Hi Everyone! Just joined this evening and looking forward
to sharing market tips. I have been a professional trader
for the last 24 years living in SF Bay Area in California.
I first found this board when I saw a link on the PDX board
to this site. BTW, the PDX was very kind to me.
Anyway, I am interested in getting the scoop on PRX. I
made a lot of money a number of months ago trading PRX
near the highs and thank God I got out in terrific shape before
the big fall. I must confess I am much more technically oriented
in making decisions on trading but do think you can do the best
when you can combine the two for maximum profits. Right now,
the chart looks absolutely horrible with the recent selloff on very
heavy volume. So obviously, someone out there believes bad
things are ahead for PRX. Never the less, the fundamentals
here may not be as bad as the street thinks with a PE of only
13 and a number of new products coming in the pipeline. What
could be so bad? I would be very curious to hear from those of
you that might be really following this stock and hear your thoughts.
to sharing market tips. I have been a professional trader
for the last 24 years living in SF Bay Area in California.
I first found this board when I saw a link on the PDX board
to this site. BTW, the PDX was very kind to me.
Anyway, I am interested in getting the scoop on PRX. I
made a lot of money a number of months ago trading PRX
near the highs and thank God I got out in terrific shape before
the big fall. I must confess I am much more technically oriented
in making decisions on trading but do think you can do the best
when you can combine the two for maximum profits. Right now,
the chart looks absolutely horrible with the recent selloff on very
heavy volume. So obviously, someone out there believes bad
things are ahead for PRX. Never the less, the fundamentals
here may not be as bad as the street thinks with a PE of only
13 and a number of new products coming in the pipeline. What
could be so bad? I would be very curious to hear from those of
you that might be really following this stock and hear your thoughts.