I bought 2000 shares at an average cost of 5.90 on Tuesday and bailed this afternoon at 5.82 for a .08 loss on the 2000 shares. It looks to me like it wants to fill the gap from tuesday to around 5.60 area. I would enter again at that area if it finds some support there but it just didn't have enough juice to break an hold above that 6 resistance line this time around. I think it's going to have to show more in the line of earnings and subscriber strength to break above that an hold it. It seems that signing on big names isn't going to cut it right now an that the big money is content to watch for the time being and want to see the beef and the money before committing. I thought that the gap up on Tuesday was going to propel it up but no cigar right now. Sooner or later it will go off but todays drop, even on the much lighter volume, brought out the realist in me. I'll be keeping a close eye on it for a quick entry if it does but right now I think playing the waiting game might get you a better and lower entry price. It's down even a little more in the AH on close to a million shares or so.
Decisions, decisions (SIRI)
What moves SIRI
Ski, Webs,
What moves the stock price of SIRI is not earnings, don't you agree? They don't have any. Kinda like one of those dot.com/dot.bomb stocks of 2000.
What moved SIRI's spike the last couple of days was the news that XMSR was going to raise its rates to match SIRI's monthly subscription of $12.95. Nothing fundamentally changed within SIRI.
Conclusion: the Spike is short-lived, and the shorters are now ready to pounce.
re siri long here http://www.mrmarketishuge.com/forum/...&postcount=388
out this morning for a push. Channel long day not responding. I'll watch a reaction to a gap fill at 5.60 and might reenter.