Need Help with making my money grow

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  • Tranquility98

    Need Help with making my money grow

    Hi there, was wondering if there was any help i could get making my $1600 grow...I work full time so cant acutally watch the market all day... I have done good so far...Made $2000.00 grow to $4000.00 but it took a whole year to do it... I am currently sitting on 1600 and have the day off work...Any suggestions....
  • scifos
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2004
    • 790

    +100% in a year is REALLY good.
    Buy Low
    Sell High


    • #3
      Jus' curious...

      ...what strategy did you use in your previous trades?

      As Scifos stated--doublin' up is very good.



      • Tranquility98

        I really didnt have a stratagy.. It was pure luck...I dont have a clue how to find the right stocks to buy. I took advice from my Pastor and bought some...Made money and lost money...I actually went from $3000.00 to $4000.00 while I was on vacation a couple of weeks ago, and that was because I had 1500 shares on a OTCBB stock Poormans told me about. I sold a portion of it so I could possible buy something else that would do just as well. But I really dont know how or where to find the stocks and when is a good time to buy and sell... I had good stocks but panicked when they dropped in price, sold only to have them sky rocket within a week or two of selling...Thats why i need help...


        • scifos
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2004
          • 790

          I think the best thing you can do is do a lot of reading, there's plenty online, of different stratiges. If they make sense, start a paper portfolio (fake trades, no real money). I run 4 paper ports along with my real one. Establish a system of rules that eliminate things like panic selling when a stock drops a few points or just buying what other people tell you to. If you can build a methodical system to finding, researching, what/when to buy and when to sell, then you're set; and you can learn and practice all this using paper portfolios so you don't lose a lot of money while figuring this out.

          An example of one of my paper port systems (that hasn't done well lately, but I still think its a good approach): I use MSN moneycentral's screen w/ the following criteria:
          Earnings growth per share quarter to quarter >= 50%
          Revenue growth per share quarter to quarter >= 20%
          3-month relative strength >=80
          Last price >= 90% of 52-week high
          P/E <= industry average P/E
          Avg Daily Volume >= 50,000
          Market Capitalization >= 500,000,000

          Screen run each weekend, all stocks that pass screen are bought/kept in portfolio. For stocks in portfolio that no longer pass screen, if they are in the red, put stop at a 2% decline, for stocks that have gone up but no longer pass the screen, put stop where approprate and monitor closely. Execptions are made for exeptional events, such as major lawsuit, product recall, ex cetra.
          Buy Low
          Sell High
          STAY FROSTY!

