Originally posted by jiesen
I have 3k in a roth right now (2003 contribution), 26 shares of SPY, in at around 111.00. All i hear is people saying to max it out every year.... and I can still do that for 2004... so if I do that, would it be wise to purchase another 25 or so shares of SPY at this level, around 119.00? I don't feel I have enough money in the account to diversify with individual stocks at this point (As I've learned in the past). And another quick question..... the max contribution for the year is 3k, between roth and traditional IRAs..... well when I worked this summer, the company began to take some money out of my paycheck and put it into a 401k without my knowledge, and so when I quit in September I had to convert it into a traditional IRA.... so does that $500 count as a contribution for this year, meaning I can only contribute $2500 to my roth?
Thanks so much for your help, I rarely post but always check in to see whats going on.