APPX - the next DNA

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  • APPX - the next DNA

    This stock will be a winner. Abraxane will be approved within the next four months.It is enveloping an existing BMY chemotherapy treatment using nanotechnology.

    Here are some stats:

    Briefly, here are a few of the advantages of American Pharmaceutical Partners' Abraxane over Bristol-Myers Squibb's Taxol, a 2 billion dollar per year drug:
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    -- TWICE the response rate of Taxol!
    -- Significantly longer time to tumor progression
    -- 30-minute infusion time vs. 3 hours for Taxol
    -- Reconstituted with saline
    -- Uses standard IV tubing
    -- No steroid pre-treatment required (which must start 12-16 hours before Taxol administration)
    -- No solvents or detergents required, as in Taxol; therefore no hypersensitivity resulting from same.
    -- Less myelosuppression than Taxol, despite 50% MORE cancer-fighting paclitaxel delivered in Abraxane dose.
    -- No septic deaths
    -- More manageable and reversible peripheral neuropathy than Taxol.
    -- Ability to drive a higher concentration of drug into the tumor.
    -- Has demonstrated significant efficacy in Taxol and Taxotere-resistant breast cancer patients.
    -- Can be used in dose-densing therapy, whereas Taxol and Taxotere cannot.

    * Fast Track FDA Designation + 505(b)(2) regulatory pathway = Quick FDA approval of Abraxane -- probably by end of 3rd quarter 2004. NDA has been submitted.

    * VERY HIGH short position (approx. 53% of float)--source of the frivolous lawsuits--just beginning to be covered, and the "naked short amnesty" theoretically ends in April 2004.

    * Lawsuit allegations refuted by detailed peer-reviewed Phase III results presented at recent San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium.

    * Currently produces over 130 generic injectable products (primarily oncology, anti-infective and critical-care markets), with over 360 dosage forms.

    * Has at least 20 ANDAs currently pending approval at FDA, with more than 50 generic products in various stages of development.

    * Has the only commercial scale, protein-engineered nanoparticle manufacturing capability in the United States.

    * Nanoparticle albumin-bound (nab) drug delivery technology lends itself to numerous other anti-cancer compounds, as well as having other potential therapeutic areas of application, some of which have already been presented at various scientific conferences.

    * Company has initiated clinical trials with Abraxane on patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer and on patients with metastatic melanoma.

    * Has approx. 58 million in cash and NO DEBT.

    * In alliance with Australia's Alchemia to develop and market synthetic heparin. The heparin family of anticoagulants had 2002 sales exceeding $3 billion.
