Spike's Scientific Stock Analysis

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  • New-born baby
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2004
    • 6095

    The enemy within

    Originally posted by spikefader
    Good Lord folks! I see the rating of this thread has taken a hit down to 4 stars!! Yes, yes, this thread has been pretty crummy lately; at least my effort has been jeje. But geeeez.......take a little time off, focus on a something new, and get hammered for it. I guess I should take that as a compliment. Ah well, ceslavis. God bless the voters. God bless this forum. And God bless anyone who is feelin' down tonight. May you be showered with blessings and good stuff.
    Post a chart and made enemies, did ya? They really know how to hurt a guy, don't they? Cutting down on the stars is punching below the belt, if you ask me. Man, I never figured al queda to be combing through MrMarket's threads, but--here they are! I think they need to tighten the imigration laws in this country.

    Four stars. Three stars. One star. Zero stars. In my mind $pike, you'll always be a six star general Nobody is going to lower your rank in my eyes--that's for sure!

    Now General: what is the plan with MFLX and BBD now that we've had an attack on those stocks? And if you have the time: how about "PLAY?"
    Last edited by New-born baby; 03-31-2006, 10:29 PM.
    pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


    • Lyehopper
      Senior Member
      • Jan 2004
      • 3678

      Originally posted by spikefader
      Good Lord folks! I see the rating of this thread has taken a hit down to 4 stars!! Yes, yes, this thread has been pretty crummy lately; at least my effort has been jeje. But geeeez.......take a little time off, focus on a something new, and get hammered for it. I guess I should take that as a compliment. Ah well, ceslavis. God bless the voters. God bless this forum. And God bless anyone who is feelin' down tonight. May you be showered with blessings and good stuff.
      I felt the same way when somebody screwed up the "GoJi spam threads" five star rating.jejeje

      You're in good company Spike! The POTW only has four stars too.hehehe

      Look at poor ol Dave Steckler, They've REALLY hammered him dude!
      BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


      • Websman
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2004
        • 5545

        My thread still has 5 stars...jejeje


        • RL
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2003
          • 1215

          Spike If I had my way you would have 10 stars
          Ray Long


          • Greetings,

            I thought I'd post a chart showing the mess that is ENT.I took a play on it a few weeks ago risking 2% that the usual quarterly distribribution increase would set thing right.Got taken out fro a small loss compared to whats happened since.It looks like $12 is coming soon,at that price,the distribution yield is 18%.

            Thanks to Spike,and following the R/R I lost .36 instead 4.75 hoping for the knife to stop falling.

            cordially Tom


            • spikefader
              Senior Member
              • Apr 2004
              • 7175

              Originally posted by TFred

              Anyone with IB could you help me out?Intended to short sell YM at 11234 today,clicked bid,with sell indicated,should it have been listed at limit?Also wanted to set a stop for the short at the same time,11240 was my intended price,should that have bben in the stop field?With Scottrade it was the opposite,and i wound up buy and selling immediately.Any help till I get familiar.

              cordially Tom
              A thousand apologies for the delay dude.
              I have some great info for you though. (What a downer your order entry messed you up. Was a real solid trade there). Ah well, this is why I suggested somewhere on the mm forum that you might wanna practice on their demo first and setup hotkeys and Booktrader etc.

              I actually may get around to making a recorded screen video of how to configure and operate the BookTrader. In the meantime, I'll work on doing screenshots or something.

              I recommend HUGELY that you set up BookTrader to submit all your orders. Alternatively use Hotkeys with TWS. You can change the conditions to your own preferences. But LEARN which orders are for which type of trades. Demo practice!

              To set up Booktrader, you want to R click the YM symbol in TWS and choose Booktrader. On Booktrader, you want to click "configure" and then settings. Check multiple-order mode, and change the "Number of rows to display to whatever makes it easier for your targeting. 100 should do it. Then go to "OrderBook Hotkeys" and configure them to your liking. Then do BookTrader Buttons and configure them to your liking. You can set up other buttons like what you see as the red Close Positions. You may want a Buy Limit button and make it green or a sell stop and make it red; or maybe a buy order with 2 conditional stop/target orders…..whatever you desire and there are many configure options for these things. Spend the time cuz it's worth it. Colors and Sounds and alerts are great tools; use them.

              Check out the OCA orders so you can click one price in the Booktrader, and 3 orders are presented to you for transmission, and you then elect to transmit them. The 2 conditional orders are your stop protection and your target naturally, and your trade order to initiate can be a market or a limit price. Those orders remaining open can be clicked and dragged anywhere in the book to modify them. You can also one click cancel them. Spend some time......let me rephrase that....INVEST the time to set this all up. It's definitely worth it, and once you're familiar with the platform, silly errors won't happen. Play with the demo and buy and sell and hotkey to your hearts content without risk. You'll thank me later. It's only when you reach a level of supreme confidence with the platform that you can focus on your trades. Execution has to be second nature and without butterflies or you may miss a good entry cuz you were messin' around too much.

              Now, for shorting with the regular TWS platform, you right click your symbol and then change the order conditions by clicking on the boxes and choosing the right conditions. Eg. R click YM and choose Trade and Sell, and change it to a LMT order if it's a MKT or vice versa. Then click transmit. Your order stays there until filled. There is a color scheme you should read up on so that one look at the color of the order and you know where you stand with it; whether it's yet to be sent, whether it's out in the market, or whether it's held up at the exchange or whatever.

              For a stop loss, you want to use a buy stop limit order and specify your price and the range of the limit. Hotkeys and configure OCA orders will make this a whole lot easier.

              For a sell stop limit or market, that's where price is at say 11100 and you may want to sell the market price and get on board a breakdown move when price hits say 11090, 10 points lower. Well sell stop limit at price of 11090 will be sold at 11090 when price falls to 11090 and you'll be short. Booktrader is good for all orders....just configure it right and play on the demo to make sure you've done it correctly.

              Good luck dude. I'll go find some more info on that stuff now if I can. But reading the manual is sometimes the only way to do it

              Note; with booktrader, you have to check “arm” for it to work. Once you’ve checked it, you can then click on prices to activate orders. Orders are not sent until you click T or a hotkey to send etc. Try click and dragging prices from place to place, and modifying orders that are in place already, eg, change from buy limit to market etc.




              • spikefader
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2004
                • 7175

                Tom, further to your order problem, I suspect you merely used a buy limit instead of a buy stop limit.

                Here's the way to do it via TWS.


                • spikefader
                  Senior Member
                  • Apr 2004
                  • 7175

                  Originally posted by New-born baby
                  Post a chart and made enemies, did ya? They really know how to hurt a guy, don't they? Cutting down on the stars is punching below the belt, if you ask me. Man, I never figured al queda to be combing through MrMarket's threads, but--here they are! I think they need to tighten the imigration laws in this country.

                  Four stars. Three stars. One star. Zero stars. In my mind $pike, you'll always be a six star general Nobody is going to lower your rank in my eyes--that's for sure!

                  Now General: what is the plan with MFLX and BBD now that we've had an attack on those stocks? And if you have the time: how about "PLAY?"
                  LOL hehe thanks NB. You're huge.

                  MFLX I'll ponder that some more. I think short is the correct bias, to stalk great r/r's into strength....the question is how strong it gets to form the bear flag or pennant(assuming it does) or how strong it gets for the R shoulder.

                  For BBD on the other hand, I think is much more vulnerable for Mon/Tues/Wed. Shorting strength to R2/R1 or even the pivot with 1% stops at price resistances may nail a great trade. I'll be watching for something and post a chart if I see it. But I hate fading MM and anyone long. Might lead to an even lower thread rating lolol.



                  • spikefader
                    Senior Member
                    • Apr 2004
                    • 7175

                    Originally posted by Lyehopper
                    I felt the same way when somebody screwed up the "GoJi spam threads" five star rating.jejeje

                    You're in good company Spike! The POTW only has four stars too.hehehe

                    Look at poor ol Dave Steckler, They've REALLY hammered him dude!
                    POTW should be a 10 hehe Hey all board members who haven't voted on POTW, go vote on it and give it what it now deserves now that Rob and Lye have made it into the gigantic thing it is


                    • Originally posted by Lyehopper
                      I felt the same way when somebody screwed up the "GoJi spam threads" five star rating.jejeje

                      You're in good company Spike! The POTW only has four stars too.hehehe

                      Look at poor ol Dave Steckler, They've REALLY hammered him dude!
                      Stars, schmars...call me anything but late for dinner....<VBG>


                      • Originally posted by spikefader
                        A thousand apologies for the delay dude.
                        I have some great info for you though. (What a downer your order entry messed you up. Was a real solid trade there). Ah well, this is why I suggested somewhere on the mm forum that you might wanna practice on their demo first and setup hotkeys and Booktrader etc.

                        I actually may get around to making a recorded screen video of how to configure and operate the BookTrader. In the meantime, I'll work on doing screenshots or something.

                        I recommend HUGELY that you set up BookTrader to submit all your orders. Alternatively use Hotkeys with TWS. You can change the conditions to your own preferences. But LEARN which orders are for which type of trades. Demo practice!

                        To set up Booktrader, you want to R click the YM symbol in TWS and choose Booktrader. On Booktrader, you want to click "configure" and then settings. Check multiple-order mode, and change the "Number of rows to display to whatever makes it easier for your targeting. 100 should do it. Then go to "OrderBook Hotkeys" and configure them to your liking. Then do BookTrader Buttons and configure them to your liking. You can set up other buttons like what you see as the red Close Positions. You may want a Buy Limit button and make it green or a sell stop and make it red; or maybe a buy order with 2 conditional stop/target orders…..whatever you desire and there are many configure options for these things. Spend the time cuz it's worth it. Colors and Sounds and alerts are great tools; use them.

                        Check out the OCA orders so you can click one price in the Booktrader, and 3 orders are presented to you for transmission, and you then elect to transmit them. The 2 conditional orders are your stop protection and your target naturally, and your trade order to initiate can be a market or a limit price. Those orders remaining open can be clicked and dragged anywhere in the book to modify them. You can also one click cancel them. Spend some time......let me rephrase that....INVEST the time to set this all up. It's definitely worth it, and once you're familiar with the platform, silly errors won't happen. Play with the demo and buy and sell and hotkey to your hearts content without risk. You'll thank me later. It's only when you reach a level of supreme confidence with the platform that you can focus on your trades. Execution has to be second nature and without butterflies or you may miss a good entry cuz you were messin' around too much.

                        Now, for shorting with the regular TWS platform, you right click your symbol and then change the order conditions by clicking on the boxes and choosing the right conditions. Eg. R click YM and choose Trade and Sell, and change it to a LMT order if it's a MKT or vice versa. Then click transmit. Your order stays there until filled. There is a color scheme you should read up on so that one look at the color of the order and you know where you stand with it; whether it's yet to be sent, whether it's out in the market, or whether it's held up at the exchange or whatever.

                        For a stop loss, you want to use a buy stop limit order and specify your price and the range of the limit. Hotkeys and configure OCA orders will make this a whole lot easier.

                        For a sell stop limit or market, that's where price is at say 11100 and you may want to sell the market price and get on board a breakdown move when price hits say 11090, 10 points lower. Well sell stop limit at price of 11090 will be sold at 11090 when price falls to 11090 and you'll be short. Booktrader is good for all orders....just configure it right and play on the demo to make sure you've done it correctly.

                        Good luck dude. I'll go find some more info on that stuff now if I can. But reading the manual is sometimes the only way to do it

                        Note; with booktrader, you have to check “arm” for it to work. Once you’ve checked it, you can then click on prices to activate orders. Orders are not sent until you click T or a hotkey to send etc. Try click and dragging prices from place to place, and modifying orders that are in place already, eg, change from buy limit to market etc.



                        Thanks again Spike and NBB for all the help.

                        This IB is like being a kid in a candy store.Ive ordered a book from Borders on Emini trading,not much in print around here.Jim Cramer and Warren Buffett everywhere.The more I learn about these,the less individual stocks interest me.My IRA is the only acct.with individual stocks,and those are becoming less and less.

                        Been searching for some future indexes following Asian markets.The Nikkei 225 looks like a money maker if you could get it like a mini.

                        Thanks again,
                        cordially Tom


                        • gerihearne
                          Senior Member
                          • Jul 2005
                          • 227

                          Originally posted by spikefader
                          LOL hehe thanks NB. You're huge.

                          But I hate fading MM and anyone long. Might lead to an even lower thread rating lolol.

                          Hey, Spikey .. call em as u see em, that's why we love you .. maybe the stars were a miscalculation like they had on the SATs recently.
                          MM and Karel: Let's recount, especially those hits from Florida members ...


                          • b_cadvantag

                            Spike & Other IB Users,

                            I have one question: Can you have multiple IB accounts TWS open at the same time??




                            • Adam
                              Senior Member
                              • Oct 2005
                              • 201


                              Just hit Spikes Target low starting at $4.20.


                              • spikefader
                                Senior Member
                                • Apr 2004
                                • 7175

                                Originally posted by TFred

                                Thanks again Spike and NBB for all the help.

                                This IB is like being a kid in a candy store.Ive ordered a book from Borders on Emini trading,not much in print around here.Jim Cramer and Warren Buffett everywhere.The more I learn about these,the less individual stocks interest me.My IRA is the only acct.with individual stocks,and those are becoming less and less.

                                Been searching for some future indexes following Asian markets.The Nikkei 225 looks like a money maker if you could get it like a mini.

                                Thanks again,
                                cordially Tom
                                No prob! And yep, IB is like kid in candy store; so many options and configurations.

                                Yep, eminis sure are an interesting trading vehicle. Different kind of risk exposure to individual stocks. But eminis can bite hard if you're not disciplined. Can't afford to blow a stop and hold in hope. Concern yourself with smart entries and keeping those losses small, and the green runners will take care of themselves. But from the sound of it Tom, you're nailing some good trades and you've started strong. Congrats.

                                Originally posted by gerihearne
                                Hey, Spikey .. call em as u see em, that's why we love you .. maybe the stars were a miscalculation like they had on the SATs recently.
                                MM and Karel: Let's recount, especially those hits from Florida members ...
                                hehe maybe. Thnx geri!

                                Originally posted by b_cadvantag
                                Spike & Other IB Users,

                                I have one question: Can you have multiple IB accounts TWS open at the same time??


                                Hey Tag, IB have advisor accounts http://www.interactivebrokers.com/en...?ib_entity=llc for trading multiple accounts from the one open platform.

                                In case you're having trouble navigating IB's page, here's where the info is:

