take a look

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  • RL
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2003
    • 1215

    take a look

    Received this e-mail Nov. 20th. Its afree trial sent no money thought I would
    see what It was all about. If any of you would like I will send the Info on thier trades or you can go to the web sight yourself. Not my type of trading and to exspensive for me Let me know.

    Saturday, November 20, 2004

    Dear Ray,

    Welcome to AnotherWinningTrade.com. Our service focuses
    on delivering quality trading ideas for the elite investor
    that has the financial wherewithal and market nimbleness
    to profit on small moves in a stock's price.

    If you have AOL, MSN, Hotmail, Yahoo or Spam
    checking software for your email please add:

    support @ AnotherWinningTrade . com

    to your friends list now or select it as 'Not Spam'.

    So here's how our service works...

    Become a member and you will be provided with email alerts
    intended to provide you with the chance to make many,
    many profitable trades without the time and expense
    associated with sifting through the endless maze of
    investment newsletters and other materials.

    Since Anthony started the Another Winning Trade service on
    October 29, 2001, we have had 190 positions payoff and
    4 losing positions (we currently have 3 open
    positions).** This is current through Saturday, November 20, 2004.

    As promised, we're going to show you the actual trade
    table that has created his track record. Imagine if you
    could have been in on some or all of these trades. You'll
    notice we're not swinging for the fences here, but only
    looking to hit consistently one single after another. At
    the end of the week, month or year, we hope to be way
    ahead in the cumulative payoff from each trade.

    Oh and by the way, if you do decide to trade with us, be
    sure to get a good inexpensive discount broker. That way
    your transaction costs become minimal.

    And finally, I'd like to extend to you a very special
    discount rate and a comped 30 day trial. Check it out live
    and you will see how it all works before you commit a
    single dime. You'll also have full access to the members
    only section with more valuable information and strategy.

    Select here for the trade table:

    www . anotherwinningtrade . com / trades / table . html

    All trades are by ticker symbol, exact purchase price and
    the date and price sold. If you see two buys and two dates
    bunched together, then that means he averaged down that

    SPECIAL NOTE: As with ALL of his email trade alerts, you
    receive them BEFORE Anthony actually places a trade and
    all emails come with a time and date stamp to the exact

    When you're ready, come back to this link (below) to get
    your membership active - remember it's comped for 30 days
    and this special price here of $147 is $50 off the
    rack rate advertised on our main page.

    www . AnotherWinningTrade . com / winning47 . php

    SPECIAL YEARLY membership for $1295.
    Order within 24 Hours and get 6 months comped.
    That's a savings of over $1,000 off our main rate on the web site!

    www . AnotherWinningTrade . com / winning12 . php

    AnotherWinningTrade.com Newsletter
    2476 Bolsover Street Suite 404
    Houston, TX 77005
    (800) 411-7716
    support @ AnotherWinningTrade . com

    NEWSLETTER to your investor peers who are also serious about
    consistently making trades that pay off in the stock market today.

    They can subscribe here:

    www . AnotherWinningTrade . com
    Last edited by Karel; 05-01-2008, 04:02 AM. Reason: links munged
    Ray Long
  • Karel
    • Sep 2003
    • 2199

    Originally posted by RL
    ... Welcome to AnotherWinningTrade.com. Our service focuses
    on delivering quality trading ideas for the elite investor
    that has the financial wherewithal and market nimbleness
    to profit on small moves in a stock's price. ...
    So you have only yourself to blame ...
    My Investopedia portfolio
    (You need to have a (free) Investopedia or Facebook login, sorry!)


    • phobophobia

      I'm amazed at how many expert traders there are with paid membership websites. *rolls eyes* Don't bother.


      • New-born baby
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2004
        • 6095

        paid investing advice


        I'd be scared of their advice, too. I think most of these guys--not all, but most--have discovered that it is easier to make money selling investment advice that it is investing. You know what they say: "If you can't do, then teach."
        pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


        • phobophobia

          Originally posted by New-born baby

          I'd be scared of their advice, too. I think most of these guys--not all, but most--have discovered that it is easier to make money selling investment advice that it is investing. You know what they say: "If you can't do, then teach."
          Technically, they don't even need to have any stock-picking talent. They could either a. copy what the other websites say or b. say that they had picked all the "big winners" beforehand without really having been involved at all.

          Yeah, I love that quote. It really does have a lot of truth in it, (especially with people involved with the stock market--picking good stocks is almost guaranteed to be more lucrative than starting a subscription-based stock tip website).

          Same old scams
          (nice talking with you, new-born)


          • RL
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2003
            • 1215

            Received another e-mail today from INVESTMENTHOUSE2.COM Same thing as above be careful [WONDER WHERE THEY OBTAINED MY E-MAIL] If It's to good to be true It Is. Did not mean to sway anyone just trying to warn new Investrors what Is out there
            Ray Long


            • scifos
              Senior Member
              • Jan 2004
              • 790

              Originally posted by New-born baby

              I'd be scared of their advice, too. I think most of these guys--not all, but most--have discovered that it is easier to make money selling investment advice that it is investing. You know what they say: "If you can't do, then teach."
              Exactly, if it really made money, they wouldn't bother trying to sell the system, they'd be too busy using it. I only gave it a cursory glance, but it looks pretty lame. Commision would eat me alive if I tried that.
              Buy Low
              Sell High
              STAY FROSTY!

