Some responses on $$$Mr.Market$$$'s invitation to do the poll made me realise that not everyone logs in when he/she visits the board. Do! Why shouldn't you! After all, oyou need to log in to have access to all those nice features like Private Messages (you get a notice when someone PM's you), you can post, and you can participate in polls.
When you check Remember me when you log in, you only have to do it once.
Of course you need to register before you can log in. If you are really interested in $$$Mr.Market$$$ and his picks, do it! You get an email notification of all buys and sells, and all the benefits a user of this board has. I know some people can't stand the emails. We are sorry for you.
When you check Remember me when you log in, you only have to do it once.
Of course you need to register before you can log in. If you are really interested in $$$Mr.Market$$$ and his picks, do it! You get an email notification of all buys and sells, and all the benefits a user of this board has. I know some people can't stand the emails. We are sorry for you.