One Hot Stock

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  • guninpocket

    One Hot Stock

    My pick of the year, DHB, think it will double and split before the end of this year. Still at a great entry point, as they are bringing out new contracts monthly. This stock will roll for a few years, R & D are constanly changing to new needs by DOD. Haven't even tapped the foreign markets yet as demand from the DOD is to great at this time. New products coming on line, (ballistic blankets) big need to create a bombproof mess hall and meeting rooms. At a good enty point right now of $22.50 and should go much higher short and long term. This one is a keeper, I plan on holding it for atleast another year and making a killing. New mutual funds and institutions are jumping on board weekly and still really a unknown name to wall street, thats going to change soon. Should get an upgrade this week and I'm going to be adding to my position Monday morning. This stock is a no brainer, every member of the military is going to be issued a vest as standard equipment. Do you DD and then buy some, make yourself some easy money in "05".

  • #2
    DHB has been a good stock to me. I traded it a few times with much success. I would agree with your write up on this company. I will wait for a pull back in price before I consider jumping back in. I see the demand for their product will remain strong for sometime. I’ll be patient and wont chase it.


    • Websman
      Senior Member
      • Apr 2004
      • 5545

      I agree. DHB will be a double for 2005.


      • #4
        What's going on with DHB today? Its down over 7%. Is it a god time go get in?



        • #5
          DHB is a great stock. Have been in CRDN approx. 2 years, like it a little better. Both should do well. I like stocks that split.


          • #6

            Wonder where it is going?


            • #7

              I like DHB. Just got in at 20.62. I think there's plenty of juice left.



              • canaveraldan

                I just bought back in at 20.65. With the new contracts and future business I think this will be a good long term stock. I'm back in at least through January. I am putting a stop loss order at 19.70. Keeping the fingers crossed and the mouse off the sell hyper-link.


                • #9
                  Second time in 3 days that DHB has bounced off 19.30


                  • canaveraldan

                    The CEO and his wife dumped 10627850 shares of stock in the last two days. Hmm, thats a little over 200 million dollars. Late Christmas present? Anyway, I am bullish on this stock. Good sector, good management and good profits. The only hard part is the volitility.



                    • #11
                      Could we see a 38% retrace? I’m beginning to think it is possible


                      • Websman
                        Senior Member
                        • Apr 2004
                        • 5545

                        ouch...I'm glad I closed out my DHB position. I'll have to consider getting back in once it bottoms out. Just dropped to $19.11.

                        I think we may see that 38% retracement...maybe even more.


                        • #13
                          Keep an eye on it around here.


                          • #14
                            38% retrace 18.99 now what will it do? Bounce or come on down to the 50%?


                            • #15
                              I’m thinking 38% might have been the play with stop 18.62 or 2%. If 18.62 gets taken out them I’d wait for 50% retrace. Any comments?

