some here.


        • Greetings Spike,

          Would you consider this a valid short?

          I see the double bottom,yet it appears to have gapped to upper channel.Not sure of the R/R yet.

          cordially Tom


          • spikefader
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2004
            • 7175

            Originally posted by Peter Hansen
            Spike BRCD just came up on my radar screen .wow the volume is 37 Million Plus For a 6 dollar stock......Looks as if she is really moving . Has she ran out of gas or does the stock still have legs? Thanx!
            Still has some legs left before weekly resistance. I'd be a stalker at this stage.


            • Greetings Spike,

              Was patient and got filled on ARBA at 10.38,looking for that 15+ target.Stop at 10.22,R/R of 29,not bad if it pans out.Still waiting on IB,then the real fun begins.

              cordially Tom


              • spikefader
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2004
                • 7175

                Originally posted by noshadyldy
                SFE Another "celler dweller" coming up! HUGE insider buying!!!! HUGE! Volume up by 50% at this time already. Not the best fundies. Big saucer (or messy cup and handle) coming out of 2 year formation.
                So what do you think, my furry friend?
                hehe Good one to stalk noshady.

                I would like to see a daily close over 2.40, and a weekly close over 2.60 first. For short term play, a 4 corrective might be alright to catch the 5th, but it's not a swinger yet. But it's impulsing nicely. The abc will be excellent place to stalk a massive gain I think. Thanks!



                • Peter Hansen
                  • Jul 2005
                  • 3968

                  Spike Any Help on These ?

                  Spike I receive a newslatter called the Bob Livingston Newsletter......it is a combination of health information and stocks. His portfolio is a bit off beat ........but surprizingly performs well. 3 Exceptional picks are JNRRF and STHJF and MGAFF Unfortuantely charts are not on Yahoo . Any opinion on these ?


                  • spikefader
                    Senior Member
                    • Apr 2004
                    • 7175

                    Sorry for neglecting this thread folks. million things to do. If anyone needs a fast response, posting over at my blog will probably get a faster reply.

                    Tom, that SIRI short has been good for 6% since you posted...
                    I remember posting this pattern not long ago, and now it's popped over that lower trendline...strength worthy of shorting at the channel short you pointed out. Looks like an intraday symmetrical triangle on Monday was the pattern to confirm and the prelude to the drop. Stalk time for another one of those type of setups. Sorry I didn't reply on Monday, cuz Tuesday's strength would have been tempting for a 2% risk entry that would have nailed it. Doh!

                    Hey Peter, just threw 3 quick charts up for ya. You can see where the clever money got on board those. Not sure I see the r/r in any of them at these levels. I couldn't get stockcharts (so no channels available) or intraday charts for them. But prophet.net had daily and up. http://www.prophet.net/analyze/javac...p?symbol=MGAFF

                    Hope that helps.


                    • Lyehopper
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2004
                      • 3678

                      Originally posted by spikefader
                      Sorry for neglecting this thread folks. million things to do. If anyone needs a fast response, posting over at my blog will probably get a faster reply.
                      Hey Spike.... I respect you dude.... However.... I've seen a lot guys start these blogs and spend hour after hour on them only to get minimum comments on their posts. Not saying that'll happen to you.... but I would like to remind you of who allowed your birth. $$Mr. Market$$$ IS "your daddy". Your fan base was created here at his HUUUGE forum.... Don't forsake him or he might leave you out of his will.lol.... I for one would like to see you posting more on your thread right here, and I have had other members privately voice similar thoughts to me in general conversation.
                      BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


                      • Thanks Spike,

                        I would have shorted SIRI,had my IB acct. been funded.Scottrade is dragging their feet transfering funds.I achieved 33% in the year with them,with about $400.00 in commisions,got a call on my answering machine wondering if Id reconsider leaving.

                        Im approved for futures ,options,forex,and eminis,dont have a clue as to how.I'll start the TWS tutorial this weekend.I must say NBB has really impressed me with his skills since moving to IB,hope I can do the same.

                        cordially your friend Tom,
                        BTW Ive supported Spikes Blog,since its seems the least I can do for someone who has given so much,I hope others would support the ongoing work.


                        • Lyehopper
                          Senior Member
                          • Jan 2004
                          • 3678

                          Originally posted by TFred
                          BTW Ive supported Spikes Blog,since its seems the least I can do for someone who has given so much,I hope others would support the ongoing work.
                          Thom.... I read Spikes blog, I appreciate his hard work and I leave comments over there. But it ain't the same as keeping his thoughts and posts up over here dude.... Sorry.... It just ain't the same.... I think Spike has been a big asset to Ernie's forum and I just hate to see him forsake it after being over here for so long. How long will it take for Spike to get 140k hits over there without being conected to this forum? Don't forget all the hard work Ernie has put into building this thing too.... Just something to think about.
                          BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


                          • spikefader
                            Senior Member
                            • Apr 2004
                            • 7175


                            Thanks for the comments dude. Having one thread here on mrmarket has been great, but it ain't enough any more. I need structure and I need content control. The blog is still in its infancy and while you don't think it's as good, it does have the potential to be so much better. New readers here don't want to go to the first post in this thread and read it to today; it’s just too massive a task. I need a place that can do so many more things, including making user experience the best. This thread can't compete with a blog. Please be patient dude; I think it'll be better once I've got it all set up.

                            Readers of the blog will notice I'm today moving it from WordPress to Google's Blogger, which throws a spanner in the works as I move content and get things firing on all cylinders. But never fear, Lye, participants at this forum are still going to enjoy stuff I post; they'll just have to modify how they get it. For fast notification, set up an RSS reader or you can setup a simple html page code to make a page refresh automatically every few seconds (anyone who wants that, let me know)

                            And as far as MM being 'daddy', I'm speechless lol Sure, he encouraged this thread. But dude I think I've paid it forward plenty as far as generating discussion and content and participant activity here. I'll continue to participate here, it's not like I'm throwing the baby out with the bathwater. I'm just restructuring how I put info out there. And MM will only ever get props and praise from me. He'll also be gettin referrals to this site by people not in the MM forum environment. I'm sure the Scientific Thread Daddy will reap the rewards of any success of my own blog.

                            And frankly, he's done plenty to deserve such....he's shared his own model, his picks, his opinions, and his charm and wit, and grace in the face of idiots, and the guy deserves more clicks on his Google Ads and more praise than he gets. How many Ads do we click here? How many do you click Lye? Shoot, I'm guilty of not clickin' on 'em all the time. So everyone should go on a click Fest for the rest of their lives. hehe But seriously, I will be posting regular links to this forum, and encourage others to this site, cuz there’s great content, freedom, cool people (for the most part), and stuff that really inspires. For the most part, it's a great environment for sharing ideas. I must say it's been frustrating to see new posters turn up with foul attitudes and troll-like behavior, and that's upset the charm of the place, and probably discouraged others....but it's still a great place cuz of the input many people provide here, not the least of which is the POTW thread, which you have launched to the stratosphere in my opinion. Rob has been an excellent addition, and I can see that thread never ending cuz of the effort you chose to put into it and still do.

                            And there are many threads that have huge content value here. It can only get better. Is it wrong for me to want to take control of my content? I don't think so dude. Is it wrong that I want to do something to widen the audience? I don't think so. Is it wrong for me to expect 'fans' to follow me to my place? I don't think so. I've always tried to give as much as possible here at this forum, and I'm willing to go to the ends of the charting earth to give accurate biases and helpful advice to help others who ask it. I want to now do that from my own blog and still participate here. I simply want my setups to come from my place and not MM's. If I get an idea from here, I'll reference it to the author. I'm not lookin' to do anything sneaky and unfair, and want MM's site to improve. Hopefully my blog can help to do that. Already, my Blog has had 1343 visits since February 27th. That’s on track for 17,000 page hits a month. Now many are from people here, but I’m sure there are new visitors discovering the place through the blog network. And it’s only been on for 3 weeks; the potential is great for more traffic to come here. MM’s forum links are exposed to all that traffic, and I intend on linking here as much as possible. And I’m doin’ all for nothing dude. I don’t think I deserve any criticism about what I’m doing.

                            Now to your other points about a blog worthwhile? I guess it all depends on what your definition is. I'm enjoying the experience and don't think I'm presuming too much by thinking people who really care about my take on things will be only too happy to make the extra click with their mouse to navigate to my blog, a troll-free environment, where everything is nicely organized, easy to get to, and (yet to do) definitions on what I'm doing is clearly to see. There are many different ideas that are springing to my mind that can increase content value. And when it comes down to it, a site will be successful if the content value is there. This site for example. I know this thread has been a success, so it speaks about the content value proposition.

                            Perhaps I've taken too much liberty in assuming I can start a blog without upsetting the applecart for people here. The last thing I wanna do is upset anyone over this blog thing. And I'm not gonna make everyone happy; it's an effort in futility to expect everyone is going to see the value and like it. But dude! It's just a change for the better I think. Time will soon if my effort is worthwhile. If it isn't I'll quit posting and focus on other things in my life.

                            Best to yall.


                            • Lyehopper
                              Senior Member
                              • Jan 2004
                              • 3678

                              Originally posted by spikefader

                              Thanks for the comments dude. Having one thread here on mrmarket has been great, but it ain't enough any more. I need structure and I need content control. The blog is still in its infancy and while you don't think it's as good, it does have the potential to be so much better. New readers here don't want to go to the first post in this thread and read it to today; it’s just too massive a task. I need a place that can do so many more things, including making user experience the best. This thread can't compete with a blog. Please be patient dude; I think it'll be better once I've got it all set up.

                              Readers of the blog will notice I'm today moving it from WordPress to Google's Blogger, which throws a spanner in the works as I move content and get things firing on all cylinders. But never fear, Lye, participants at this forum are still going to enjoy stuff I post; they'll just have to modify how they get it. For fast notification, set up an RSS reader or you can setup a simple html page code to make a page refresh automatically every few seconds (anyone who wants that, let me know)

                              And as far as MM being 'daddy', I'm speechless lol Sure, he encouraged this thread. But dude I think I've paid it forward plenty as far as generating discussion and content and participant activity here. I'll continue to participate here, it's not like I'm throwing the baby out with the bathwater. I'm just restructuring how I put info out there. And MM will only ever get props and praise from me. He'll also be gettin referrals to this site by people not in the MM forum environment. I'm sure the Scientific Thread Daddy will reap the rewards of any success of my own blog.

                              And frankly, he's done plenty to deserve such....he's shared his own model, his picks, his opinions, and his charm and wit, and grace in the face of idiots, and the guy deserves more clicks on his Google Ads and more praise than he gets. How many Ads do we click here? How many do you click Lye? Shoot, I'm guilty of not clickin' on 'em all the time. So everyone should go on a click Fest for the rest of their lives. hehe But seriously, I will be posting regular links to this forum, and encourage others to this site, cuz there’s great content, freedom, cool people (for the most part), and stuff that really inspires. For the most part, it's a great environment for sharing ideas. I must say it's been frustrating to see new posters turn up with foul attitudes and troll-like behavior, and that's upset the charm of the place, and probably discouraged others....but it's still a great place cuz of the input many people provide here, not the least of which is the POTW thread, which you have launched to the stratosphere in my opinion. Rob has been an excellent addition, and I can see that thread never ending cuz of the effort you chose to put into it and still do.

                              And there are many threads that have huge content value here. It can only get better. Is it wrong for me to want to take control of my content? I don't think so dude. Is it wrong that I want to do something to widen the audience? I don't think so. Is it wrong for me to expect 'fans' to follow me to my place? I don't think so. I've always tried to give as much as possible here at this forum, and I'm willing to go to the ends of the charting earth to give accurate biases and helpful advice to help others who ask it. I want to now do that from my own blog and still participate here. I simply want my setups to come from my place and not MM's. If I get an idea from here, I'll reference it to the author. I'm not lookin' to do anything sneaky and unfair, and want MM's site to improve. Hopefully my blog can help to do that. Already, my Blog has had 1343 visits since February 27th. That’s on track for 17,000 page hits a month. Now many are from people here, but I’m sure there are new visitors discovering the place through the blog network. And it’s only been on for 3 weeks; the potential is great for more traffic to come here. MM’s forum links are exposed to all that traffic, and I intend on linking here as much as possible. And I’m doin’ all for nothing dude. I don’t think I deserve any criticism about what I’m doing.

                              Now to your other points about a blog worthwhile? I guess it all depends on what your definition is. I'm enjoying the experience and don't think I'm presuming too much by thinking people who really care about my take on things will be only too happy to make the extra click with their mouse to navigate to my blog, a troll-free environment, where everything is nicely organized, easy to get to, and (yet to do) definitions on what I'm doing is clearly to see. There are many different ideas that are springing to my mind that can increase content value. And when it comes down to it, a site will be successful if the content value is there. This site for example. I know this thread has been a success, so it speaks about the content value proposition.

                              Perhaps I've taken too much liberty in assuming I can start a blog without upsetting the applecart for people here. The last thing I wanna do is upset anyone over this blog thing. And I'm not gonna make everyone happy; it's an effort in futility to expect everyone is going to see the value and like it. But dude! It's just a change for the better I think. Time will soon if my effort is worthwhile. If it isn't I'll quit posting and focus on other things in my life.

                              Best to yall.
                              Thanks for the reply. My intent was not to run you off or discourage you dude. Just to prompt some thought. This has always been a really fun place for a bunch of fellas with the same interests to "hang out". Although I see the benifits your blog will provide.... I just don't see the sence of "community" there that I have grown to like over here. Again these are my opinions and I've never been one to bite my tongue.

                              Appreciated your posts today on the BBD thread and the chart link.... Just keep doin stuff like that and I think many here will appreciate it and benifit.

                              Best to you and the blog.
                              BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


                              • spikefader
                                Senior Member
                                • Apr 2004
                                • 7175

                                Thanks dude.

                                Yep, I am definately gonna come and post links to the setups where I can. If I don't it's only cuz of time constraints or distractions of trading that will stop me. I agree a blog is definately more isolated and won't possibly be a community like this forum. But 'package' of isolation, focus, structure and content management and organization is a plus I think. I'll come here and interact and be sociable in 'the community', and post opinions etc. I'm not abandoning this forum and community; it's a great place. There's always been something different about this forum.

