Looks like its run by ameritrade but ultra low commissions. A zero frills brokerage. I barely use any of the services my broker offers, I do my own research and mostly use other websites. Any comments?
Freetrade Brokerage?
Freetrade Brokerage?
Looks like its run by ameritrade but ultra low commissions. A zero frills brokerage. I barely use any of the services my broker offers, I do my own research and mostly use other websites. Any comments?Buy Low
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Cheap--but cheap
Banana Man,
My kicks with the program is that one must pay a $15 monthly fee for streaming quotes. Wow. That's cheap. And to have a stock list, they want me to cough up $20. $10 limit orders (Ameritrade is $10.99 everyday). They aren't saving me any money.
If every order was a market order, if I had access to streaming quotes without them anyway, then they make a great deal. All I need to do is buy a second computer, use my Scottrade account to watch the thing, and buy with Freetrade. Now that's cheap!
I don't use them (yet) but I believe that interactivebrokers.com is actually cheaper than freetrade.
$1/100 shares, min $10/quarter commissions.
by the way NBB, you don't need 2 computers to do what you're suggesting. Just open Scottrader in one window, and Freetrade with another, and you're good to go. But having a computer dedicated specifically to trading is always a good idea anyway, as you won't run as high a risk of it being down for some reason.Last edited by jiesen; 12-03-2004, 06:25 PM.
*Bump* anybody else use freetrade or another ultra low commission service? I'm shopping around for a new broker. They must make their money by accepting payments from market makers for routing orders to them.
BTW Newborn, see this page: http://www.freetrade.com/documents/h..._schedule.html
The $10 for limit orders is for EXTENDED HOURS. Quoting from the above page:
Commissions apply to regular session market, limit, stop, and stop-limit trades.
Number of TradesCommission per Trade
Your first 20 trades $0
Your trades 21-100 $3
Your trades 101-200 $2
Your trades 201 & above $1Last edited by scifos; 03-14-2005, 02:39 AM.Buy Low
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no, i've been with an online broker for 3 years. I think it was my limited account size and the fact that I'm a student with no job (thus they don't want to extend margin to me, and all freetrade accts are margin enabled)Buy Low
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