Originally posted by Karel

Thanks for that. Another good post.
Not sure I could ever understand how using protective stops could make investing more like gambling, but I respect your opinion anyway. Maybe the source of confusion is the way you look at entries as 'investing' and I look at entries as merely 'trades'. I guess this will always be the fundamental difference between purely FA-based trades and purely TA-based trades.
Good work drilling down on the responsible way of trading Mr.Market's system. That topic should be an entire thread of its own imho! Because I fear there are some who take only a few of Mr.Market's trades and do not properly diversify, which leaves them overexposed and in a precarious position - whether it be gamble money for them or their serious investing money. It is a very alluring thing to see "62 winners in a row" boasted, and it could easily lure naive people to feel a false sense of security about the chances of succeeding with an undiversified portfolio. I say all this not to criticize anyone, but to caution the unlearned and inexperienced readers. This caution applies to every system that people might see shared on the Net. No matter what system one follows, whether FA or TA based, risk must be DEFINED and LIMITED, whether by using stops or proper portfolio diversification.
Actually, I'd really like to know how many people there actually are that follow Mr.Market's system and ARE undiversified and not using stops. Maybe a poll would reveal the number. And if the interest exists, perhaps I'll put some thought into developing an offshoot system that takes Mr. Market's calls, but only the most extreme low-risk entries, such as intraday S2s. Once a position is open, use tighter target rules like R2 targets, and sensible low-risk stops, and then only look to catch a swing trade for whatever percentage the market gives, as opposed to holding for a flat 15%. These trades would be more support/resistance based swing trades.
How big would the percentage win be? I was surprised to see that MCRI today shows an impressive 14.8% profit possibility. S2 is 34.84 and R2 is 40.00. Admittedly, it seems like it would be pretty uncommon for a stock to fall to S2 then bounce to R2 in a single day, but it is at least possible!. A more likely event would be price falls to S2, then meanders over the next couple days to an R2, which by then may have dropped several points due to the intraday price action, which of course modifies the fib numbers.
Just thinking about it, it's aroused my curiosity and I think I'll do it anyway. Here's what I'll do. I'll take the latest Mr. Market pick, and take automatic intraday S2 entries when and where they appear, and take profit at the very next intraday R2 (probably a couple/several days). I'll repeat this process of swing trading that pick, until Mr.Market's next pick, or his target is reached. For protection, I'll use stops, and I'll look to drill down on the specifics of that after more thought. I'm thinking maybe something mathematically definable like STOP=(S1-S2)x2, which will make it consistent, easy to calculate and leave discretion and emotion completely out of it.
If nothing else, it will be fun to watch how Mr.Market's picks behave relative to intraday Fib supports. Maybe we'll all learn something useful from that....
I'll post the charts, entries/exits in my thread for anyone that's interested in following it.