As Web's World Turns

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  • rix
    Junior Member
    • Dec 2009
    • 6

    hey webs, u have made me some money and hopefully you have helped me make a lot more money (JBII) however, "your own show!!!" let me tell ya "your no JIM CRAMER" ROFL!!!!


    • Websman
      Senior Member
      • Apr 2004
      • 5545

      Originally posted by rix View Post
      hey webs, u have made me some money and hopefully you have helped me make a lot more money (JBII) however, "your own show!!!" let me tell ya "your no JIM CRAMER" ROFL!!!!
      That's right...I am no Jim Cramer...I'm better.


      • skiracer
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2004
        • 6314

        Originally posted by Websman View Post
        That's right...I am no Jim Cramer...I'm better.
        we're all legends in our own minds webs. some moreso than others.


        • Websman
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2004
          • 5545

          Originally posted by Belaruski View Post
          we're all legends in our own minds webs. some moreso than others.
          Nobody is as huge as Mr Market...


          • Websman
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2004
            • 5545

            I feel another JBII explosion coming very soon....


            • Websman
              Senior Member
              • Apr 2004
              • 5545

              ADAT...The next huge stock..compliments of my old buddy Belaruski...Buy it, hold it, and watch the mf'r fly...


              • billyjoe
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2003
                • 9014

                There is only 1 red position in my portfolio and 10 very green ones. But I'm holding on.



                • billyjoe
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2003
                  • 9014

                  Can it really be true?



                  • billyjoe
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2003
                    • 9014

                    Good ole Webs!

                    I did not sell all of my JBII and am now just .13 from breaking even. If I were younger and more nimble I'd be heading to Niagara Falls for the shareholders meeting and P2O demonstation. Webs will be there . He'll be the guy with the monacle and tophat coming out of the limo.jejeje!



                    • riverbabe
                      Senior Member
                      • May 2005
                      • 3373

                      Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
                      Good ole Webs!

                      I did not sell all of my JBII and am now just .13 from breaking even. If I were younger and more nimble I'd be heading to Niagara Falls for the shareholders meeting and P2O demonstation. Webs will be there . He'll be the guy with the monacle and tophat coming out of the limo.jejeje!

                      I'm thinking of going. Sure you won't consider it? I'd give you and Mrs. BJ my king-sized bed overnight Friday if you drive in and on to NF 3-1/2 hours the next day. But you'll need your pasport. And get you a reduced Marriott rate Saturday, back Sunday with the same arrangements? Come on BJ, you need to get out of the house and meet some real friends!!! RSVP!!! River


                      • billyjoe
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2003
                        • 9014

                        Originally posted by riverbabe View Post
                        I'm thinking of going. Sure you won't consider it? I'd give you and Mrs. BJ my king-sized bed overnight Friday if you drive in and on to NF 3-1/2 hours the next day. But you'll need your pasport. And get you a reduced Marriott rate Saturday, back Sunday with the same arrangements? Come on BJ, you need to get out of the house and meet some real friends!!! RSVP!!! River
                        Sorry but the Mrs. has to work. You know those crazy hospital hours. My passport has lapsed and JBII says they have to get your confirmation by Friday to gain admittance. So it looks as if it'll just be you and Webs. I'll bet he's very entertaining. Oh, I can hear the stories already about you, Webs, and John B. Bring me back one of the first cups of P2 oil if you can. Or a monogramed drink coaster.



                        • skiracer
                          Senior Member
                          • Dec 2004
                          • 6314

                          Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
                          Sorry but the Mrs. has to work. You know those crazy hospital hours. My passport has lapsed and JBII says they have to get your confirmation by Friday to gain admittance. So it looks as if it'll just be you and Webs. I'll bet he's very entertaining. Oh, I can hear the stories already about you, Webs, and John B. Bring me back one of the first cups of P2 oil if you can. Or a monogramed drink coaster.

                          Billy, that sounded like an invitation that you shouldnt pass up. maybe a once in a lifetime chance.


                          • riverbabe
                            Senior Member
                            • May 2005
                            • 3373

                            Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
                            Sorry but the Mrs. has to work. You know those crazy hospital hours. My passport has lapsed and JBII says they have to get your confirmation by Friday to gain admittance. So it looks as if it'll just be you and Webs. I'll bet he's very entertaining. Oh, I can hear the stories already about you, Webs, and John B. Bring me back one of the first cups of P2 oil if you can. Or a monogramed drink coaster.

                            Excuses, excuses, excuses (sigh). The chance of a lifetime! (ala Ski). Shoot, BJ, it could have been real fun! When's the last time you had a private tour of all Canadian NF has to offer? From someone who knows it from top to bottom and then some? You could get an expedited passport. Mrs. BJ would probably welcome getting out of the house and the hospital for a weekend. Heck, she could get somebody to cover for her, I KNOW these things! Come on BJ, live a little and take a chance! You will be well looked after! Please reconsider!


                            • billyjoe
                              Senior Member
                              • Nov 2003
                              • 9014

                              Alas, it's not to be. You and Webs will have to carry on without me. I'll relive the P2O experience through your words and photos.



                              • riverbabe
                                Senior Member
                                • May 2005
                                • 3373


                                Webs, are you really coming to Niagara Falls??? I'm not going alone. Heck, what fun would that be? Please let me know by Friday, if we have to register. River

