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    I am not rooting against you honest. Thanks to you I contently I own AACE , NUTR, and WSB myself.

    But if you are not aware, the STREAK has become something of a phenomenon that us MR. MARKETANIACS are wondering when it will be the end.

    BEL's news this morning can not meet any of your criteria now. They have negative earnings and have no clue what the future holds.

    Eric Gagne's saves streak ended this summer at 84. WIll your hugenous's streak be next to end at 59??????

    btw what was your previous streak up to?

    thanks and i am a big fan not a basher TSEVNI
  • Karel
    • Sep 2003
    • 2199

    Well, they have no clue is a bit harsh. They feel the disadvantages of being a one customer shop badly, and they are taking measures to get a broader customer base. It might be a good idea to see how that pans out, but my crystal ball is as good as yours.

    The last stock $$$Mr. Market$$$ sold, CHKE, was held for over two years. (But that stock continued to grow earnings.) Obviously, he has a lot of patience! If your outlook is shorter term, the very bad earnings news and uncertain outlook might indicate that your money might be more fruitfully invested elsewehere. Longer term, you might decide to hang in. It's your money, it's your decision. There are disadvantages to hanging in too long, and there are disadvantages to soon. To be more concrete: I am holding BEL in my own portfolio, but in my Marketocracy fund it would have been gone. And my guess is that BEL might break $$$Mr. Market$$$'s streak, but not right now.


    My Investopedia portfolio
    (You need to have a (free) Investopedia or Facebook login, sorry!)


    • #3
      If no stock is sold, the streak does not end.

      The portfolio value may decline indefinitely, but as long as the positions are not sold for a loss, the streak is intact. Gagne has to deal with the fact that each game is of finite length. $$$MR_MARKET$$$ has the advantage of having no deadline. Claims of "4 to 6 weeks" don't count, since they are only an estimate.


      • mrmarket
        • Sep 2003
        • 5971

        I'm certainly not going to sell it when its stock price is less than its PE...BEL will not be the stock to break my streak.

        I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

        - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


        • New-born baby
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2004
          • 6095

          When does a streak end?

          Strenzrob wrote:

          "If a stock is not sold, the streak does not end."

          In 1988 I bought a penny stock that subsequently dropped completely off the board. I still have the stock certificate because I never sold the stock. If I had a streak of 59 winners in a row, would you say that this stock did not end my streak?

          I guess I'd say that if the stock drops off the board, the streak is over whether it is sold or not. Otherwise, anybody could have a perfect streak. They would simply have to purchase a stock and hold it until it attained a 15% gain, and if it dropped completely off the board, it is still not a loser.

          Hopefully, BEL will return to profitability and the streak will remain intact.

          As always, I hope for the best investing to all of you. Especially so in this market.
          pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


          • Michaelk005

            I am a fan of Mr. Markets model and it has worked well for him in the past. I would however like to know what his last stcok that he sold at a loss was to end his former streak. It would be nice if you included the reason for selling..
            BEL is a strong company with good fundamentals and a competitive sector. It is in my mind as low as it is going to for for the time being.
            Looking at some stocks in the current market, ORCL NVDA NT and BEL, these are all securities that should be at a much greater share Price.



            • Michaelk005

              Another factor to take into consideration with this stock is its soon to be growing demand. What we as a human race are doing to this planet is disgusting and the need for BEL's services in soil reabilitation will be astronomical in 5 - 10 years. Any enviro security in my mind is nothing but a secure growth investmet period.


              • lindsayleeds


                Having taken a 20% loss on BEL when it dropped from $17 to $13.50 in one day, I have been watching it since (I sold at $13.50). I even traded it for a small profit once. I don't want to jump back into it until I see the drought is over. Part of the problem with BEL is crooked management. Several officers in the company sold around $1M each of BEL stock (70% of their holdings) knowing all along the NJ contract was in trouble, while the BEL stockholders didn't. Insider selling at its worst. And a class action lawsuit is coming no doubt. I believe they will manage to get the 2nd plant online by year's end, but with the current shortage of dirt to burn, Belledune will not help. I am even more concerned about whether they will be able to fill their storage facilities with enough dirt to last the winter without and another nasty shutdown like the one this spring.

                Anyhow, I feel BEL is in the right business and can make money. I'm just not so sure they will be returning to profitability in the next year. If it hits $4 a share I may have to buy some just because when it does come back, it could earn $1.50 EPS a year with Belledune online. They just need some dirt, and management who inspire confidence.


                • #9
                  The lampreys are at if already:

                  On July 28, 2004, a class action was commenced on behalf of all persons who purchased the securities of Bennett Environmental, Inc. (AMEX: BEL) (TSX: BEV) in the period from June 2, 2003 to July 22, 2004. Investors should be cautioned that although many lawyers may advertise about participation in the lawsuit, few of them have actually filed lawsuits.

                  "The Bennett lawsuit alleges that the company and its ranking executives polluted the market with misleading information for more than a year about the company's largest contract, which was largely withdrawn immediately after Bennett announced it," said Ralph M. Stone, a partner at the firm. "This enabled the company's insiders to unload tens of thousands of shares at an enormous profit, leaving public investors holding the bag."

                  Following the publicity generated by Shalov Stone & Bonner LLP's lawsuit, several lawyers will issue press releases about lawsuits, even though they have not investigated them or filed them, in an effort to solicit clients. Shalov Stone & Bonner LLP has filed the first lawsuit relating to Bennett Environmental, Inc. Shalov Stone & Bonner LLP is continuing to conduct a significant investigation of Bennett Environmental, which is only available to its clients and is not available to other law firms.

                  Shalov Stone & Bonner LLP is continuing to investigate the company and has developed significant information concerning other contracts, and numerous other disclosure violations committed by the defendants. The lawsuit was filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, and includes American and Canadian investors.

                  BEL may become an example of one of Peter Lynch's seven kinds of stock to buy - the "turn around". Of course we that continue to hold this stock are electing to buy it every day that we don't sell it.


